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The Saashein Transcription

The Saashein Transcription is a document, carved in English on a stone plate, which members of an excommunicated sect of the Ash Zealots believe to be a translation of the Saashein Tablet. Their founder claims to have received a vision from the Ash Gods which allowed him to understand the incomprehensible language inscribed on the Tablet and spoken in worship by the Zealots. For this blasphemy, he and his followers were thrown out of the Zealots and began their own sect, continuing to practice the new discovered language.


The Transcription was written to decode the mysterious and illegible language supposedly inscribed on the relic known as the Saashein Tablet by the Ash Gods themselves. This language, spoken only by religious cult known as the Ash Zealots, is a series of incomprehensible gibberish and babbling which they believe can be understood as prayer by the alien beings, though they themselves do not understand it. According to Zealot dogma, translation of the Saashein Tongue or attempting to comprehend the meaning of the inscriptions on the Tablet by anyone other than its discoverer who gifted the tablet and the language to mankind is blasphemous. According to the sect of believers who seceded from the Zealots following the publication of the Transcription, comprehension of the language has been given to humanity and it must be spoken with meaning and understanding in order to gain the favor of the Ash Gods.
Record, Transcript (Communication)


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