Dogfolk Species in Arus | World Anvil


Dogfolk, sometimes referred to as Dogekin, resemble a cross between common dog breeds and humans. Most have the bodies of a human with the head of dog, and from a distance resemble a dog standing on it's hind legs. There are two common types of dogfolk, the standard man-sized dogfolk and the smaller "toy" dogfolk.   Strong hunters and trustworthy companions who work hard at any task they set their mind to. They have been known to have a work ethic to work till they no longer have the strength to stand and they would still work. Many end up being Paladins, Rangers, and the toy dogfolke became well known bards and scholars. Using their charisma and minds to stand with their taller counterpart.   Dogfolk speak Common and a Canine, which constitutes a series of woofs, borfs, whines, and howls. Smarter dogfolk tend to pick up gnoll and halfling as well, but they are few and far between.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

There are considered two different types or breeds of Dogfolk. The large type that just goes by Dogfolke take on the characteristics of German Shepperd's, Labs, St. Bernard's, and Mastiffs. The smaller breed are known as toys. They take on the characteristics of Corgis, Pugs, Italian Greyhounds, and Terriers. Either variant is capable of producing the other when mating.

Growth Rate & Stages

Puppy Phase: Ages 0-8
Young Phase: Ages 8-12
Adult Phase: Ages 12-30
Senior Phase: Ages 30-40
Elder Phase: Ages 40-50

Biological Cycle

Long haired breeds shed their winter coats in the spring. Leaving a hairy trail behind them. As fall approaches Dogfolk's appetite grows twofold as they work to put on body fat for the cold winters that their race grew in.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Dogfolke have a small noble line. They have a head family. Those born down this direct line are the only ones that hold true power of the race as a whole. Those that do not end up on the thrown still get some land to rule over as their own with no ones word above their own, except for that of the King and Queen. There has only ever been one toy Dogfolke noble but after their short rein toy Dogfolke were removed from their powers of a noble and banished for the shame they brought to the bloodline.
Dogfolke are given Citizenship when they swear themselves to the King at the age of five. Those born to slaves do not get this chance. Citizenship grants a Dogfolke the right to work and live in the capital. It also grants the right to own property in any Dogfolke territory. But citizenship is easily lost and rarely given back. Many fall under such heavy debt trying to gain citizenship back that they fall into slavery
Workers are known as Dogfolke that have taken the job that best fits their breed type. Bloodhounds being hunters or bounty chasers. German shepherds as guards, St. Bernards working in the mountains. Workers make more money since due to the fact that they receive a bonus from the king for willing fitting in the puzzle.
The kingdom's capital was built on the back of it's slaves. Their military having a handful of nobles to run it with power, about half of it was volunteers and the remaining third are slaves. Forced to fight for their country that has stripped them of their rights. Most noble shops are run by slaves they have bought and dressed to fit the part. Cuffs and collars mark their statues. Freeing slaves is under the ground of treason if they are not your own or by order of a noble. But most of those jobs were given to the larger dogfolke. Toys where mainly used as servants in personal homes and entertainers. Jesters and vocalist the like. If they were studious before enslavement they were but to work in libraries and research areas but were banned from reading the contents under their care unless told otherwise. The collars and cuffs were made with a magic steel that shrinks to the owners desires. Mainly used for punishment and to keep them from wandering or trying to escape. Many owners set collars to kill upon owners death and shrink to harm so slaves would never try and attack their owners.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Dogfolk have a strong sense of smell that sits above a lot of other races. Bloodhound Dogfolk are known to be bounty hunters and very good ones. Although their sight is half decent it never comes close to their smell. Most Dogfolk have a strong enough sense of smell to be able to track an animal from miles away. Their strong sense of territory made them able to be one of the strongest gaurded nations that still stands.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

Kingdom of Fenrisia

Slave Market

Royal Line

Church of the Goodest Boi
Organization | Sep 21, 2023

Common Myths and Legends

The Tale of the Best Boi

Ancestral Traits

Those of dog folk ancestry have the following traits.   Age. Dog folk mature quickly, reaching adulthood in just 7 years, with lifespans of roughly 50 years.   Size. Dog folk vary widely in size and shape, ranging from four feet to six feet tall. Your size is Medium.   Speed. Your base speed is 30 feet.   Bite. Your canine teeth are natural weapons, which you can use to make unarmed strikes. On a hit, you deal slashing damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier.   Enhanced Sense. As a result of your canine heritage, you have one well-honed sense, either hearing or smell. You have advantage on any Wisdom (Perception) check that relies on your chosen sense.   Fur coat. Some dog folk have heavy coats, whereas others have a coat fit for hot weather. Choose whether you have a short coat or a long thick coat. If you have a thick coat, you have resistance to cold damage. If you have a short, sleek coat, your base speed is 35 feet.  

Cultural Traits

Dog folk communities often form small tribes or packs of close-knit kin and companions, hunting together. Despite the focus on hunting, the leaders of such communities usually are the most charismatic of the pack, rather than the strongest or fastest, though those traits are valued as well. Charisma, competence, and kindness define dog folk communities, with loyalty being the most valued virtue of all.   Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2 and your Charisma by 1.   Alignment. Members of dog folk communities tend to form close knit bonds with their kin and companions, doing whatever is necessary to help when they are in need. This loyalty and compassion tend them toward goodness.   Dog Charm. Though not very good liars, members of dog folk communities often exude a kind of natural charisma that makes it hard not to like them. You have proficiency in the Persuasion skill.   The Thrill of the Chase. Dog folk communities revel in the hunt, particularly chasing game. You have proficiency in the Athletics skill.   Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language.
50 years
Average Height
Dogfolke: Around 5 and half feet to 6 feet tall. Toy Dogfolke: Around 3-4 feet tall
Average Weight
Dogfolke: 200-250 lbs Toy Dogfolke: 70-120 lbs
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