Session 106 Report

General Summary


Planter's Log

We see Cher running away, she's wearing the robe of one of the fallen Leather Wings that populate this bank. We approach where she was, and find a Leather Wing hanging over an edge. He was inflicted with Doom, and Drain. Tangent worked her Legendary Medicine, and brought him back to consciousness. The Leather Wing's name is Umbra. Swift learned that he lives here in the deep caves, and works at Six Riddle Safes deep underground here. He panicked when he realized his Family Mark from his uniform is gone. Cher ran about 30 steps, and the trail becomes cold. Ephemeral Tracking picks up her trail, as she started flying. A source of light shows a way to the top, but the stairs are crazy. A tiny light shows Cher climbing 2,100ft overhead. I carry on following Cher's trail, which takes us down a flight of stairs. Everything is confusing. Triple finds traps surrounding us, but the path we're using to follow Cher, we're safe. Cher is seen ahead of jumping over certain stones, but hasn't noticed us. When we catch up to her, Triple notices the stone steps are not just trapped, but illusory. We make the jump just as Cher did, and continue tracking her.   Cher's trail lead us to a room that was more brightly lit than the others. A smoky haze hangs over this room. In the center of the floor, and overhead, a giant dragon's head mural is seen. The trail goes cold, which means Cher likely used Dimension Door to pass through the room. She likely did this to avoid some danger she perceived. Some traps are found on the floor that cause the ground to fall out from underneath. Above the doorway at the end, there's the skeleton of an Ancient Red Dragon. Beside the skeleton, is the head of a dragon, a bust carved of stone. I recognized the face from the description written by Semitone, and Nevermore. It's Morlog. 'Ingsheu Ahi, the 1st of the Four Horrors. Triple continued clearing traps. At the end of the room, we find a massive mirror. It enchanted Triple Sevens, and he walked through it before Swift and I could stop him. He just walked through no matter how we yelled at him as though he couldn't hear us. He briefly turned around and mouthed something about needing to find "it." We stood around wondering if we should follow him. I yelled out, "We rise and fall as one!", and then jumped in after him. Triple continued walking forward toward a floating key in a bubble. The rest of my Bannermanes jumped in, except for Ord. Ord kept showing hesitance, so I signaled for her to jump through. She refused so I flipped her off with my wing, and she leapt through in a rage to grapple me.   I forced her off, and stood in front of Triple to keep him from walking toward the bubble. Thankfully Swift Sail was able to calm her down. Triple however was still entranced. No matter what I said, he wouldn't listen. Dealing with Ord's anger, and Triple made me lose my cool. Triple tried to tumble through me, so I head butt him and shouted, "Snap OUT of it!" He took a hard bump on the head, so I gave him an Elixir of Life. Ord was deeply apologetic, so I forgave her. No matter living or dead, we are all Bannermanes. For Timeless Glory.   With everyone refocused, we took a close look at the bubble with the key. It's the goal for a Dubious Donjon. That's where we are. The key itself looks similar to the key used by Ivory Drop to operate her Dimensions Relative to Outer Planes Box. A light lead us to a bright area where a massive door was built into a cliff. I looked at the markings on the door, and saw the markings of the Founding Bannermane Crucible. A control panel without instructions was in front of it. Triple managed to figure things out. This machine ran on pumps and steam pressure that operated a vacuum seal. After a long amount of experimentation, Triple found the right combination, and the door squealed open.   Walking inside, we were hit with intense heat. I was able to stand comfortably, but the others appeared to be cooking. We needed to move quickly. At the end of the long chamber, Ord spotted a Clockwork Dragon. These creations are formidable, but not invincible. Triple attempted to distract it, but it flew forward to operate a turn wheel. Lights on the floor began to glow, and they traveled toward the wheel the Dragon was operating. We considered luring it outside, but that wasn't an option. Tangent ran forward, followed by Ord, me, Swift, Fireheart, and finally Triple. Swift landed the first blow, but was counter attacked viciously by the Dragon. We rushed to his side, and swarmed it. Swift was able to gracefully move the Dragon off the wheel. I discovered it was being used to charge up 4 massive guns on the shelves above us.   Fireheart learned of its weakness to electricity, and Triple leapt on its back to shock it. I sprinted forward, and landed a mighty blow. My Falchion sliced through the steam in the air, and landed with a thunderous crack. Swift was able to finish it off by pulling out his Storm Sword, and destroyed it. It started to tick down, and only a few of us were able to escape the explosion. I stepped up to the wreckage, and extracted the blue glowing coil that powered it. This will be given to the Node 7, and see what kind of powers it gives our ship. We just have to keep Golden Port out of the loop on this contraband. A red hot glowing sphere was protected by mechanical arms that attack Triple and Swift when they approached. Triple disabled the arms, and the sphere began falling away like flower petals to reveal a glowing Key inside. A Crucible Key. It was charged with some kind of power that Swift managed to discharge, and he extracted the Key. Then the terrible revelation of what we found came to light. This Horror Vault was hiding the Key to 'Enekini Kai, the 4th Horror of Golden Port. The Schematics penned by Crucible himself were also here. I collected the schematics, and Swift took the Key. We can not let these fall into the wrong hooves.   This Crucible Key can activate the Sea Engine, and it will cause untold destruction to Astilon just as it did over three centuries ago. These schematics could also be used to create one, of even multiple keys. We have to keep these protected at all costs, and out of the hooves of Cher. It's now abundantly obvious that this is what Cher was after. The fact that we lost her trail, and we found the Key has not escaped my notice. This likely means she's trying to use us so she can ambush us, and steal the Key for herself. That's not going to happen. These items will be kept far from Cher, Babbage, and Morlog's clutches no matter the cost.   Once these items were secured, the Dubious Donjon began falling apart, and we found ourselves back inside the darkness of the mirror. We attempted to leave, but a magical chain keeps us in place. That's when we noticed a new bubble floating over our heads. A hammer. This Dubious Donjon is not done yet.
The Bannermanes
Tangent Field
Nord Pone
Triple Sevens
Moon Planter
Swift Sail
Report Date
28 Nov 2022