Lady of Roses Character in Arus | World Anvil

Lady of Roses

(a.k.a. Lady of Roses)

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

A constant shifting and weaving of flower petals creates the illusion of downwards movement. For the most part, her "dress" takes on this affect and for the parts that are bare skin takes on pinkish to purple hues. Her fairy form takes on a simple red rose dress with velvety red rose petal wings to follow. Her face holds untold beauty that prevents one from looking away, but once one does they can't seem to recall what her face looked like, but knows it was exceedingly beautiful, and many wish to look upon it again. From the outside she always seems to travel alone. But to those that know her, know about the hundreds of rose guards that constantly protect and watch over their queen. She shares a hive mind with all of her creations. Using this connection, she watches over both the fey realm and the mundane realm.

Special abilities

Illusions: The Lady of Roses is known for her ability to create powerful illusions that she uses to keep the mortals occupied while she toys with them. From horrors to delights, all depending on the mood she is in.
Hive mind: Being connected to hundreds of thousands of creatures at once is no simple task, but the Lady of Roses has been doing it for centuries. Using her guards to keep her up to date with the goings of the Fey realm and mundane realm. Keeping a close eye on those that have her interest.
Plant manipulation.: From creating her home to her soldiers, The Lady of Roses is well know for her skills with plant life. Especially roses. Duh. But to consider this unimportant or significant has been the death of too many men. Although the rose guards are small and lethal and easy to control, her territory is known to hold monsters.
Divine Classification
Current Status
Being a Patron for a character
Current Residence
The Feywilds
Deep red with iris' like flower petal veins
Shades of reds to purples
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pinkish purple
Between a foot tall to 7 feet tall
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