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The Homesteaders

The Homesteaders are the group of survivors who have gathered at the sanctuary settlement known as the Homestead, from which they take their name. This community, several hundred members strong, is organized into a harmonious population where human values of ethics, morality, family, and civility still survive, even in the inhospitable world of Ashrain. The prospective leader of this community is the man called Job, a righteous man who established the Homestead as a safe haven for travelers on the road and turned it into a thriving community by his goodwill, perhaps the only thriving community of survivors left in the entire world.


The compound has no established heirarchical leadership, though the man named Job is considered the leader of the community by virtually all who live there. Under his guidance, the Homestead developed into an inclusive and welcoming environment for all stragglers, and accepts the desperate and hungry regardless of creed or prior affiliation. Though this has occasionally led to threats against the compound, Job has persisted in his attitude of mercy and kindness to all, a stance which has been echoed by many voices within his community. Within the compound, education is a vital part of life. Salvaged books are used to teach the next generation the history of humanity before the Great Cataclysm, preserving the memory of the human race before its near extinction. Survival skills are taught to all members at all ages, enabling them to withstand the harsh environment of Ashrain.


The Homesteaders believe in the remnant goodness of humanity, and in preserving that goodness. Their philosophy of goodwill and kindness has carried them through many storms, and they have survived them all. Within the community, interactions are based on cooperation and mutual respect. Though the official position of the community is non-violence, they have defended themselves many times in the past and are more than capable of doing so again. The community is armed with weapons and defenses procurred from the surrounding lands, and the compound is heavily fortified against attack. Despite the devastation all around them, Job strives to foster hope among his people through community activities such as gatherings at the Barn.  Art, music, oral storytelling, composition, and dancing are also encouraged as essential elements of society.

Public Agenda

The Homesteaders frequently interact with other survivor groups, for better or for worse. Small groups of stragglers or individuals traveling on the road are often welcomed into the community, becoming a part of the family and electing to stay in their created sanctuary. Other larger groups, meanwhile, such as the Carvers and the Birthers, despise the enclave and seek to destroy it from without or within. Multiple attempts have been launched by the Carvers to tear down the sanctuary with concentrated attacks and seiges, but the Homestead's fortifications have held up and cost them dearly. The Birthers have tried repeatedly to infiltrate the community with plants, but only one succeeded in any type of subterfuge, and was not able to secure any captives for the tribe. The rest were persuaded by Job to renounce the ways of the Birthers and return to a life of free will. But perhaps the greatest adversary of the community is the sadistic cult known as the Apollyon and its psychopathic leader, Abaddon. What feud there is between Abaddon and Job is unknown, whether they knew each other previously or simply disagree fundamentally on principles and values. Whatever the cause for the hatred, Abaddon has attacked the compound multiple times with devastating results and frequently returns to test its defenses, waiting for the right opportunity.
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