The Gutter Snakes

Group Ideals

The Gutter Snakes value the safety of other warforged in two fang. This core idea is simple, but does not prevent Gutter Snakes from subverting that and abusing their fellow warforged.


Because space is so valuabled in two fang, Gutter Snakes like to wear clothes that make them look as big as possible. Thick clothing meant for braving sub-zero temperatures is especially favoured. Large coats are more popular than large pants.

Violent Tendancies

Gutter Snakes arm themselves with the usual weapons when outside of two fang, but when theyre stationed at home, they like to carry and keep weapons that especially scare other warforged, including:
  • Saws (electric or manual) - saws are terrifying because the serrated edge causes severe pain when used to rend into wooden musculature of warforged.
  • Belt Sander (this would be stationary, kept in only the most damning of Gutter Snake dens) - For the same reason that saws are scary, high speed belt sanders are effective in dealing maximum pain to a warforged.
  • Blunt pipes or bats and clubs - Although not the most painful option, heavy blunt weapons are feared because they're good at disorienting and permanently damaging the innards of warforged, because dents that are severe enough can cause constant pain and are incredibly difficult to correct, even on the surface.
Any gutter rats seen slacking off or otherwise pissing off a snake will sometimes be beaten until compliant, but usually they are spared this and are told off using words. Violence among between snakes is more common, because they perpetuate a tough guy culture that demands physical confrontations.

Recreational Activities

The dnd equivalent to game consoles are enjoyed by lucky gutter snakes who were able to score that sort of luxury from the surface.

Gutter Snakes

Illicit, Gang
Alternative Names
Gutta Snakez, GUTT4 SN4K35, FANGZ
Gutter Snakes
Leader Title
Controlled Territories
Notable Members
Related Species


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