Session 13 Report

General Summary

Hello there. This is The Merchant, Son of Herneith, Shabaka here, and I have one question to ask: What the fuck did I get myself into? As a new Bannermane, I seemed to have joined the division for lunatics. I know that I'm the newbie here and the qualifications were bottom of the barrel, but couldn't I have gotten something a little more comfortable? My skills aren't being used effectively here, but everyone here seem to not give a damn, especially that bird brain Amden, who an alleged doctor of who knows what. Maybe being a doctor of being an shiteater. Bet I could do his job better. Hmph. Anywho we received a mission from Amden to find out why those 3 thugs were sent to attack Westray and who gave them the orders to do so. During the debriefing, one of our Bannermanes Grot, who I've assumed to be the pet of The War Boss, The Ringed One, Dayspring Temper, was causing havoc downstarirs because she's a gobo so of course. And my goodness. I know Sun Cats are a directionless, pitiful bunch, but Tangent just takes that steoretype and blasts off to space with it. In the middle of expousing about my impeccable abilities, the conceited bird creature insisted for me to read this hippy cat's mind, and what do you know. It's a memory of her ovulating from a god. Then after dealing with Grot, she orders food and proceeds to devour her meal while we're in a fucking meeting. This is why Sun Cats can never have a claim to anything that matters.   After the ridiculous assembly was behind us, we proceeded to The Merchant's Meadery to get some alcohol in our system before venturing off, and that's where I'm introduced to Eleanor Winthrop, a short-legged mare who owns this lofty establishment. And do I see how she keeps this bustling. I ask for a drink made in house, and though she didn't have a name for it, she floored me with the exquisite taste of the brew and had me wanting seconds despite me not being much of a drinker. I requested to sell a barrel of the fine beverage to potential customers from out of town to bring in more business, which thankfully she agreed to, charging me 5gp for the barrel of course. I hope this open the doors to get a joint agreement that'll benefit the both of us and even expand her business abroad. Of course that commie horse Cher hates success because she fails at life if the smell of her is anything to go by. I know a good business venture, and working with a nice-looking pony like Eleanor will bring great fortune to the both of us. Oh and Moon Planter was doing stuff. Eh.   Soon after he was done doing... things, we make our way to the Bleakburn jail, intending to get the answers we need to put the schemes of these bandits to a halt. Moon Planter was seemingly in his zone in such a repulsive place, seeking an interrogation room to do his stuff. Though he wasn't given the resource the 1st time around, he still proceeded with his idea, and he even wanted me to do the interrogating, obviously seeing how valuable of an asset I am for the job. It began smoothly with me threatening one of the goons that I'll blast his brain into the wall behind him, then ensure him that we'll be able give him the probation that we lack clearance of for info, which he agrees to on the condition that Tight Lips also agreed to such terms. That's masterful negotiating in my book. Anyone that says otherwise is a disgusting commie. Though this was short lived as Tight Lips yelled out that he never made such a concession. Shortly after we finally got the interrogation room that should of been given the 1st time around to do our damn jobs optimally. The braindead guard who denied us the 1st time around should be fired. No sense of effective workload management. Anywho things go completely fine here on out and I wasn't scarred for life because of the following events. Isn't that wonderful?   We bring each of the hooligans one at a time in the room and proceed to strap them down to a bloody torture rack. And that's not nearly the worse part. Moon Planter used Grot, the abominable gobo, as a twisted version of an attack dog and would sick her on them if they didn't allow me to search through their thoughts. What the hell. Of course anyone that's right in the soul would only do this as a scare tactic and nothing more, right? Well that's was the case prior to Tight Lips, who kept his lips tightly sealed until Moon Planter unleashed that monster on him, and did she do a number on him. I think I saw bone sticking out of the poor guy.   The 1st two crooks were under a Geas, not allowing them to spell out any information that'd out their boss, and for some reason Heat Fang, some dragon that seemingly has no connection to their escapades, though I wouldn't know much anyways since this my first day on the job. Their memories of the events of the Geas were horrifying to say least, only giving out little hints on who he is and where were the memories taking place, and in exchange I get to witness their employer yelling and being a deranged maniac towards the both of them, and me being along for the ride. It had me feeling sympathetic towards them.   The 3rd guy, Tight Lips, had a pleasant flashback in comparison to the former 2 and had the knowledge I was diving for and... "more" you can say. They look to be eating at a restaurant at the time. The name of his boss is Buckback, and was a rather flamboyant, prissy looking Earth pony. If I didn't see these memories for myself, I would think this stallion was unrelated to the horror in the the previous 2. Now that we got our guy, let's find out were this freak resides and put him in his place.

Missions/Quests Completed

Learned of a Pimp Named Buckback

Character(s) interacted with

Interaction between Tight Lips and two lackeys
The Bannermanes
Tangent Field
Dayspring Temper
Moon Planter
Cher Nobyl
Report Date
21 Dec 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location