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The Hoedown

The Homesteaders of the Midwestern North American settlement founded by the Man Named Job gather every week in the large structure known as Job's Barn for an evening of merriment, festivities, and dancing known as the Hoedown. This tradition was started by Job to promote happiness, community, and fellowship amongst the people of the Homestead, and has been continued by the community for years ever since. For them, it is a rare moment of cheer and goodwill in a harsh, unforgiving existence, a momentary callback to the way things were before the Great Cataclysm devastated the world and reduced humanity to the brink of extinction.


The weekly hoedown is observed once per relative week, timekeeping being a difficult and often impossible task beneath the ever-present blanket of the global ash cloud. By means of a prized and revered sandglass, the Homesteaders keep diligent and careful track of the passage of the days, marking each in calendar form in an effort to measure the passage of time. Every 168 hours exactly, the Homesteaders gather in Job's Barn for the hoedown, a ritual which also helps to keep track of time itself.
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Aug 20, 2024 04:01 by Deleyna Marr

Fascinating throwback celebration in a post-apocalyptic world.
