
The Daring, Darling, Darndest Dart (a.k.a. Boss)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Dart is a warforged of smaller stature than Cronk o' Dar, and especially Driver. He's shorter and scrawnier than most others but is still kind of tall.

Physical quirks

Dart walks with a slight limp/imbalance in his legs because he has the warforged equivalent to nerve damage on a large scale. He is capable of walking on his own for short distances, and is barely able to run at all. It is possible for him to push through the pain and go a bit farther or faster, but its far too unbearable for him to ever want to do that again. Like Forge-Face's lower body paralysis, this isn't easily fixed by simple repairs, so he's lived with it for all of his life.

Apparel & Accessories

Wears a high collared slim jacket and wide pants with calf high boots. He used to be the most skilled marksman in their group, but in current times he tends to be unarmed.

Specialized Equipment

For most of his time in a private army he's made use of typical silenced snipers, but after two fang was established, modified his trusty sniper rifle to resemble something like a forearm crutch. However, he does not get much use out of it because he does not like handling guns when he doesn't need to.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

He started collaborating more with The Gutter Snakes because they were able to persuade him into believing that the paid slaughter of outsiders would be a highly beneficial business for all warforged in Two Fang, even if they arent the ones going out to hunt for targets. Dart may have wholeheartedly believed in The Gutter Snakes's good intentions, but has been made more aware through the years of their terrible misdeeds towards outsiders and their own warforged comrades. However, Dart's stubbornness has caused him to willfully ignore these hard truths in favour of accepting his cut from The Gutter Snakes and telling himself that the pros outweigh the cons.
He becomes more complicit in The Gutter Snakes's activities while also being outsmarted (but not outranked) by Driver, who leads The Gutter Snakes.


Pansexual probably


Dart has been a slave soldier for many years just like Cronk o' Dar has, but has been involved in significantly less combat-driven roles. He falls into more of a leadership postion most of the time. After freeing all the other warforged from Ushad, he unofficially became their new leader. Currently, he is still their leader but most of the actual power in Two Fang comes from Driver.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Dart's ability to lead so many warforged to safety through the power of love and friendship is commendable. No one in Two Fang has forgotten that, so everyone still respects him for it despite how he's grown out of that dependable leader role. Even before he was able to officially call himself a leader, he was recognised for being the best shot in their army, and surviving their early years of quality inspection that could have sent him to the scrapyard.

Mental Trauma

Due to being a busy diplomat for a good chunk of his life, he is a very stressed out individual. His heart is heavy with misdeeds he's taken part in so he has this constant melancholic air about him that can be seen through his perfect veneer if you think to look for it. Similarly to Cronk and all other warforged from their group, he feels guilty for things that he couldn't plausibly control from when they were enslaved by richer men. It's clear to him that he's gone to reflect their former masters. Two fang's decline is something he is fully aware of, but no amount of deep thought and planning has been satisfactory in providing a solution to the Gutter Snake problem.

Intellectual Characteristics

Dart is a very cunning individual. He's been able to charm almost anyone, and has led a great amount of people for a very long time.

Morality & Philosophy

Dart has always tried to enforce a no-killing-other-warforged-in-two-fang rule, no matter the circumstances. However, as demonstrated by the Last Job plot point, his willingness to stick by that principle has been proven to be waning as control over Two Fang slips out of his grasp.

Personality Characteristics


Dart's only motivation is to provide and care for the warforged living in Two Fang. He displays himself to be a completely altruistic and great leader.

Likes & Dislikes

Loves to be around cats as much as Cronk o' Dar does, and enjoys quiet days sitting at his desk getting work done and thinking to himself. He's introverted so he tends to get kind of drained after hours of constant diplomacy and leadership.

Virtues & Personality perks

He genuinely does want the best for the warforged in Two Fang, and is a kind person with fantastic leadership skills. He's managed to be able to maintain a good relationship with a vast majority of the population of Two Fang through all these years.

Vices & Personality flaws

Dart is quite noncommital at times, and is easily convinced to follow through with things if he believes it will help his cause. He's weak willed and powerless against The Gutter Snakes despite technically being in charge.
While his motivation to better the lives of the people of Two Fang is real, he is not immune to selfish wants, which weasel their way into an otherwise wholesome person. His rise to power created a reliance on this power, and he likes holding onto it. Indulging in this luxury is something he didn't do before The Gutter Snakes became more controlling, but he's given into the habit of taking money from the gang and turning his head the other way when anything morally objectionable happens.
He's always said that his number one priority has been to protect his fellow warforged. This is mostly true. However, its been proven by what Cronk o' Dar had seen during the Last Job that Dart doesn't care if they kill off or otherwise harm citizens of Two Fang if it means buttering up The Gutter Snakes. Its this hipocrisy which drove Cronk away from Dart in the end.

Representation & Legacy

Dart's influence is very present in how Cronk o' Dar operates in his daily life, even down to his naming. Many years ago before Cronk left Two Fang, Dart gave Cronk his hand roll tin because he didn't feel like he needed it anymore.


Contacts & Relations

the Two Fang The Gutter Snakes work closely alongside Dart, and operate only under his approval.
Cronk o' Dar used to be quite close with Dart. From since the beginning, Cronk helped him survive quality inspections and lent him his arm to lean on in times of hardship, and on long walks. Dart loved Cronk then, and loves him still. However, a lapse in judgement and inability to balance his standing with the Gutter Snakes and Cronk created a rift between the two. Ultimately, this lead to Cronk disappearing and leaving Two Fang. As time away from each other has grown, Dart has also begun to miss the connection he had with Cronk but is incapable of steering away from the path he's chosen, collaborating with The Gutter Snakes.

Social Aptitude

Dart tends to wait for others to speak first before expressing his thoughts outwardly. He's the kind of person who most naturally has many friends but not many close relationships. Dart tends to spend most of his time thinking alone.


Dart maintains eye contact with everyone he speaks to, and always appears to be very forward and trustworthy. He keeps his body relaxed and is very unthreatening.

Hobbies & Pets

Within two fang, there are many stray cats roaming around the labyrinthian spaces inside and around structures. Dart and cronk both liked to spend time feeding these strays and petting them in certain spots around the city that the cats preferred to hang around in. The rare quiet corners that can be found away from the loud and boistrous bars and music usually had the highest concentration of cats. To this day, Dart still takes the time to pensively continue this tradition in Cronk's absense.


Dart's voice is a very soft and clear tone. He speaks effortlessly and is said to be able to ease one's fears quite easily by simply talking to them. He always makes sure to be polite to everyone he speaks to.


Cronk o' Dar

The One That Got Away... (Vital)

Towards Dart




Ex-Best Friend, First Love (Vital)

Towards Cronk o' Dar



Wealth & Financial state

Dart is the most influential warforged in Two Fang, and therefore has the most amount of personal funds and luxury items owned. He doesn't display this wealth as readily as The Gutter Snakes might, and keeps his riches as tastefully as he can.
True Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Dart is now known as the Boss, and is THE guy in charge at two fang. This title is different from Big Man, because even powerful Gutter Snakes like Driver technically have to answer to Dart. The Gutter Snakes can easily overpower and take over Dart's position, but havent because most warforged still hold high opinions of him. He has many other titles that aren't used anymore because he used to be universally beloved by other warforged for being so benevolent and kind.
Date of Birth
December 15th, 478
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Medium grey steel
160 lbs
Aligned Organization
Related Plots
Known Languages
Common and scout shorthand
Founded Settlements
Ruled Locations


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