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Sunder is a small town north of Macenti. Sunder boasts around 10 buildings. The only notable businesses are Yorick's Blacksmith, Gray's Cart service, a small back alley bakery, and Moss Oak Tavern. The largest house in the city acts as office and home for the Burgermeister Hanwin Goddard. The sorceress Minerva Evermead is the official put in place by the Macenti chapter of C.O.S.M.


Mostly inhabited by farmers, there is a "Celebrity" Blacksmith, a tavern, a small bakery, and a cart service. Due to orcish and bandit activity some farmers have taken to hiring guards to go with them to their farms.


Run by the duly appointed Burgermeister Hanwin Goddard and Sorceress Minerva Evermead. The King appoints the Burgermeister and the Circle of Sequestered Magics appointed the Sorceress.


Minimal defences a small skirmish would give them quite a bit of trouble. A small contingent of the King's guard are stationed here and they handle most disturbances to the town.

Industry & Trade

Farmers make up most of their economy though the majority of the town's funding is supplied by the tavern and tourists looking for Yorick the blacksmith.


Largely these two make most of the decisions for the Berg, however sometimes they must adhere to interference by the crown.


Farm goods traded with Macenti and through them other interests.

Guilds and Factions

There are no guild houses in Sunder as the guild's operate out of Macenti which is only a day and a half away by cart ride. There is a small temple in Sunder that serves the goddess Luvia, goddess of Justice.


Sunder has been around a long time and seen it's fair share of everything. Being that it is a crossroads between Macenti and the frozen north the Orc wars saw a lot of soldiers through this area. Especially on their way to Shademount, fortress of the north. The farmers take advantage of the King's guard being in residence in the town and so live in relative safety and travel each day to their fields.


Lots of adventurer's visit Sunder to try and convince Yorick Underrson to make them a weapon. Most who come leave empty handed. However the traffic means the Moss Oak Tavern stays continually busy.


Mostly thatched room houses built from the Oak they harvest from the nearby forest.


Mostly grasslands around the area. However, smatterings of forests can be found in the area. The air is often crisp as this area of the world is very close to the northern hemisphere of Ashanor and gets snow frequently in the winter.

Natural Resources

Trees, and lots of open farm land. These farms produce a plethora of crops and livestock. Meaning lots of fresh food travels through Sunder on it's way to the markets in Macenti.
Founding Date
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization

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