The Battle of Blackstone Military Conflict in Ashrain | World Anvil
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The Battle of Blackstone

The Battle of Blackstone is one of the only military battles fought by human survivors in the aftermath of the Great Cataclysm. Military conflicts sparse between the scattered remnants of humanity, this battle was fought by the nomadic wanderers known as the Yellowstone Nomads and a large rival faction of the dreaded gang known as the Carvers. The battle was fought as the ever-changing environment of Ashrain exposed an untapped reservoir of water, preserved beneath the ash blanket. This reservoir was located beneath a mountain of volcanic rock known as Blackstone. The local faction of Carvers discovered the reservoir first, but were soon challenged for it by the Nomads, who were pushed towards Blackstone in search of shelter ahead of an oncoming Ash Storm. The battle was quick and bloody, and ended when the ash storm swept over the conflict, burying Carvers, Nomads, and the reservoir alike.

The Conflict


With resources across Ashrain sparse and frequently fought over, a local faction of the ruthless, North American gang known as the Carvers stumbled upon an untapped natural reservoir of water, exposed to the surface by environmental shifts beneath a mountain of volcanic rock known as Blackstone. As the lucky gang proceeded to lay claim to the land, however, a rival faction, the traveling Yellowstone Nomads, happened upon Blackstone as well, in flight from an incoming Ash Storm and in search of shelter. The two sides were quick to assess each other as a grievous threat and hostilities immediately ensued, with both sides fighting for the precious resource of the lake and for the shelter provided by Blackstone.


The Nomads deployed in force, charging Blackstone from a disadvantageous position. Utilizing their extensive knowledge of terrain and guerilla fighting tactics to compensate, they moved swiftly down on the enemy, intending to surprise them and force them to run before all out fighting could begin. The Carvers, not to be surprised by the incoming enemy, responded also in full force, employing their brutal, merciless strategies and fear tactics to shock the enemy and engage in psychological warfare as well as man-to-man combat.

The Engagement

The initial assault by the Nomads was met with swift reprisal from the Carvers, resulting in mass deaths on both sides of the conflict. The Nomads suffered heavier losses, but were able to regroup and launch a counteroffensive on multiple fronts, sending small patrols to attack the Carver party from all sides. The Carvers pushed back and attempted to lay seige to the Nomads' traveling caravan, but found it a fortified position with their mobile shelters and defensive Bastions. Lured out into the open, away from their advantageous position, the Carvers were nearly slaughtered, until suddenly the ash storm that the Nomads had been fleeing descended upon them both. The storm was so fierce that it brought an end to the conflict, burying Carvers and Nomads alike.


The Nomads numbers allowed them to survive the storm while the Carvers were almost entirely wiped out. Digging themselves out of the ash following the passage of the storm, the Nomads went about quickly securing the position at Blackstone and either killing or adopting the surviving Carvers into their fold. Unfortunately, in the time it had taken for the storm to pass over, the reservoir of water had been entirely buried beneath the ash, meaning that the entire conflict had been fought for nothing.


With the reservoir gone, the Nomads were forced to move on from what could finally have been the home they had been searching for. Additionally, this open conflict spurred the animosity between them and the Carvers, leading to future hostilities and frequent raids and attacks on their caravan. However, it also demonstrated that unity could lead to triumph over brutality and cruelty, inspiring many other survivor groups to stand up to the Carvers and other oppressive gangs.

Historical Significance


The victory at Blackstone by the Yellowstone Nomads inspired the political scientist and survivor of the Great Cataclysm, Sarah Voss, to write and distribute the document known as the Ashrain Manifesto, calling for the unification of humanity in pursuit of the rebuilding of society and a fresh start beneath the ash cloud. Though the document was reviled by many, including the Carvers, it nearly led to the reformation of something resembling human society before the arrival of the Ash Gods. Tragically, just a few short years after the publication of the Manifesto, the blight known as the Searing Plague struck humanity, devastating the remaining population and undoing any potential for the Manifesto's proposed unity.
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Conflict Result
Nomad victory, heavy casualties


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