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Supreme Commander of the Armies of Humanity

Supreme Commander of the Armies of Humanity is the rank and title given to the leader of the militant human organization calling themselves the Uprising, or the ORM. This title has only ever been held by one man, who also goes by the General. Given that he is much more than the mere general of an army and in fact leads the entire remnant resistance force of humanity itself, separate from any connection to a nation or people, the rank of Supreme Commander was created for him by his troops who wanted a more distinguishing moniker for a man of such importance.


There is only one man who has ever held the rank of Supreme Commander, and that is the General, Commander in Chief of the the Uprising. Upon his death, the position will necessarily transfer to another candidate, as with any leadership position in an organized military. The succession of the rank follows the strict chain of command within the rebellion, with the rank passing to the first person down the line who is not dead.


The General of the ORM is responsible for the single largest military organization of humanity left in the world, and possibly the only remaining organized military left in the world. The ORM considers its primary mission to be the overthrowing of the alien invaders known to the rest of humanity as the Ash Gods. However, the ORM does not refer to them as 'gods', considering them to be nothing more than a technologically superior enemy who had the advantage of a surprise attack. Now, the Supreme Commander leads the ORM against them across the wasteland of North America in a campaign to destroy their infernal Constructs and take back the planet that was once Earth for humankind.
Civic, Military, Commissioned
Form of Address
Source of Authority
Military Command
Length of Term
Related Locations
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Aug 21, 2024 03:01 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

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