Session 2/18/22

General Summary

The group returns where they left off as more lights appear around them. Quickly turning into fire bolts the party is assailed from all angles. Feyrith and Caerso end up take two hits from the ambush. Reacting quickly Feyrith sees the imps with his darkvision and moves his dancing lights to light up some of the imps hiding in the darkness. Caerso lights a torch to help the others see around them as he is healed by Ballad. The group gets into position as the imps makes their moves against the party. Hephaestus takes a surprising blow but it's immunity to poison makes it significantly less effective. Sylver and Caerso fend off their assalants. With the imps on the attack Ballad springs forward and slices an imp attacking Sylver in two. Besides their frightening sting, they really couldn't take a hit. One after another the imps begin to fall having realized that the group was well versed in close combat. Feyrith runs off towards two other imps hidning in the darkness. Noticing that they have been seen the imps jump on the attack and land two deadly hits on Feyrith as he falls to the ground. Ballad sees Feyrith fall and bring him back with a firm smack of the ass. Caerso and Sylver jump on the offensive and take out Feyrith's attackers.
  Having taken care of their ambushers, they return to their search for the trail. Caerso find a small walked trail. Nothing too obvious but is leaves enough of an impression that someone walks this trail regularly but not wide enough that would lead to believe that no more than one person walks this trail. Light's summoned by Feyrith, lead the group forward deeper into the dark forest till they stumble upon a charcoaled shack hiding in the woods. The grass and nearby trees also signed to dry black statues of their former selves. The party wonders the outside looking for signs of life and a way inside. Caerso having all the skill in the word makes two new holes in the wall before ever even trying the door.
  Looking around inside the group finds very little besides a bed and a small table/desk. Very little findings where inically found with the bed but the desk held a few letters and a few photos. Many of the letters in some kind of agressive print that seemed either Orcish or Goblin. As well as a few letters written in elegant Elvish. These, the party can read to be simply what they are. Blackmail and threats from the Elder. Threating him to keep his relations a secret or threat of harm and the loss of his job that the Elder forced upon him. As the group scans through the few photos that lay on the desk. The one on top and wrinkled with damage showed a man standing in his full forge uniform that had a face plate for protecting the face from the hot coal of the forge. Standing next to him is the Forgemaster and the Elder who are both smiling in the photo. The second one holds a simple portfolio of a young man that had his face parcially covered by a large scarf that sat around his shoulders. And the final photo was of an orcish woman holding a young boy in her hand. A boy of fair skin and pointed ears. But what catches the party's eye is the boy's smile. Filling his bottom jaw are two orcish tusk.
  Not finding anything else really in the small shack most of the party makes their way outside to look for tracks to follow except for Feyrith. Staying behind to catch detect magic. While the party looks outside they find two pairs of footprints. A heavy set of one that has nothing to hide. While a second set of soft stepped foot prints that seemed to stick close to walls and trees. Sneaking around as if trying not to be seen. After the ritual was done, Feyrith feels a small magically presense under the bed that seems to be a small crack in the floor board that seemed to be leaking a soft red light. The party tries to lift the floor boards for a better veiw but find that this crack wasn't in the floor but in the fabric of space. Curiousity gets too much for the party as most go to reach into the crack. Feyrith and Sylver getting their shit wrecked and Caerso feeling a gently brush on his brain. A soft female voice answering that "Sadly, he is already spoken for." Sylver seeing the hellscapes but also a thick deep red cord as if soaked in blood. Knowing that anything down this thread would lead to a bloody death.
  Making their way out after a short rest in the shack they begin to follow the freshest set of heavy footprints that lead deeper into the woods. Thoth leading the group as they make their way towards the smell of smoke. Stumbling through the dark the group arrives to a bon fire and a alter. A hooded figue standing at the alter as three bodies of wolves burning in the flames. Chanting coming from under the hood. The flames begin to consume the wolves bodies as they turn into hell hounds. Feeling like this is a good moment to strike the party steps out of hiding. As the hood falls back to reveal a degloved jaw of Damian. Two large scars where his tusks used to be. Pixie Caerso tries to fire off a transmutate but fails as the session comes to an end.

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Report Date
18 Feb 2022
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