Baribos A.K.A Periwinkle

The Fallen God of Whispers and Secrets Baribos (a.k.a. Periwinkle the Bringer of Death)

Before the Fall

Baribos was once considered a God of Knowledge and Truth, and many prayed in temples to him. Telling him, their truths of the world and their different experiences. Although Baribos was a God of Knowledge, he wasn't a God of Advise or Wisdom. So no matter how much his follows begged, Baribos never gave a single peace of advise to any of his followers. He would tell them facts of the world but opinion was never something he gave out. While he listened to all those who prayed in his temples, he payed especially close attention to those that would come to him with secrets. The worse the secret was the more tempted Baribos to share his knowledge.
  Baribos was a smart god however. He knew that if his followers secrets came into the light, than their trust in him would become non-existent and he would lose his status as a god. Baribos was a son to the prime gods, Wisdom and Knowledge, and ruled over the domain and concept of Truth. However Baribos soon discovered that what one person considers the truth, another would consider it a lie. So Baribos spent time with his father Knowledge so that he could discern for himself what the truths of the world are. Which in all of it's entirety, was rather boring.
  After many centuries of strong devotion, Baribos began to slip from his concept. All while walking on the grey line of his own. See, Baribos began to grow interest in perceived truths. People would come to Baribos with lies and secrets that they believed to be true, and Baribos stopped correcting them. To his surprise, sometimes by doing nothing, the lies began to become truths. But this quickly bored the God. It was the corrupting nature of lies that seemed to catch his interest and the root cause of these lies was the truth.
  Baribos took interest in those that would hide a truth with lies. Baribos could easily see through lies and falsehoods but he still took an interest in the truths that were hidden under hundreds of layers of lies. Those truths were always his favorite to uncover. He would take the form of a stripped ferret and would sneak around places where these secrets would be shared. A secret shared with a God of Truth was a truth that could be shared with anyone the God sees fit. Whether they knew it or not, and to no surprise of Baribos the best secrets rested among the gods.

A Trick That Went Too Far

Baribos started spending a lot of his time hiding in the domains of other Gods and Goddesses that he started being neglegante of his duties. He had stopped spending time in his temples and people began to wonder if Baribos had disappeared. Many Gods didn't care about the disappearance of Baribos due to the fact that there were others that could take his place, but for Mortals a disappearance of such a major god was a troubling issue and caused severe chaos among his followers. Some feeling so betrayed by the disappearance of their god that they became cultist and oathbreakers, and turned on thoses that decided to wait for their gods return. Gods do not have to abide by the same rules as mortals do, but they do abide by rules of their own. This is in order to keep a balance among the gods. For example Gods of Death can not remove life at such a rate that Gods of Life can replace. This is because if there is no life than there is no more death and all the Gods bound to the concept of life and death and the branches related to it would cease to exist. This is a big example cause many gods fall under life and death so the balance must remain perfect. Balance is so important amongst the gods that breaking the rules and in turn the balance can not be tolerated and the Gods that due break this balance must fall.

Banishment and A New Look


The Day He Will Return

Divine Classification
Fallen God
Red and fluid like balls of blood
Fur as white and pure as untouched snow
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
As white and pure as untouched snow


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