History of Woodstock

The wooden Kingdom of Woodstock. Home to elves and firbolgs alike and the gate keepers to the Enchanted Forest.

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    Founding of Woodstock

    The founding of Woodstock happened around the same time as the founding of the two other elven kingdoms. With such a magical forest to the back of the nation Wood Elves and Eladrins made an alliance and combined their numbers into a combined nation. The Firbolg also joined these ranks as the original guardians of the Enchanted Forest. The Tri-council was formed and built the capital of their kingdom at the roots of a world tree. The other two made their way north to set up their own nations. Being one of the oldest countries currently standing, it started with a strong foundation. A work of mutualism for the common good for the country was formed. No one person stood above another since everyone had their own jobs but have worked the job of most others. Work in this manner caused a boom of social structure. A country that ran on the good will of it's people and their connection to nature.

    Additional timelines
  • 7536

    The World Wants the Forest
    Era beginning/end

    News of the Enchanted Forest didn't take long for it to spread to every corner of the world. A magical place that held every rare known material at the palm of their hands. Every Wizard, Alchemist, and Potion Master wanted their hands the the bounty of materials hidden in the forest depths. Animal trappers, Hunters and Poachers hunted the rare and dangerous game for fun since the forest seemed to create an endless supply. The forest quickly then became a turf war for druid circles. Each one wanting to claim more and more of this magical land. To the point it was no longer a kingdom for the elves and firbolgs. It became a tourist spot to gut the forest of it's resources and leaving it's citizens with almost nothing. If nothing was done then their people would lose their forest and their lives.

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    Natures Binding
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    As the people of Woodstock reached such a bond with nature that their bodies have changed. Their bodies become so used to taking in the magic rich pollen that falls from the world tree's branches. After a while these elves began to notice that those that did not live in the country were having a hard time producing offspring. Without the pollen their races didn't have the right amount of nutrients to be able to provide to offspring so they became infertile. Now their survival as a race relied on living near this world tree and it's pollen.

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    A voice for the World Tree
    Life, Birth

    As their kingdom grew and the dependency on the world tree's good health became more the necessary. And the Tree needed more than a spell to speak at this point without shattering the ears of their people. A gift from the Enchanted Forest was presented to the council. An unbonded Dryad baby. To offer her spirit to be bound to the tree and serve as it's voice in the kingdoms council. For 5 years the bonding process is done and the world tree bound dryad was born and given the name Atlas. The young dryad child aged quickly to match the maturity of it's bonded tree. With a year the young girl had aged into a young woman with the collective knowledge of her bonded tree. At this point the Tri-council stepped down from ruling the Kingdom and changed to advisors of the Elder Dryad.

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    Air of War
    Political event

    As the Kingdom changed their ruler caused an uproar among the other countries. Especially the Elven Kingdoms. Now that they didn't consider one of their own in the position of power. The Kingdoms say this as now an enemy nation that knew their secrets but wasn't letting others know theirs. This began a Civil war among the three nations. Mainly between Woodstock and the High Elven Kingdom of Algorim. But the Kingdom of the Drow saw an opportunity to take advantage of the situation. Sewing discord and chaos among the other countries ranks. After many years of fighting and bloodshed the party's agreed to leave each other alone but banned their ranks from entering their cities. Locking the countries off from one another. During this time the Kingdom of Aprya rose from the land offered by these countries along with a few others.

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    The Gates Close
    Geological / environmental event

    The Kingdom of Woodstock closed it's gates to the public. To keep a more monitored eye on the forest as well as who was entering and exiting. Banning poachers and hunters, from taking rare animals. Scientist and Researchers where watched severely and guarded at every turn. Not allowed to take from the forest or cause harm to it's eco system. This caused a lot of aggression with neighboring countries as they began to feel that secrets where forming against them and that the Kingdom of Woodstock would start to monopolize their resources. This aggression would eventually lead to a war between the three Elven Kingdoms.

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    Grudges Never Forgotten
    Era beginning/end

    After a few hundred years pass the Kingdoms of Shadowsilk and Algorim opened their gates again after being unable to remain locked in their land. The Kingdom of Woodstock did not. They had the ability to close their gates and require nothing from any other country. Many kingdoms had a hard time excepting this since they expected for Woodstock to open it's gates again and provide it's recourse to the people.
      When this didn't happen many countries took offence to this and wanted to go to war with Woodstock. But with many of their resources spent after the civil war many countries didn't have the recourses to face the Kingdom of Woodstock on it's own land. But many countries revoked their trade agreements and ally ship from Woodstock. Now resentment had formed between the Kingdom of Woodstock and the outside world. Locking it in for generations to come. Generations born to hate one another because of boundaries made over land.
      The gates where now more closed than they were before. Unless required by job of the Guild or invited to the Capital, outsiders were unwelcome from setting foot on Woodstock soil. To present day they remain this way. A country pushed into a corner due to the greed of the outside world.