Session 114 Report

General Summary

DM's Log

The second group consisting of Tangent, Electra, Triple, Fortuna, and Swift head on up, chasing a group into the castle. After breaking past the portcullis, they follow them up to the courtyard just before the throneroom where they spot a Mirrorer Prophet, one with two dolls. After fighting him and his lackeys, they managed to get the dolls, chasing him out past the throne-room where they were met with some golems brought in by a sacrifice of one of the mirrors. Partway through the fight, Swift powers through a stained glass window, defeating the one who had run into the throne room to begin with. It is there that Ivory Drop was spotted and the Crystal Dragon herself. After briefly entering the fray, the dragon was promptly dragged out by some force outside of her own, tugged along down to the dome in the center of the Krystal Ball.  

Swift's Log

Oh the fools we were to think we could enjoy a party! At least there may be some glory to be had. Following a crowd of foes towards the castle with Fortuna, Electra, Triple Sevens, Ping Wing, and Tangent, we rushed through a hall into a courtyard within the castle. A figure revealed himself to be—a Prophet Mirrorer!! And funnily enough, he had a little doll of me, and Tangent. We’re well prepared at least, and Ping Wing hastens all of us. I put that right to use, acrobatically sliding down a staircase railing and used that momentum to propel me forward and deliver a devastating finisher to the Prophet. I was immediately swelling with confidence and pride! They were much less confident, left and right they started casting Mirror Image for themselves... Tangent reshaped herself into a much larger, more fearsome creature. Triple and his quick hooves started to cut through images, and Fortuna took the approach to scare one of them to death! Meanwhile Electra and Tangent teamed up to break apart the Prophet. When we thought he was vanquished, instead took up the body of one of his lackeys. In the thick of it all, Ping Wing turned into a damned tornado! Fortuna went to pick up the dolls that the Prophet had dropped, and I leapt from railing to railing in a dazzling display of balance and acrobatics to break another lackey. Not one to be outdone, Tangent in her sabretooth form leapt up on top of a statue! Triple followed up, easily leaping to the second level. Eerily enough, the statues themselves began to start moving... The last Mirrorer reflected a curse at Fortuna, striking her with everlasting grief and Electra was given the dolls, who began running away from the statues while carrying them. They seemed to be interested in the dolls specifically, and Triple and Tangent were there to support Electra in busting down the statues. Meanwhile the remaining Mirrorers started to scatter, but I was quick to follow into what turned out to be the crystal dragon’s throne room! Even more Mirrorers awaited, which I began to fight as the rest of the party filed in.   Before I knew it, I was surrounded by mirrors and roaring applause, and even a storm of Ping Wing! But through it all, at the end of the throne room by the throne itself I could see the Phantom looking like he was about to pull off a sinister ritual of sorts. I race up to him, and he declares the Mirror of Sorshen shall be theirs. I managed to shatter him instantly before he could pull off his magic. Four additional statues that had been stationed in the throne room were also brought to life to join the fight. The Mirrorer I was fighting decided to challenge me by teleporting out of the throne room, but unafraid I valiantly crashed through the pane glass to keep on the chase! High above the city we fought, and just as I landed my strike I spotted, of all creatures, Ivory Drop scaling the outside of the castle! More alarming was that from afar I could see the crystal dragon herself speeding towards us, furious. She burst through the window the rest of the way, landed in the middle of her throne room, and let her presence be known by turning a living statue into crystal.   Back outside I saw the fleeting image of a pink creature through the mirror of my foe. She was referred to as master, confirming that the queen had entered the castle. After finishing him off, I rejoined the rest of the party in the throne room. By this point we had deduced the statues were weak to water and cold. Fortuna was throwing bottles of alcohol, Ping Wing and Electra were juggling frost vials. Suddenly in the middle of the fight, the crystal dragon began to be flung around as if she had lost control of herself! She was flown right out of the throne room, back out the way she came. I instructed Ping Wing to continue freezing the statues while I flew out after Koh-I-Noor to chase her down. Ping Wing had summoned a dragon earlier in the fight which the rest of the party was able to climb onto to chase behind. Before that, Triple snooped through some scattered papers where CIA noted to be on the look out for an imposter at the ball. Even more shocking—as we flew over the throne I spotted a crystalized Shabaka!!   The dragon’s movements remained frantic, but eventually I could see she was being pulled towards the runway, and a tiny unicorn matching the creature that had appeared in the image was prancing along holding what looked like a bundle of dolls. Just as we were traveling, I could see the rest of our adventurers emerging from a theater also approaching the runway. The fight’s not over yet!
The Bannermanes
Tangent Field
Electra Pleiades
Triple Sevens
Madame Fortuna
Swift Sail
Report Date
04 Feb 2023