Session 34 Report

General Summary

The sight of an Ancient Dragon flying along us is incredible. 1st night. We left the dwelling of Ms. Kaffeeklatsch, the Ancient Gold Dragon. She tapped on the glass of the porthole and woke me so we could speak for the day. We shared a few stories about childhood, and shared our favorite recipes. The Bannermanes chose to sleep, but I volunteered to keep watch. It's not natural for adventures to get comfortable. In the morning, there was a glint of light off to the north while we traveled to Camp Weedhorse. Sarsaparilla spotted a small green pony when the rest of us couldn't see it. We opted to leave it be and continue on our journey. 2nd night. Shabaka was chosen by Ms. Kaffee to speak to her. He refused, and was wrestled by several party members to be placed on her back. He relented and rode on her back for the day. Swift reported firecrackers in the distance. I believe we're being followed and tracked by Gobbos. Likely due to Kaffe. I spent my watch gathering natural ingredients for treating wounds. They'll expire quickly.   3rd night. The foliage and plants are strange to the area. Some budding Fey Leaf was found around the ship. It's non indigenous to this area and is known to be illegal throughout Astillon.   We arrived at Camp Weedhorse on the 4th day. The smell of burnt Fey Leaf hangs in the air among the Coniferous Trees. There are no paved roads, only dirt roads. Smoke poured out from one tent in particular. The effects of the Fey Leaf can be seen on the residents. Mrs. Potts is who we're looking for to sell us the pots we need for Ms. Kaffeeklatsch. Tangent took the lead and began scratching at tents to find Mrs. Potts. Tangent played with someone and licked her paws. We went to a large blue tent where larger plants of Fey Leaf are planted. We found Mrs. Potts inside and she has the most awful voice. 30 of the 40 pots we require at here. She attempted to overcharge us for the pots we needed. Cher attempted to barter some of her Harlot Sweets to lower the price, but wasn't successful.   Then Shabaka attempted to help her set up black market contacts. I tried to see if the Fey Leaf I collected was better than what she was growing, but I couldn't tell any difference. We paid the price required, and began loading up the ship with the 30 pots available. Cher used magic and began carefully loading the pots onto the ship. I attempted to find someone to analyze the Fey Leaf I had collected, but there was a large kerfuffle back toward the center of the tents. Shabaka summoned me to help investigate some spooky buildings.   Sarsaparilla mentioned a frightening force in the area of a Chateau near the camp. Tangent showed some initial fear but pressed on with us. The Chateau looks decrepit with only a single door and many windows. We began searching for traps. Tangent summoned a strange creature that began communicating with plants. Sarsaparilla nudged me, and we flew up to look inside. Magical Darkness is covering the inside of this place. Sarsaparilla and I then began destroying windows.   We tethered to each other with our ropes, and Tangent uses a spell that disassembled the door. We walked in. Everything is pitch black inside. I hate this because it's not right for a Leatherwing to not see in the dark. I recalled my religious education and pieced together what was happening here. We're feeling our way through this place that is infected with a Haunt. There is no doubt. While stumbling through, we came across a door that was picked open by Sarsaparilla. We blindly walked into a library. After feeling around, the door closed and locked, then we found a magical hat. Suddenly Cher cried out as she was attacked by something. Without sight, all we could do was go by hearing. I ran forward and swung at what seemed like nothing. Ord charged forward, and I heard the sound of a table being pushed and crushed under her weight. A door burst open, and I listened as Cher was crying out for help again. I ran to the sound of my Bannermanes. I bumped into them as I ran out the busted door. I stood face to face with a Shadow Spawn that was barely glowing with a feint fire. I swung at the creature and missed. I saw Ord's sword pass through the creature. It faded away, and the tuffs of fur on my ears fell to the floor.   I moved through the darkness, trying to find another glowing shadow. Tangent's power was bursting over all of us. I've taken no damage, but I hope those who have are feeling stronger. Moving back and forth, I found the next shadow and moved away from Shabaka who was standing with it. I harnessed my training and struck with all of my might. The creature faded away, and was no more. Cher was weakened. I can not see in this darkness, but I can hear. Cher fell to the ground. Shabaka cast a spell and called out that another was destroyed. I've heard my Bannermanes say there were only 4 which means there is one left. Ord found it. I felt Tangent's power pass over my body and heard Cher come back from the dead. I leapt forward into the abyss and swung my Falchion true. The fight was finally over.   Cher's shadow is gone. We've confirmed it's not a disease, and Cher can thankfully wait for her body to return to normal in 4 hours. Tangent cast Restoration on Cher and reduced the damage done to her body. Cher's shadow will return and she'll be at full strength in 2 hours. For now, we rest.   These creatures. They're called Shadow Spawn. I remember learning about them vividly from the books in Tabon's library. They seemed like things from myth, but they're all too real. Real and dangerous. We came so close to losing Cher, but these are my Bannermanes. I'll fight like hell to protect each one. Praise the Moon Princess that we made it through this. I'll provide healing to Cher and nurse her wounds while we wait for her shadow to return. This is a sizable library, so there must be something valuable we can learn here. Strange that the lights turned on in this room, but not for the hallway outside. My mind's a mess, and my heart is still racing. What other nightmares are in this place?

Character(s) interacted with

Mrs. Potts
The Bannermanes
Tangent Field
Nord Pone
Moon Planter
Cher Nobyl
Swift Sail
Report Date
25 May 2021
Primary Location