Session 104 Report

General Summary

Moon Planter's Log

With my classes ending, I happened to see Duk being carried back by our Clerics, and was elated to see her alive and well. Dr. Amden barely gave me a glance as he escorted everyone inside the hospital. With my classes finally done, and Duk back the way she should be, everything is looking up. At least for the moment. I had an embarrassing moment with Balcony Blitz because I forgot his name. Thankfully, he wasn't too ill tempered. I gave him a letter to deliver to Ping Wing to let him know Duk is back. We briefly caught up, and decided to return to the Six-Riddle Safes bank to finish our investigation. Amelia left a deposit in a box there, so we need to find out what it is, and find a way to repair the elevator. It's a long way down. I invited Fireheart along, and she enthusiastically agreed. We arrived at the bank, and learned the staff have been removed while casters are replacing the broken wards. Raven Guard Captain Four Leaves was on site, and agreed to pay us the sum of 2,000gp when we return from the Underdark beneath the bank. Triple negotiated a fair price for us. Triple opened the safe doors, and we stared down the abyss. Fireheart and I were tethered together with a rope, and we held hooves as we jumped in.   Runes began to light up as we fell past them. We suddenly lost the ability to fly just like when we were in Semitone's tomb. We took a hard fall, but managed to survive with only a scratch. A large bridge past over a large body of water, and lead to a light house deep under ground. We gathered ourselves, and found the destroyed elevator. It's going to take magic to put it together. Cher's hoof print, and a lock of her fur was found in a boat by Tangent in the Underdark. The hoof print was left here within 3-4 days, and indicates she stepped out of the boat. I collected the fur for Divination purposes. While I was examining the fur, I heard the sounds of combat break out above me.   Two Fossil Golems, like the ones we fought in Wati erupted from the ground. We've grown much stronger since our last battle, and we dispatched them quickly. Before the second Fossil Golem was destroyed, an Obsidian Golem appeared before Fireheart, and struck at her. I rushed to her side, and flanked with her. She called out the Golem is weak to Sonic Damage, and my Falchion thundered out with a mighty blow. The Obsidian Golem cracked, and began to weaken. Swift moved up, followed by Ord who threw a giant bone. Triple delivered the final blow, and the Obsidian Golem was destroyed.   I returned to the boats, and continued investigating the other boat. A single white hair belonging to Amelia was there. I collected it, and returned to Fireheart who was disarming exploding runes. I searched the area to see if there are signs of anyone struggling down here. I found tracks belonging to Leatherwings. Whether they see this place as their territory, or if they work for the bank is yet to be seen. If they work for the bank and protect the vault, then perhaps they can help repair the destroyed elevator. Fireheart, and Triple started making their way across the bridge, and discovered multiple rune traps. The two of them worked together to clear the bridge, and we ran across as some of the traps blew up on us. We took a moment to rest and heal, and then stepped in.   Inside the light house, Leatherwings are found to be slaughtered. Cher had burnt the shape of her Mark of Destiny into their flesh. This fucking cunt is causing a hatred to linger in me. Every step I follow behind her, I'm reminded of the times I stood with her. I regret it all. She's made herself an equal enemy to the Bannermanes as Babage. They both will be brought in to pay for their crimes.   The Leatherwings wore robes with numeral markings. Swift Prestidigitated them. On the badges, Swift read Storm Family Sponsor, and Haze Family Sponsor, written in Undercommon. On a table, transaction logs were found indicating what came in, and what went out. Ivory Drop's name was found in the paper work, but nothing for Morlog, or Amelia. Ivory Drop withdrew a key more than 350 years ago. Triple unlocked a chest, and found two magical books. They have illusions cast on them to hide the text written in them. Dispel Magic could help reveal it, but we don't have it prepared, so we take the books with us. Fireheart was a bit disapproving of me suggesting we "borrow" the books, but we'll need them in case they contain information regarding what Amelia deposited.   Moving to the 2nd floor, more dead Leatherwings are scattered about in a room full of scrolls. The random names and numbers made no sense. On the middle table, a map written in Abyssal has markings representing a temple, and a volcano. We took the map with us, and moved on to the 3rd floor. Invisible ponies wearing masks were rummaging around up there. Triple was able to go invisible, and I joined him. Triple masterfully fooled them into coming to the stairs with lies of treasure, and finding a combination to the Horror Vault which is what they're looking for. One by one, they were ambushed at the stairs, and knocked unconscious. The final two were fought, and they teleported around until they were caught.   I held one, and Triple punched his ribs until Tangent finished him off with the hilt of her rapier. The one Triple had taken the uniform from managed to teleport away because Tirple took off his gag. He was caught, and knocked unconscious with the others. On the leader of the seven we fought, Triple found a note from Cher. In Invisible Ink, it read, "Don't let Moon Planter find me." Too bad for her, that's exactly what I intend to do. Still, it feels good knowing she's afraid.   I waited with everyone while Triple unlocked the chests. It turns out the treasure we were finding all belong to the family who have been Sponsoring the Leatherwings who were slaughtered. It became apparent that we were stealing family treasures, and decided instead to bring them back to the respective families. With the Sponsored workers dead, these families might never have seen their heirlooms ever again, so perhaps they'll be thankful enough to offer a reward.   Two scrolls were found on the 4th floor of the Light House. A scroll of Teleportation Circle with the letter N on it. The other is one of Abyssal Pact with the name Star Gazer. A Wand of Dimension Door was found with the two scrolls. While it functions as a normal wand, it contains green runes upon it that signify it's capable of opening up a specific door, that leads to a specific place. Likely the key, or combination, that opens the Teleportation Circle upstairs. We collected what we had found, and gathered the unconscious Thread Rippers up onto the roof of the Light House.   The bright light was the teleportation circle. Ord refused to go through it, but Triple was able to come up with a quick lie that worked. We covered Ord's ghost eyes, and walked her through the circle. I felt bad for lying to her, but we needed her with us. Tangent attempted to use the wand, but couldn't quite get it to work. Fireheart took the wand, and cast touched it to the glowing lights.   We were teleported through the circle with an ancient magic. This felt different to anything we had experienced before. It felt like we were being pulled down. From the Light House, we teleported far across the chasm, and to a domed building. With barely a moment to gain our bearings, I saw her. A blue mare unicorn, far away, but unmistakably familiar. Cher. I saw her eyes lock with mine, and they were filled with fear. Cher turned to run deep within the buildings, and I smiled. Run, rabbit. Run. Keep running.
The Bannermanes
Tangent Field
Nord Pone
Triple Sevens
Moon Planter
Swift Sail
Report Date
16 Nov 2022