Cyrrin Toldes Character in Arxios | World Anvil
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Cyrrin Toldes (She/They)

High Command

Cyrrin Toldes is the Praetor of the Delphi Royal Guard. In addition to being the Queen's primary protector, she commands all military force within the great city of Delphi. Her honor is unquestionable, and her word is law.

Hunter of Justice

Cyrrin's swift rise in the ranks began at the Battle of Eros, in 883CE. During talks of peace between Stopstalk's King Zeus and Queen Axima of the Dhucose Tribes. During the negotiations, an arrow from the elven side struck Zeus in cold blood, killing him instantly. The resulting bloodbath would be one of the most brutal engagements in the entire conflict between the Dhucose and Stopstalk.
However, it was during this chaos that a young squire, Cyrrin Toldes, noticed something that others ignored. She spotted the shooter up high on the cliffs behind the elven army, and chased after them with a burning fervor. The assassin attempted to escape during the fighting, dodging through the dense woods and disappearing, but Cyrrin was persistent, and tracked the assassin for weeks all through the forest to Moletown, where she brought them down. Cyrrin returned and marched up to the Gates of Titans, claiming she had avenged King Zeus. She brought back the assassin's head, along with their wicked longbow and greatarrows as proof. The kingdom rejoiced knowing their late King could rest. And Cyrrin was awarded a position in the Royal Guard.
Supposedly, that bow still adorns her quarters today, as a trophy of her greatest hunt.

She quickly proved herself more than a one-hit wonder, and rose to the rank of Praetor in 898 CE, 15 years after her initiation. During this time, she has initiated and supported many community and social programs, including the Young Centurions, a youth group dedicated to providing aid to lower-income families and community members.


Family Ties

Cyrrin was born a servant to House Maplecourt, who in turn serve House Wolfwood in the eastern forest. The Toldes family has served nobility for generations, until their prodigy Cyrrin assumed her rank as Praetor and had them moved to Delphi, in a beautiful manor on the isle of Crete.

Religious Views

Praetor Toldes is a devout member of the church of Viva Mori. She honors her god, Ghezen, in her work to improve the city each day.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Praetor of the Sovereign Legion, Harbinger of Justice, Hand of Ghezen, The Queen's Blade
Year of Birth
866 CE 33 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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