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Warka Academy

The Warka Academy is the largest academy within Warka and possibly even within the Brights in general. It is the largest (recorded) employer in Warka as well.   The current (5904-present AR) headmaster is Headmaster Silas (he/him), a half-elven man of the Unktu tribe. He is in charge of the Warka Academy’s main infrastructure, helping organize research on the increasingly worrying effects of the decaying starstone.   Originally called the Academy of the Circle, the Warka Academy was established in the year 2920 AR, almost five hundred years before Warka was founded. It was founded by Administrator Albitu (she/her), a high elf of the Auxilium tribe who revolutionized education (2801-3400 AR).   Currently the Academy’s main branch (or campus) is situated in Jontu, the capital of the nation. Previously the Academy was centered in Chalco before the city lost the majority of its population to emigration.   The Warka Academy has grown to sponsor tons of research, thousands of projects, retain thousands of scripts in its collective libraries, and now has six main branches, one in every major city in Warka (Calakmul, Chalco, Jontu, Toboltrium, Toqtak, and Tyumen). Some small Warka Academy campuses can be found in other nations, but this is rare - oftentimes Warka Academy students study abroad in places like the University of Earth’s Maw.   The Academy often sends out ambassadors to other nations and areas to study time there, especially tracking constellation cycles with mathematical precision. It is not so unusual to see, for example, a high level Warka Academy scholar or professor in the wild Barren Wastelands of Ilkatu tracking star patterns.   Base-level education in classes such as language, arithmetic, calligraphy, history, geography, and astronomy tend to be free or extremely cheap and affordable for the citizens of Warka. Mid-level education in classes like magic, artifice, physics, gravity, and mathematics tend to be slightly pricier but still affordable. Specialized education in things such as time magic, surgery, astronomical physics, and alchemy tend to be expensive and affordable only for a select few. Sometimes, if a student shows much promise, the government will fund their whole tuition, so some scholars arise to the high-level specialized classes without having to break the bank. Base level education is also provided in nearly all centers of population. Many Academy scholars are sent out by the institution to educate in small towns across the countryside. Mid and high level educational classes are often only provided on campus of the official branches of the Academy.   The Academy has been occasionally accused of peddling propaganda by not teaching the full truth in history or government classes, especially about how the Warkan people do not have as much choice as they believe they do in elections (since the election candidates are chosen and funded by the Circlekeepers and Bloodwardens). The Academy refutes all claims.  

Scholars of the Circle

The Scholars of the Circle are a more elite group of scholars who work with the Warka Academy and teach there frequently. They make up a decent portion of the upper class and are highly revered scholars as experts in their field. They are the high professors who have created hundreds of essays and documentation on their specified research fields. Many of them focus on magic and are high-level wizards, but a good amount of them have specialized their education based on mundane things as well.  


2920 AR: The Academy of the Circle is founded under Administrator Albitu.   3411 AR: The five tribes are united during the Coalescence to make Warka.   3500 AR: The Academy of the Circle is integrated as a government-funded research academy to look into the effects of the starstone as well as wild magic on the material plane. The Academy of the Circle is renamed the Warka Academy.   3700 AR: The Warka Academy gains more government funding and is able to expand its classes to a multitude of other things separate from the starstone and the powers of transmutation, abjuration, and necromantic magic.   5650 AR: Sarcedos Hall breaks off from the Warka Academy.   6011 AR (Present): The Warka Academy continues to offer free or cheap education to citizens of Warka and citizens abroad.
Founding Date
2920 AR
Educational, School/Academy
Parent Organization


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