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History of Eviandir

Pre Creation

... 0 PC

Shaping of Astesh

0 PC 3000 AC

Mortals begin

3000 AC 5749 AC

  • 3000 AC

    The Oozari create people
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The Oozari worked together on creating and implementing the template for more sentient races but allowed them to evolve on their own.

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  • 3825 AC

    Language Begins

    As beings begin to spread across the world finding the places that most suit their needs. As they move they begin to grow and evolve. Around now these new races learn to communicate and become aware of the gods. They see the gods doing amazing things, and begin to be aware of magic.

  • 4105 AC

    Agriculture and Early Magic
    Discovery, Exploration

    Tetin and Iton, watching the nomadic lifestyle of mortals, work together to develop farms and towns. They drop hints about how to lead stationary lives to mortals, a few groups decide to continue as they are, but most settle. For the first time, mortals begin to connect with the land giving them access to druidic magic.

  • 5000 AC

    Religions Begin to Form
    Religious event

    Mortals begin to really notice the deities in their midst. Seeing their abilities and such mortals start to form religions around the deities, which is a novelty for the Oozari. They begin to notice changes and increases in their power. As the mortals worship certain aspects of them that power becomes more pronounced.

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  • 5200 AC

    5700 AC

    Land Wars Begin
    Military action

    As is common with all societies, groups begin fighting for the best land. The North and South of Eviandir try to take land in the middle. As the wars had nothing to do with the Oozari they did not intervene. After 500 years of war, the nations of Eviandir settle into a holding pattern.

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Civilization Begins

5750 AC 6499 AC

  • 5750 AC

    Civilizations Begin
    Construction beginning/end

    With borders fairly defined, civilizations are able to develop. The Oozari become fascinated with the direction mortals are taking their ideas and begin living amongst them to more closely follow the progress of how they develop.

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  • 5950 AC

    Religions get Organized
    Religious event

    With the clear blessings from the Oozari, and their evident power clear religions become defined and the deities become even more powerful.

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  • 6400 AC

    The Crusades of Convenience
    Military action

    Mortals begin fighting to establish their deity as supreme; at least that was the claim the various clergy made.' The reality was that racism and general greediness motivated the crusades. The deities were not checked into what was happening with their churches at the time.

  • 6419 AC

    The Myth of the Deus Imago
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The Oozari noticed the crusades in their names and were horrified. Their first response is to contact the leaders of their respective churches, but not every church stops. The Oozari upset that the mortals aren't listening, work together to make a grand show for every mortal on Astesh decrying violence in their names.

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Civilization Advances

6500 AC 9000 AC

  • 6500 AC

    Written History Begins
    Scientific achievement

    After the Deus Imago mortals felt that basic numbers and record keeping were no longer sufficient. 6,500 is the earliest known recorded history by mortals.

  • 6871 AC

    Formal Arcana Begins
    Scientific achievement

    As writing gains popularity amongst mortals, they begin to experiment with different methods of accessing and recording magic. This naturally led to the development of formal magical training and schools in more developed areas of Astesh.

  • 7006 AC

    The Fey
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    As mortals are playing around with magic, they begin to learn of other planes of existence and begin trying to access them. At this time there is an accidental connection to the Fey Realm, which starts up a dialogue between Astesh and the Fey.

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  • 7520 AC

    7619 AC

    The Gold Wars
    Military action

    Tensions were simmering between Adrium, Wazoria, Silac, and Maznar since the abrupt end of the crusades. Silac's discovery of a gold mine and some contrived politics brought the nations to war over their boundaries. Adrium won the conflict gaining the most land, including the mine, and Silac was nearly wiped out.

  • 7992 AC

    15 /7 9:00

    The Fall of Escax
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The story goes that the nation of Escax was hunting down Naga and Wrymkind to wipe them off Astesh. Noyja was distraught and went to her sister in tears about how her children were being eradicated. She knew her powers were not suited for retribution so she asked her twin, Tenja, for help. Tenja and Noyja have always been close, and seeing her sister cry drove Tenja into a rage that decimated all of Escax. At seeing her work complete Tenja turned to her sister with a grin to find a match gracing the other woman's face.

  • 8220 AC

    8459 AC

    The Twilight Scourge
    Plague / Epidemic

    Seeing Tenja's wrath, Ikona felt the urge to test her powers too, so she crafted a plague terrible and magical. Then she attached it to her swarms to spread it across all of Astesh. The cure was beyond mortal means to cure, and Ikona felt no inclination to end the plague.   The Twilight Scourge killed over half of the mortals.

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  • 8460 AC

    Zetia's Stars
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Zetia confronts Ikona about the plague, but the other goddess refuses to help. It took Zetia 240 years, but she manages to find a cure and a way to disseminate it, clerics. Zetia is the first Oozari to grant any of her power to mortals, but it works and the scourge is cured.

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  • 8864 AC

    The Rise of Necromancy
    Cultural event

    Once the Scourge ended, mortals, resentful of the losses they suffered, begin to research ways to return life to the dead and/or permanently stop death.

The Grey Jewel Era

9001 AC 10000 AC

  • 9170 AC

    9523 AC

    The Grey Jewel Wars
    Military action

    Without religious justifications for starting wars, tensions over land and resources bubble over until Silac, in a bid to retake their lost gold mine attacks Adrium with support from its allies. This triggers alliances made across Eviandir.

  • 9190 AC

    Ognar Blooms
    Scientific achievement

    After buying some information from a small group in Kinar, Ognar receives information that they are able to utilize even during wartime. After a few short months with the information, Ognar's desert began to bloom. They are now able to grow enough food to support their people independently and start a new industry.

  • 9192 AC

    Magical Warfare Advances
    Scientific achievement

    With Ognar able to provide a stable food source for the Iloian Desert, Maznil and others begin focusing on ways to make magic more useful in war. It is rumored that Ikona, Olios, and Nesas blessed this research, and it is because of those blessings classes like Paladin and Magus began to arise shifting the tide of the war.

  • 9200 AC

    The Rise of the Jizar

    A new player begins to work in the GJW, it calls itself the Jizar and is based out of Kinar. This Organization begins selling vital and very secret information to all parties in the war.

  • 9523 AC

    The Eviandir Accords
    Diplomatic action

    After nearly 400 years of fighting everyone is exhausted and tapped. They decide it is time to stop, and make sure this never happens again. After roughly six months of negotiating the Eviandir Accords, which defined all boundaries and established clear guidelines for interaction between nations, were created.

  • 9897 AC

    Alchemy Begins
    Discovery, Scientific

    With borders sets and many nations' coffers depleted, the leaders of many poorer nations begin to task their arcanists to make more gold. While alchemy had been around a while but sans magic. With their new directive wizards turned to alchemy for assistance. Combining magic and alchemy formed modern alchemy.

  • 9997 AC

    KInar Joins the Accords
    Diplomatic action

    After centuries of work Kinar's government, built on information brokering, gained recognition as a true power in Eviandir. With that, they applied and were accepted into the Accords.

The Peace of the Accords

10001 AC and beyond

  • 10785 AC

    Public Breakup
    Celestial / Cosmic

    After centuries of near silence from the Oozari, Vadella and Zetia declare that they are settling in two different nations. A clear announcement of their breakup. The cause is unknown, but there is a lot of speculation. There is no record of them seeing or speaking to each other since.

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  • 11015 AC

    Limited Planar Travel
    Scientific achievement

    Previously arcanists had figured out how to contact other planes but were unsure how to get to them. After millennia of experimenting, limited plane shifting becomes possible. The Fey begin to appear on Astesh to explore.

  • 11217 AC

    The Fey Find a Home

    After Tenja destroyed Escax no mortals would live there for fear of being cursed. After 3,000 years the Fey decided that no one wanted the land, and having wanted a foothold in this realm for years claimed Escax as their own. The Fey have developed a thriving court and applied for entry into the Accords.

  • 11686 AC

    12 /8

    Wazoria Closes their Borders
    Diplomatic action

    Not much is known about this, only that one-day Wazoria closed their borders, and put out a bounty on dragons and all other magical creatures. They pay top gold on the bounties, ask no questions, and also do not answer any.

  • 11888 AC

    The Intellectual and Magical Center
    Cultural event
  • 11981 AC

    Fire Arms
    Technological achievement

  • 11995 AC

    Celestial Burial Ground?
    Discovery, Exploration

  • 12000 AC

    17 /10

    The Story Begins

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