Session 15 Report

General Summary

Success! We've made headway in our investigation into the whereabouts of A Pimp Named Buck Back. Shabaka's talents will be a boon to the Bannermanes. We have our mission, and directive from Dr. Amden. Travel to Dakilai, find Aetherstone, and arrest A Pimp Named Buck Back. I had our gear and provisions loaded onto the Air Ship, and we returned to The Textile to wait for the ship's departure. Upon returning, we found a strange looking machine. A Steelheart who calls himself Cobalt. Solid metal, but alive somehow. He is a Bannermane, and joined us from the outer forests. In my two years here, I've never seen him. Grot promptly attacked him and attempted to steal food he had stored in his... belly? He lost his eyesight, but Grot did something while rummaging to return it to him. Cher proceeded to create new racial slurs for him which he took a disliking to. Then he promptly began spitting out a vile list of profane slurs against all the races present back at us. I think our newest member will get along with us just fine. We left The Textile and returned to the ship with our newest Rouge. He seems to suffer from memory issues. I don't know if that's normal, but it better not hinder our mission. We arrived at the ship and took off. Poor Grot is scared out of her wits, but she clings tightly to Dayspring so I doubt she'll go overboard. I've never been on an Air Ship before, but it's amazing. The sounds and vibration of this intricate machine were a feast for the senses. Everywhere I looked, there was something new. The Clockworks onboard went about their tasks like it was 2nd nature to them. It's been many years since I've flown this high. Once I started wearing armor, it's been difficult to maintain any altitude for long. It truly is beautiful up in the clouds. On the clear nights, the machine made a soft hum, and the stars were dancing across the sky in all their glory. The Moon Princess loves her displays. I spent my evenings practicing navigation with the stars. The Clockworks are definitely skilled in flying in a near perfect path, as I don't think we lost a single minute diverting from course. Cher has dreams of using Cobalt as a card counter and winning lots of money from gambling in Dakalai. I recommended she spend time with him if she expects to have any success with that idea. Grot barely moved at all unless Dayspring did. I took Grot to the store room and had her help me pick out ingredients for honey cakes. Then I baked us all some. Grot hasn't learned how to enjoy food, but at least she didn't choke on it.   We arrived at Dakilai on our 3rd day of travel. We spotted some creatures following us over the water, but they broke away once we reached land. Large taloned creatures that I couldn't identify. We traveled to The High Roller in the Trade Ward to speak to our Mainstitch Tabu, a Persian. Upon arrival, we were greeted with an awesome site of a luxurious mansion filled with all manner of colors and smells. In our curiosity, we split apart and each went our separate ways to explore. But still, this being the Bannermanes, they're not without security. We were promptly grabbed by what seemed like the hoof of God, and placed back into the main hall. A very strange and flamboyant character named Jackpot greeted us. A feminine looking yet masculine sounding character who agreed to take us to Mainstitch Tabu. We went upstairs and saw the Mainstitch gambling. We introduced ourselves and informed Tabu of our mission to find more Aetherstone. He had been briefed by Dr. Amden before we arrived, so he was expecting us. It's customary for Bannermanes in Dakilai to have gambler names. I chose the name Big Blind for myself. Heh. I like it. After our customary pleasantries, we asked to speak to Tabu privately on a matter we needed to keep discrete.   Tabu lead us to a nearby office and proceeded to cast a spell that none of us were familiar with. Tabu simply said it's a secret spell meant to keep things discrete as we asked for. We explained how our investigation into finding A Pimp Named Buck Back lead us here, and that we intend to arrest him. Tabu is familiar with A Pimp Named Buck Back, but hasn't encountered him personally. He did confirm that the casino Revenge of the Roc is the most prestigious casino in all of Dakilai, and he even provided us with schematics of the entire property. The Bannermanes have had dealings there in the past it seems. There's no guarantee that A Pimp Named Buck Back will be here as we know he travels on a ship, so I concocted a brilliant scheme to draw him out. The females in our party will dress as Hookers, and Shabaka will be their Pimp. They will go around the tables and be as obnoxious as possible, drawing the attention of A Pimp Named Buck Back, and his associates. There's a center stage pit there that is often times used for entertainment of differing varieties, including wrestling. I'll apply for a position, and put on a show of violent spectacles to draw attention as well. With the gamblers and staff distracted, our newest member Cobalt will sneak into the offices and attempt to locate incriminating evidence against our target. We'll need to look the part if this is going to work, so we'll bring on Jackpot to help us fit in. This plan is sooooooo crazy, it just.. Might... WORK.

Rewards Granted

Access to the airship

Missions/Quests Completed

Moved operation to Dakilai with some other Bannermanes

Character(s) interacted with

The High Rollers Bannermanes
The Bannermanes
-Level Rogue
Tangent Field
Dayspring Temper
Moon Planter
Cher Nobyl
Report Date
29 Dec 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location