Session 38 Report

General Summary

Cher's Log

Another day, or rather the same, another adventure. With weed horse or rather ‘marshmallow’ as we learned indisposed, we were able to finally catch our breath. The jester that was left behind screaming about being free to no one’s shock did indeed turn out to be none other than weed horse himself. Unfortunately, he had little in the way of inf to tell us. He wasn’t sure what caused the haunt, how to stop it, and was held hostage by the ghosts. He also could only give us a limited amount of knowledge about his life, or rather death. He was simply entertaining people and the next thing he knew he was knocked out and being dragged into his home. He was confined to this spirit form with the suffocating mask that refused to come off. When we asked about the situation with Ms. Pots, he simply told us his only regret was she thought he was still alive, and to help prove of him being gone from at least the mortal realm, he offered us a seed. Stating that she could indeed smell magic. With him stuck there and the threat of more ghosts coming, we quickly stabilized our combatant and tied her up letting Moon Planter carry her as we made our way through the windows. We had to camp in the woods outside weed horse due to the airship being pretty far away, and we were in no condition to travel, but once we rested, we got straight to the integrations. Pleasantries didn’t seem to result in anything positive, and with our resident sexual harasser Swift failed to put the moves on yet another tied up mare, in an effort to get her to talk. Almost like being tied up, barely able to stand, and being in a forest makes you nonreceptive to flirting… oh, and getting stabbed in the chest by the person doing it, probably doesn’t help either. That being said I was able to glean some info by reading her mind and sending a quick message to her handler Clarity back in the city of sin. I learned from Clarity this was her sister, and she was operating under her orders. I also learned from my consensual mind reading that she was having some form of reinforcement coming. We were most likely more than capable of taking care of them, but we had struck a deal with number 2 aka marshmallow aka shishkabob aka bob. She wouldn’t go around mind-controlling people and would admit that she was impersonating weed horse, and we would more or less leave her be. With that squared away, we unhooked her, and she traveled back to the old manor with us. We went back into the old manor the way we came, and Tangent as eager as ever had prepared remove curse and had rushed the specter that was Weed Horse to help him remove the cursed mask he had tied to his face. With astounding success, we succeeded in our delight we had him attempt to leave the haunted mansion, this immediately triggered the shadows to react. Number 2 had no intentions of helping, but it meant I could test out my new dragon friend. I summoned a dragon and lit the ghost ablaze, eventually Weed Horse during the fight tried once more to leave with much better success this time, and our party followed soon after. He was true to his feelings though of wanting to be a legend and was content with his death. When we offered to take him to talk to Ms. Pots, he simply hung in the tree line. Speaking to her was considerably easier than I had expected, we showed her the seed and true to his word she could since his magic in it, and knew what we said was true. After a bit of prying and crying. We even got number 2 to apologize to her for deceiving her, and the gobbos were returned to normal. Of course, number 2 couldn’t be fully let off the hook and was banished from the camp as a result. With our business here done for the most part, despite not knowing who killed weed horse, we were on our way back to the Gobbo camps. We dropped off our green friends and after a small mishap where Swift almost sentenced one to death, we left the cleric in charge. And eventually, after more marching, we got our airship where we could much more quickly fly. We met up with Café to pick up her plants and we were set to being the next leg of our journey soon after. We have many days of travel ahead, and plenty of adventures abound.  

Swift's Log

Having put down the impostor and an end to the gauntlet of ghosts we’d marched through, it was time to get our ducks in a row and start learning what we could. Firstly we confirmed that the jester who was attempting to get his mask off was in fact Weed Horse. He knew he was dead, and didn’t seem completely distraught. He only dreamed of remaining a legend amongst the camp of which he planted the seeds of. We told him we’d take the changeling and question her for what we could while finding out how to release his spirit so he could be a free ghost. He gave us a magical seed to which he assured us Miss Potts would know what it meant. We gathered up our captive and decided first and foremost to find a clearing in the woods to rest up and recover ourselves from the battles in the Chateau. Everyone gathered as she stirred awake. She didn’t seem quick to change into a bug or a bird and fly away—of course we hadn’t left her with much energy to do so. Cher’s familiarity with Buckback and his associates defaulted her to lead the questioning, not earning us a name or proper motive or really anything that we couldn’t discern ourselves. I was most curious about the fact that this group didn’t seem interested in using the changeling referred to as ‘#2’ or ‘Kabab’ or ‘Marshmallow’ to get closer to Buckback, that they were content with having run him out of Dakalai was enough despite the bounty to his name… Even our resident bounty hunter didn’t seem entirely pressing and they were all willing to let things resume under an honest business plan… Maybe it had something to do with this changeling being apparently related to this other changeling, ‘Clarity’, that I’ve been hearing so sparsely about. No matter, we managed to strike a deal with the agreeable enough changeling to stop impersonating Weed Horse to do her business. She assured us she hadn’t killed him, or that she didn’t know who did, that it was something she merely took advantage of which I’m not entirely convinced of.. Perhaps Buckback’s organization and business is so large that she wouldn’t know of every associate’s on goings, but it seems too convenient to me. She also claimed she had no idea about the chateau’s haunt or magical darkness, that there was nothing for her to do about it…   Our first stop was to the Chateau, with a prepared spell to attempt to remove the curse which proved to be successful as Tangent bum rushed the jester to free him. A lapse of thought on my part… or perhaps unavoidable since Marshmallow didn’t seem ready to help, was me calling for the spirit of Weed Horse to attempt to leave, that set off an alarm of a few smaller ghosts to spawn. Despite being right next to the window and able to just walk out of danger since our job was done, Ord seemed to have pent up anger to smash out, and Tangent and Cher were all too eager to show off their new summons and to cause a bit of mayhem themselves. I kept in the back to keep an eye on Marshmallow with a trade of words, and everyone eventually retreated, ending the threat. We ventured across camp to Miss Potts’ hut, Tangent producing the seed we had been given which sparked something in the hag’s nose, and heart. She knew what it meant and fighting back tears, looked to the heavens to say a silent word to her lost partner… Watching on I kept to the back and took a moment to do the exact same, looking at your feather. Aagh… I miss you...   Things were calmed and settled with a cup of tea, the air was cleared, and #2 was banished from the camp after apologizing. I’m sure this won’t be the last of their organizations’ dealings with the largest distributor of fayleaf in the area, but that’s left to be seen as Miss Potts’ taught Tangent a ritual of sorts.. a way to completely disperse of the spirits haunting the mansion at a single soul a day… we had the absolute opposite of time to spare to do such, but were told to come back another time to help out. As a final order of business, we spoke to Miss Potts’ on behalf of the gobbos and release the cursed gobbos in her garden while lamenting over how much she’d missed them. Weed Horse’s legend lived on, Miss Potts’ had her closure, the relationship with the Big Rock gobbo’s was soothed, and the camp was freed of this case of being deceived and taken advantage of, a happy ending we were content to leave on. Cher attempted to collect this member of the top 10 alongside Jinx and Misty, but Marshmallow was less agreeable to such and flew off. We ventured back to the airship, then back to the Big Rock gobbos where I could inform them of the great success in what we’d set out to do. The news had to be broken that I was not able to stay, and that in fact Gribble would be filling in as the leader in my absence. I’m not exactly sure how Moon Planter phrased it but it nearly got Gribble killed and sacrificed to Spook Snek!! That was thankfully halted and cleared up, and to Moon Planter’s suggestion they were instructed to hunt owl bear’s in the area and sacrifice those to Spook Snek. They set off immediately to do so, and I’ll be curious to see how things hold up later down the line.   Our side quest has finally been wrapped up, and we’re set to resume our long journey of moving Mrs. Kafe out and to find her husband, surely with no other distractions awaiting us…
The Bannermanes
Tangent Field
Nord Pone
Moon Planter
Cher Nobyl
Swift Sail
Report Date
22 Jun 2021