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Hiaya Yuurekka


A hot-blooded Konshi with a large weapon and a larger dog, Hiaya is a force to be reckoned with. She seeks to bring honor to Kondai and works every day to improve her skills!

Mental characteristics

Personal history

As a child, Hiaya attended Hyakki Yagyō like anyone else in her village, Yumeoka. She never felt it was very special, unlike her friends and fellow villagers, and it also happened on her birthday. Even as a child, Hiaya was more interested in becoming physically strong to attain her goals of being a great warrior and didn't much see the point in partying. But, as a proud member of the Konshi race, she kept tradition and attended the party year after year.

Ever since she was a child, she had recurring dreams of great beasts on her birthday. This often took away from the celebration's excitement for her and local priests thought perhaps it was due to the spirit world being so close to physical world on that day. On her 17th birthday, while the festival was in full-swing, she took a moment to breathe away from the crowd of spirits and villagers, taking an impromptu walk through the wooded area around the village.

A sense of alarm washed over her, as if she was being watched, but a force kept compelling her deeper and deeper into the forest. While her mind told her to turn around, she could not tell her feet to stop and she kept going. Prepared for the worst, perhaps a rogue Yōkai breaking the truce of the festival, she drew her kanabo. When she no longer felt compelled to walk, she was in the presence of a massive dog. In total absence of the compulsion, she immediately tried to leave the canine behind, but it simply followed her back to the village. It muscled its way into her home. It followed her to daily training. It sat by her during meals! She tried pawning him off on children, posted fliers for its would-be owner, and even tried to trick the beast into following a treat deep into the woods, but to no avail. She was stuck with him.

It wasn't until she had finally accepted that the dog was now her burden that she realized that her annual dream had never come to her. That night, with the hound sleeping at the food of her bed, she awoke with a start. A monstrous being was hovering just above her head... literally. The beast was floating in the air, its long trunk resting less than an inch above Hiaya's head. She inclined her head towards the beast, recognizing it immediately as the village's guardian spirit: the Baku. Knowing better than to offer insult, she remained silent and still.

It placed its trunk on her bare forehead, then it sunk directly into her skull! A rush of cold energy travelled down her spine as images projected into her head. With no words, it conveyed its thoughts. It had led a stray and wounded Temple Dog to her, knowing she had always been kind to the local spirit and it felt the match was fitting. It offered her nothing more than that and she lost consciousness shortly after. When she awoke, the temple dog was sitting at the foot of her bed, too intelligent eyes gazing expectantly at her.

She began training more rigorously than ever and redoubled her offerings and kindness to the local spirit. Her new training regiment included small amounts of animal training and joint-combat exercise with her newfound companion that she had come to call Taiki. While her yearly dreams had ceased, she regarded the spiritual world in a different life and made it her mission to learn more about them. When she heard that Kondai would be sending low ranking warriors to Edore to conduct research and build relations, she jumped at the chance to prove herself. With her loyal companion Taiki at her side, she went to the new continent, eager for new adventures and opportunities.

Morality & Philosophy

Hiaya prides herself on being loyal, motivated, and stalwart. When she dedicates herself to something, she will stay true to that; no matter the personal cost. Her motivation has led her to be a powerful fighter and she shows her dedication to her "craft" daily. Many believe that her "stalwart" behavior is actually stubbornness, as she is slow to change her mind and a poor listener. What she has in motivation, she lacks in diplomacy; often coming off as overly aggressive and dry.


Contacts & Relations

Friendly Relations


Since they have crossed paths Taiki and Hiaya have become inseparable. They share food, sleeping space, and sometimes Hiaya will even tear apart her worn out clothes to make beds for him (though he usually ends up sleeping on hers anyway).  

The Baku

The guiding deity of Yumeoka. He keeps the balance between in the resting world by consuming nightmares. He provided Hiaya with dreams of Taiki as well sending her to Edore.  

Friendly Relations

The Yūrei

A Yūrei that Hiaya suspected was originally tied to her village. She could be seen listening in on conversations, watching people walk from place to place, and has been the suspicion of several misfortunate events within Yumeoka. Hiaya spotted her once after her departure to Edore– bringing chills to her spine.

Religious Views

While religion is not the same in Kondai as it is in many other areas of the world, Hiaya does pay respects to her native village's guardian spirit, the Baku.
Lawful Neutral
Year of Birth
824 AD 23 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5 foot 6 inches
135 lbs

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Articles under Hiaya Yuurekka

Character Portrait image: Hiaya Yuurekka by VirusInk


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