Constellation Elixirs

Orion: Potion brewed under the constellation of Orion's belt. Drinking this potion grants advantage on Survival checks for the next 8 hours. While in effect you can easily hunt enough food to feed 8 people and can quickly find safe shelter. You also gain resistance to poison and traveling does not cause exhaustion.
  Andromeda: Potion brewed under the constellation of Andromeda. Drinking this potion grants advantage on all grapple checks for the next 10 minutes. If a monster is immune to being grappled the advantage cancels out but you do become able to grapple those with immunity. If the grapple lasts 3 rounds the target becomes restrained, as chains made of stars wrap around the target for 1 minute.
  Apus: Potion brewed under the constellation of Apus. Drinking this potion grants advantage on persuasion and performance checks for the next 8 hours. If you spend more than 10 minutes talking to a person they must make a DC 10 Wisdom save or fall under the effects of a charm person spell. The save must be made every 10 minutes with the DC increasing by 1 after each success.
  Canis: Potion brewed under the constellation of Canis Major or Minor. Drinking this potion grants advantage of Perception or Investigation checks that rely on smell for the next 8 hours. You also gain advantage on Animal Handling checks if you are using it on a canine of any kind. Canines understand the gist of any command given and will follow it to the best of their understanding.
  Scutum: Potion brewed under the constellation of Scutum. Drinking this potion grants you an AC of 20 without any gear for the next 8 hours. The only armor that can be stacked on top of this effect is a shield. Donning armor of any other kind does not affect your new AC. You also gain resistance to all non-magical Piercing, Slashing, or Bludgeoning damage.
  Vulpecula: Potion brewed under the constellation of Vulpecula. Drinking this potion grants advantage on all Deception and Sleight of Hand checks for the next 8 hours. Rolling a Natural 20 on any of these checks adds 1d10 GP to your coin purse without anyone, including yourself, noticing.
  Gemeni: Potion brewed under the constellation of Gemini. Drinking this potion creates an illusionary double that follows beside you for the next 10 minutes. While the potion is in effect you are under the effect of the Mirror image spell with 1 duplicate. However, the duplicate does not fade after being struck. Instead it sticks around for the full 10 minutes.
  Chamaeleon: Potion brewed under the constellation of Chamaeleon. Drinking this potion grants advantage on stealth checks for the next 8 hours. During this time you can cast Disguise Self without expending a spell slot. You can also take the hide action without any cover.
  Aquarius: Potion brewed under the constellation of Aquarius. Drinking this potion grants Water Walking and Water Breathing for the next 8 hours. While this potion is in effect you can cast Summon Elemental at 4th level without expending a spell slot once. The Elemental is always a Water Elemental.
  Aries: Potion brewed under the constellation of Aries. Drinking this potion lets you shove as a bonus attack. You have advantage on the Athletics check. On success they are pushed 10 ft away from you and fall prone. On a failure they are pushed 5 ft and do not fall prone. You can shove a creature up to 2 sizes above your own as the might of the Ram does not care who or what it rams.
  Cancer: Potion brewed under the constellation of Cancer. Drinking these potions cause a hard exo-skeleton to form around you. While in this form you can not wear armor but your AC becomes an 18. All damage is reduced by 10 points except physic as your shell protects you from outside harm.
  Ophiuchus: Potion brewed under the constellation of Ophiuchus. Drinking this potion allows the user to perform the maximum amount of healing from either a healer's kit using the healer feat or through spells. (Potions are not affected by this) If you fall to 0 hit points, you immediately stabilize at the start of your turn. If you are afflicted with poison you can spend an action to shed your skin removing the poisoned condition. You can only do this once. The potion last 10 minutes.
  Pegasus: Potion brewed under the constellation of Pegasus. Drinking this potion grants you a flight speed of 60 ft for the next 8 hours. You also become immune to the prone condition and have advantage on Dex saves while in the air. If you succeed a dex save and would normally take half damage, you instead take none.
  Phoenix: Potion brewed under the constellation of the Phoenix. Drinking this potion as a living being has no effect. Giving the potion to a person who has died within the last minute brings the person back to life wreathed in flames. For the next 24 hours they have immunity to fire damage and any fire damage they deal is doubled.
  Sagittarius: Potion brewed under the constellation of Sagittarius. Drinking this potion adds a +10 to all ranged attacks for the next hour. You also crit on 18, 19, 20. Those stuck with a crit shot must make a DC 13 con save or be stunned for the next minute. They can repeat the save at the end of their turns.
  Taurus: Potion brewed under the constellation of Taurus. Drinking this potion grants advantage on all strength checks and saves for the next 8 hours. You can also not be moved unless you will it. You also gave advantage against being frightened.


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