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The Uprising - ORM

The Uprising, also known as the Organized Rebel Militia or ORM, is a unified coalition of survivors who have procurred advanced weapons from the lost human civilization with the intention of deploying them against the Ash Gods to take back the planet for humanity. Their mission involves targeting the colossal Constructs spread across Ashrain, destroying them to deal crippling blows to the alien investment in the former planet Earth. The overwhelming power of their foe does not daunt them. Despite the obvious hopelessness of their goal, they persist with fierce zeal, determined to reclaim their home from those who took it from them. The ORM is led by the man known as the General, who holds the singular rank of Supreme Commander of the Armies of Humanity at the apex of the organization's chain of command.


The ORM is led by a charismatic and fearless leader known only as the General: a former military officer who survived the Great Cataclysm. Under his command, the Uprising gathered hundreds of former soldiers and able-bodied men and women to its service, forming the only unified military force in the whole of North America. The rebels operate in divided cells throughout the continent that communicate via old radio transmitters and runners who speed across the landscape to carry messages back and forth.


The rebels of the Uprising believe that the only way to take back the Earth for humanity is through direct, aggressive, forceful action against the alien interlopers. They do not use the terms 'Ashrain' or 'Ash Gods', preferring to refer to the planet as Earth and the aliens as aliens.

Public Agenda

The resistance effort stands as a beacon of hope to some survivors, and a pointless, wasteful agenda to most. Those who admire them see their unity as the last great stand of human beings against destruction, a testament to the resilience and steadfastness of humanity in the face of unbearable odds. Those who despise them see their mission as futile, a worthless hope in hopeless times. Organizations such as the Carvers are frequently at odds with the rebels, while their chief rivals the Birthers are among the resistance's strongest supporters. The mission of the rebellion to take back Earth for humanity, and the Birthers' sacred duty to repopulate the globe are well aligned, and so they often stand in support of each other. Despite this, the ethics of the rebels do not condone the actions of the Birthers. Regardless, they cannot afford to provoke them, and so take their support while avoiding involvement in the activities within their Convents.


The Rebels clad themselves in makeshift military attire and scavenged surplus. Their clothing is practical and rugged, designed to provide maximum protection and efficiency in the harsh environment of Ashrain. Their arsenal includes a stockpile of firearms, other ballistic weapons, and explosives. These weapons are procurred from ruined military installations exposed beneath the ash by years of tireless searching, or cobbled together by chemical experts from the fiery natural resources of Ashrain.

Survival or extinction!

Illicit, Rebel
Alternative Names
The Rebels, the Hopeless, Doomed
Related Professions
Notable Members


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