Session 31 Report

General Summary

Cher's Log

Our voyage across the sea to Brashvile was thankfully uneventful, with no ancient red dragon to be found. I may share their blood, but there is no kinship amongst dragons of their type. And fire hearts fear is well-founded if it is ancient. I doubt escape would be an option for most of my party. Landing down in the dump heap of a village we were greeted to almost immediately conflict. Surprisingly not done by us. A large explosion and fireball shot from the center of their hovel. The party, eager for combat rushed forward preparing themselves for yet another brawl that they will barely survive. I cast invisibility on myself, the idiots could serve as a useful distraction or shield in case the target is one of my kin of a greater size. They’ve proven quite sturdy in the past, as it’s hard to be knocked senseless when your mind is empty to start with. There was a deep fog amongst the area, but luckily it seemed whoever would be our target wasn’t attempting to hide amongst the fog. Reaching the ruckus, the villagers had already started running, and we were met by a brass dragon, thankfully, one of a younger variety. The brass dragons are typically childish and one of this size would honestly prove no trouble for the party. Of course, killing one could pose other issues. And the fact it was here at all could be a sign of worse things. There were two giant ponies amongst the two who were left to face the dragon. A darker one that seemed to be dead from the declaration of our healer. And one with a fiery mane that stood up to fight the dragon.   Our battle began with a cracking strike from the moon planter followed by less successful and impactful strikes from the other party members. The dragon took the attacks personally and didn’t hold back as it attacked the giant pony taking them out in one attack string. While not being particularly strong in the grand scheme of dragons, this creature was still nothing to play with. I pooled the fog into an ice storm blinding the creature and hiding us from its gaze. Before we could finish it off, it began to laugh at us, as it approached its downed target. He revealed to us his battle with us was a mere farce. A joke concocted by him and the citizens. Their goal was simply to have a good laugh, I was tempted to finish him off for the sheer principle of what he said. But after taking a deep breath I was able to relax and slip back into at least a somewhat carefree persona. The battles are inventible, but it doesn’t mean I have to enjoy them. When your main form of defense is diversion it’s always heart-pounding going against creatures four times your size that a single strike could take you out. But after a few drinks, the party all seemed to be in good spirits. We learned the names of our two giant ponies, and that the dark one was the mane stitch of the area. He seemed almost as confused about what happened as we were, which probably says a lot about the bannermanes in this area… all apparent two of them. The second one with the red flames for a mane was called Ord, and the dragon Chauffeur. Eventually, we got down to business and found the only competent source of information was the dragon. He mentioned he had a horde in which he indeed had Aetherstone amongst his collection. After proving out dragoness he agreed to invite us back to his cave on the opposite side of the mountains. He didn’t guarantee we could have his collection but simply to an audience. We rested and begun to prepare the airship for the journey to his cave.  

Shabaka's Log

  • Go to town
  • Question the Main Stitch about possible locations of Aetherstone
  • Find bulks of Aetherstone and depart back to home base
  • Seems simple right? But think again for this world can be a prankster at times, and it does not care if I find the antics humorous or otherwise.   We've made our arrival in the small town of Brashville, but despite our very noticeable and announced entrance, there was not a soul in sight to even greet us. Suddenly a thunderous outcry travels through the air that paired with a pillar of fire, screams of terror followed shortly after. At the time I wasn't sure what creature caused such mayhem to run amuck, but my gut ached something fierce as we made our way to the source, tipping me off that this would be one of the worse days I'd have to live through. We have started preparations for our regularly scheduled brawl to ensure victory against the mysterious creature, with Cher suddenly nowhere to be seen. I swear this is the umpteenth time she pulled that trick out of her bag. We venture closer and spot many ponies gallop from the town square in utter dismay. With that obvious hint of the foe's position, we journey on, soon my worst fears becoming reality. As we get to the central part of town, we find ourselves scorched structures, a huge, green Antean laid unconscious, and another gargantuan pony in her lonesome attempting to face against the scorn of Astillon, a dragon covered in brass scales, that talked down upon her and the Bannermanes, prattling on as if this was mere amusement. Such actions, especially those enacted by this overgrown lizard, will not go unpunished. Thus, we jumped into the fray. Ord, tried as she did to lay it into the dragon, only doing a pinch worth of damage on, and in retaliation it pummeled her brutally, leaving her unconscious. Tangent checks upon the Main Stitch, unfortunately deeming him to be dead. Though most of the team can use a bit of warming up before battles, we almost folded the beast with our peppered mosquito bites and Moon Planter's immensely heavy hits. Abruptly the glorified snake's aggression dissipates as he barks on about all of this was just a prank on us, though the damage done to most of the architecture and the Antean we later find out is named Ord is in fact very real. Talk about intense horseplay. Though I found the ploy rather distasteful and knowing that the dragon was barely standing stoked an ire within me to deliver it an agonizing exit from this world, it's actions only affected those that agreed to this, and none of my allies got hurt I've withheld from enacting on my immediate rage, though the feeling had anything but evaporated. The Main Stitch just had some fake death potion to convince even Tangent, the most medical knowledge companion of our, of his faux death. After Moon Planter and Tangent bandaged up the two Anteans, Sarsparilla sways the Main Stitch of Brashville to get not only herself, but everyone else in this town a free round of drinks, which is the least he could do if I say so myself. I cannot say that I fully enjoyed my pint as the sounds of construction bounced throughout the tavern, and sawdust frolicked in the air. The full Brashville experience, I guess. With the drinks settling in our stomachs, we have set out to get a lead on the Aetherstones, which none but that damn Brass Dragon have an idea on the location of these rare gems. He claims to have some in his hoard, and he will present them to us. During his address to us, in that lizard brain of his he decides to rest his lard ass upon me over some choices of words. He should count his blessings that my mother raised a proper feline. Otherwise... Anyways the monster also wanted to know how many Kirins, dragons, and anything that has the dragon virus in our group for reason unbeknownst to us. During this coincidently Fireheart shows up rather tardy and has shown more concerned about this flame thrower than our wellbeing, the dragonphile. He points out where is den is located on the other side of the Autumntara Tips. Finally wrapping up his explanation, he lifts off and soars through the air to wherever he came from. Noticing it was dark we decide to rest for tomorrow we will be trekking by hoof and paw for the airship captain does not know much of the landscape beyond Brashville. Hoorah!  

    Moon Planter's Log

      We approached Brashville in a thick fog. The captain noted the airship dock didn't have anyone to control the tethers, so he was forced to bring in the ship manually. Once we were grounded and secure, we heard a ground shaking roar and fire shot up from the fog. It seemed as though were were going to work early today. I took the lead and my fellow Bannermanes followed. I knew dragons were in the area, but I wasn't expecting to be fighting any so soon. Swift, Sarsaparilla, and I took the air, and flew around a building with markings I couldn't read. We saw ponies running for their lives and I darted ahead to find the beast. Buildings were already burnt to ash. When we arrived in the center of town, there was a dragon. Whether I thought we were prepared or not, this creature had to be stopped. Two massive Anteans were already engaging it. A male was identified as the Mainstitch by the dragon who mocked him for going down. An enormous mare with an ax was already in the fight. I yelled out instructions to Swift so his rapier would strike this dragon at its weakest points. I moved in and swung with all my might at the dragon's head. I didn't wish to kill the dragon, so I attempted to knock it unconscious. My sword struck it hard and the dragon recoiled. Swift leapt through the dragon's legs and attacked. The Antean mare swung her ax and delivered a blow. The dragon was weakening, and I hoped to stop the carnage before it worsened. Tangent ran to the Mainstitch to offer aid, and our spell casters began working from the back line.   The dragon laughed at our efforts and attacked the Antean mare. She fell. My heart sank as I believed I failed her. I wanted to stop anyone else from getting hurt, but I failed. Fury filled my soul and hardened my resolve. I empowered my Falchion and put my training to use. This creature would pay for what it's done. Fireheart's sympathy for these things be damned.   I moved in tandem with my Falchion. I flowed with each swing and took the beast's back next to Swift, barely managing to land another hit. Cher conjured a storm of ice, and we were prepared to deliver the finishing blow to this monster. Then, everyone started laughing. The dragon and all the town's folk laughed at us as though they had just told the joke of a lifetime. There was no real attack. It was all an elaborate ruse to welcome us to Brashville. The Mainstitch hadn't died, and neither had the Antean mare. They were under the effects of a potion of False Death. All to sell the joke. I was in a state of shock, as I intended to kill the dragon anyway, but my bewilderment gave me pause. All the ponies who were running away suddenly trotted back with such smiles on their faces. In hindsight, it was quite hilarious. In the moment however, I felt foolish. I truly believed my Bannermanes had fallen, and I was prepared to avenge them.   I sheathed my sword, and assisted Tangent in treating the two Anteans. The mare was treated first. I attempted to heal her, but she still showed signs of death. I beat her chest in frustration, and blood flowed from her mouth. In a panic, I tried to correct my mistake, and Tangent took over for me. With her poison treated, she stood back up. Her name is Ord, and she showed no signs of discomfort despite her injuries. They say it was a joke, but this dragon certainly hit her hard to sell it. I dragged the Mainstitch close to the tavern. I figured the taste of vodka would raise him and sure enough I was right. After treating his poison, and having some drink poured down his mouth by Sarsaparilla, he awoke.   I began treating their wounds while everything was explained. The Mainstich himself thought it'd be a great way to welcome us. I even treated the dragon's wounds who told the whole town I pack quite a wallop. I couldn't stay mad. Ponies don't think it be, but it do.   The Mainstitch offered us drinks, and the whole town came to the tavern to partake. We drank for an hour and got to know each other. With the Mainstitch taking up most of the room, Ord and the rest of the town drank outside. I barely remember much after my 3rd or 7th drink. I recall Fireheart finally making it off the ship and running to embrace the dragon. He introduced himself as Chauffeur, and is apparently the same Bronze Dragon she conversed with years ago at Scaletip. This whole town looks brand new apart from the destroyed sections during the fight, but while we drank craftsponies came and began repairs. This town is used to being destroyed and rebuilt overnight, and the citizens here have gotten very good at building. Swift and Sarsaparilla got the idea of inviting them back to Bleakburn to build Duk's bakery. A fine idea, but we need to gather Aetherstone first.   Chauffeur invited us to his lair, showing a preference for Cher and of course Fireheart. Perhaps to do with their dragon lineage. He says that if we can locate him in the mountains Northeast of Brashville, he'll help locate some of the Aetherstone we're looking for. He flew off, but quickly dropped Cher on her ass after she attempted to piggy back on him. Shabaka fared no better, as he attempted to antagonize Chauffeur and quickly got pressed beneath the dragon's massive claws. He came to no harm, but hopefully Shabaka learns to show a measure of respect. Ord seems a bit slow, but nice enough. She's agreed to travel with us on our search for Aetherstone. I slept in a tree just outside the city as the sound of construction carried on through the night.   This land, these trees. It's home. I remember the smell and the feel of the night air here. It's just as I remembered it when I left my cave for the first time. We're not far from Poolton. I wonder if that old Cloven, Tabon, is still skinning and tanning game there? I haven't seen him in 3 years. I owe that old geezer a lot for teaching me how to track game. I should stop by to see him if we have the chance, but the Aetherstone comes first.   I haven't thought much on home and family since I left 5 years ago. Things were always tense between my Colony and the Gem Knolls inhabiting those caves. Mom would hide me away when the Gem Knolls were reported to be too close. The Leatherwings would always have to go and fight them just to keep our Colony from being overran. Dad kept coming back battered and bleeding. Mom would yell at him for taking too many risks and he'd yell back for her not realizing that it's riskier to do nothing. She was just scared. Dad was too. One night, mom hid me above our den and I hung there for hours. Dad never looked up and saw me. It was the only time I ever saw him cry.   I got tired of being scared. I didn't want to be afraid anymore, and even after I was old enough mom wouldn't let me learn how to defend our Colony. I wanted to fight too. I wanted to protect our family and friends, but she was too afraid of losing me. Dad was too tired to argue with her, so he forced me to stay home and look after her during every raid. I got tired of it, so I left one night and never went back. I don't know what they'd think of me now. I don't know if they've disowned me, or even if they think I'm dead. I'm scared to think of what they'll say if I meet them again. Damn this fear. I can't escape it no matter where I am.
    The Bannermanes
    Tangent Field
    Nord Pone
    Sarsaparilla Surprise
    Moon Planter
    Cher Nobyl
    Swift Sail
    Report Date
    06 May 2021