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Session 19: Krod's Diary - The Root of the Infernal Horde

General Summary

... Shock and an overwhelming sense of doom falls on all of us, looking on the infernal forest and the undead hordes that have been raised. I wander if this will be my final entry...   The town of Rell have provided a bounty of resources and the men for us to withstand the oncoming conflict. Killian, Dolen and myself all agree that we might have to dip into our own pockets here to help keep everyone going.   I'm not going to lie, I think the Treants put too much belief in our group. This will be the first long-term conflict I've ever been in. I don't want to make assumptions about the other two but in know this is out of our skill set to handle... We made a promise. We must try !   ...   [Month 1]-The hordes have be driven back. From what we gathered at the start of the conflict, 5 major sections of the forest appear to be where all out battle will take place. We manage to push them back 2 sections and on the 3rd we don't make any ground forward. A stalemate for now...   [Month 2]-Despite making up another 2 sections of ground (section 4), the battle takes a turn for the worst and we are pushed back 3 sections. We've lost an irreplaceable amount lives, resources and time. Killian, Dolen and myself have poured multiple of our own resources and lead multiple charges with no avail. This maybe the end...   [Month 3]-We did it ! After making up just 1 section of the forest and reaching another stalemate, by the end of the month we make the final push and we are victorious. If you can call it that, we have faced the horrors of the infernal forest and paid for it with a piece of our souls. It wont be the same for me after this, my journey, my mission has changed... I wanted to give it the benefit of the doubt but now one things for sure I will burn Rotbranch down for this atrocity...   Clean up takes a few days. We help the Rell militia dispose of the corpses properly and afterwards take a moment to breathe. We all take a moment in silence to gather ourselves. We are bound by a letter, a coin and a common origin as orphans. After the 3 months of battle, We've had to trust one another as brothers in arms. It's time they know the truth...   [Krod, Killian and Dolen share their origins with one another]   Its time to get to the "root" of this problem, Rotbranch itself. The far reaches of the forest hide a marsh. This is where the the final confrontation will occur. The marshes look fairly silent, we all decide to go stealthy just to be sure as the swarms of necrotic beetles litter the area...   Blast it ! The swarms have spotted us... Wait ! what the Hell is that ! Go Matilda !   Damn these swarms are so hard to destroy ! A Corpseflower ! Of all the things to conjure ! Dolen's been taken ! We need to end this quickly we've not even got to Rotbranch yet !   We must rest before our final encounter.   ...   Its time... Rotbranch at last, it is monolithic in size compared to the other trees in the forest. This withered tree looks warped and twisted despite being an organism of life I can feel the negative energy in the air surrounding this place like a fog seeping into everything and spreading like an infection.   ... "No Mercy" [Krod opens up with a Enhanced 5th level lightning bolt cast from Welgar's Wand of Lightening-The wand is weaved into the chest of Krods armor and is fired from a node in the center] [Throughout the battle several swarms of nectrotic beetles move into range and so does Rotbranch]   [Killian moves up into attack range and strikes Rotbranch true with radiant energy with a Divine strike] [Rotbranch Summons 3 juvenile treants to protect him-The battle begins to turn against the party]   [Dolen falls in battle and Matilida is destroyed-Krod also falls shortly after-Killian within close proximity manages to raise Krod and the party manages to escape as Rotbranch and its minions almost kill them-Krod casts invisiblity on himself and barely misses an attack as he escapes-Killian with an immense effort rips Dolen away and out of the danger]   ... We underestimated the Treants power, we have to to re-think our strategy. Next time we'll be ready...
Report Date
22 May 2024
Primary Location


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