Session 111 Report

General Summary

Fortuna's Prediction

The wheels of fate are turning its something that I have foreseen, adventure waits just open some crates and then start to fill up your canteen! no mutagens or potions, I'm talking about pure blonde ale, and to set this fate into motion please listen to me you won't fail. a contest is about to happen, just make sure you're eighteen, keep drinking beer and I'm sure you'll get near so please start to fill up your canteen! And if you're feeling golden, not blue, not purple or green, then job well done cause it means you've just won so please start to fill up your canteen! Your prize is a big puzzle, you'll find out what that means, a lucky few will get to pass through so please start to fill up your canteens!     After all these years! Finally a good prediction! Oh my friends, you can't believe how happy Madame Fortuna is right now! I'm so excited i might just pop a fuuuuuse...   Fortuna shuts down   Moon Planter heed my warning. Uninvited though they are, four will make their appearance at the Krystal Ball! Swift Sail! do you care about your child the sands of time are turning, the clock is ticking, tick tock tick tock tick tock you have 61 days 15 hours 29 minutes and 13 seconds to change this fate, for their sake better make the most of it   oh and triple little old triple sevens, congratulations on becoming the world's greatest thief   Fortuna Reboots   uuuuse. so were you guys satisfied with that fortune?

Swift's Log

It’s been a while I know… I’m sorry but things have been eatin’ up my time a lot out here and it’s felt like a mad dash for the last two weeks since we arrived to Aerilon. I feel like I could write a whole book about it but all you need to know is we didn’t win, and I’d hate to retell any of it with a bad taste in my mouth. We were able to patch Moon Planter up and only leave him with a pair of scars he’s sure to keep strong memories of. It was an unsightly scene I’ve got to say. We rested up in the bank before moving on to finally fix the elevator and leave. All I wanted to do was collect my money and move on. We met at Triple’s Mom’s house where a third of our troop was waiting. Apparently, they’d gone on their own little adventure in the meantime to net Fortuna an emotional chip. Ping Wing announced that he also finished learning teleport. We used it to teleport out to where our airship was supposed to be, only to be accosted by Threadrippers who were also looking for it. I got scared of losing even more. They were easy enough to beat down and Moon Planter continued to gruesomely behead and cut up bodies in his wrath. We did find the airship, it was hovering over the ground, still invisible. Thankfully still ours. We had found another piece to upgrade the ship in the bank vault and slipped it into the ship which had it transform into a grand, deluxe battleship!! A nicer hull, rooms, cannons and the works, it’s magnificent! The high spirits were kept up by Fortuna who broke out into song and dance for us. It was a marvelous show…. Until it wasn’t. She short circuited, her eyes went black, her voice went corrupt, and she spat harrowing fortunes of four uninvited guests that Moon Planter needed to be wary of at the Krystal Ball, that he needed to stop them. My bones were then chilled as she dared imply of some ill fate to my child… 61 days as I’m looking at this clock I was given, to change a fate I am not entirely sure of… Really should it matter? I’m not sitting idly by regardless… I’m doing everything I can to make this world safe for him and for her.. it’s what I wanted to do for you but there’s just some things you can’t fix… I won’t let this happen again though. We’re off to the ball now. It should be an interesting time I think. There’s so many thoughts and emotions rolling around in my mind but I’ll try to have a good time.
The Bannermanes
Tangent Field
Triple Sevens
Moon Planter
Madame Fortuna
Swift Sail
Report Date
03 Jan 2023