Session 81 Report

General Summary

Swift's Log

  I’d say that was a mightily productive leg of our journey. Picking up after the ruffians we faced, we continued down the road Westward to Holbeck. Along the way in our goofy wisdom, we had Triple douse some of the parched trees with his decanter, only to find one of them as a pony in disguise! His name was Twister, and he was an illusionist from Aerilon. He told us he’d been attacked by a band of ruffians up the road who had been questioning him about artifacts and Holbeck and things of the like. We knew what to prepare for. Up the road we tactically stayed back and were able to scout from afar. Using my spyglass I was able to find no more than 4 not-especially-scary looking goons. Making our approach we made ourselves look vulnerable with Triple and Tangent sneaking off to the side, and a blanket on top of Fortuna to make her look like cargo. They approached us and we tried to talk peacefully, but apparently my name has reached across Astillon, and as I introduced myself they took up arms! I ran right up to the big guy to begin dueling with him while Triple jumped into the backline and caster. My jaw dropped as Ophie sprouted wings and a halo. Another Angel Scales! In that moment I was so turned around and distracted that I was able to get knocked over. Stocks helped beat down the rogue with the help of Belle Hop’s masterful tactic of running in, smacking, and running back. Planning my counter attack perfectly, I was able to put a near-lethal blow through the larger stallion and into the smaller goon behind him that had been harassing Triple. Both went down and that left the ever so tricky hooded caster. Not risking him getting away I took him out when I had the chance, and everyone could hear glass breaking as he landed. Further investigation showed—a mirror under the hood? A full mirror body? I was right confused, though Triple was properly intrigued. Though our attention turned to the 3 we had knocked out and were thankfully able to stabilize them. I say thankfully because even though they were rightfully snippy with us, we got decent information out of them without having to really torture or brutalize them. In fact it was Angel Scales doing the bulk of the sweet talking with one of the goons, putty in her hooves. He didn’t seem to like it though once the spell wore off, and went on a tangent similar to what I recall Moon Planter going on—though much more salty.   They informed us.. not very well of the creature made of glass. It was quite unsettling to be honest, and Triple kept being drawn to it. I smashed it up with a shifted mace until it was dust. Fortuna mentioned something about a cult—a magical mirror or something—it’d been sent with the group by their leader. There’s more information to be learned. We also learned of a creature in Holbeck having taken up base in the museum who goes by the name of Godfather. He is the leader of the group known as the Jackals. They have ankhs tattooed on themselves to represent such. They are attempting to gather up the rare artifacts and… I feel like it’s just clicked that this “Mea Pena Ki’i” that Moon Planter goes on about could have been held in the museum, given it’s link to Bannermanes history, and this Godfather could be in possession and control of it making him a very dangerous foe… Triple talked to the trio last, suggesting they go become High Rollers. They seemed genuine and receptive to the idea of turning over a new leaf, which I think was good for them. Looking at our map, we noticed a bit of a crossroads before us. We could continue up the path and into Holbeck—or to south towards the train tracks and investigate reports of trains being jumped and harassed. Also we had a key and an indication of something to use it on just to the north by the cliffside. I don’t much like the idea of trains being robbed, and the party agreed so the majority of us headed down while others kept watch on the road. We found the tracks, and some lights off on the rails that indicated something was wrong… as the train approached to a stop, we saw Gobbos of all things jumping out with oil and fire and looking to rob it! I couldn’t believe they had the smarts to do what they were doing to Goldenport technology; however, it was noticed they had ankhs on them as well, indicating they were also employed by the Jackals! Without any care for keeping these lot alive, we did battle with them while Duk sang us strong. In the end we were all covered in oil. Thankfully it had been kept out of me mane, but me coat and fur weren’t so lucky. I suggested to the mares that we find a lake to take a dip, but everyone seemed a bit tired. Instead prestidigitations were hooved out to clean us off and we moved back north to meet with the allies we’d left behind who had their own run in with trouble. Everyone is okay for now though, we’ll be in Holbeck soon.  

Triple's Log

It's been weeks since we left Dakalai. I'm sticking around with the goosey-two-shoes. Sarsy's letter is the only thing I got to remember her by while she's looking for... (smudged out). We're on our way to Holbeck. We found a tree guy, or rather, a caster disguised as a tree. He set himself on fire, because that somehow adds to the disguise. Turns out, he's from Aerilon. That explains the... everything about him. He was running from some bad guys down the road. Highwayponies. So we went and beat them up. This new kirin lady is so good at healing that I feel her energy just being close to her. She can also fly like a real angel. So, she's awesome. The highwayponies are with The Jackals. I've stolen from that gang so much that they've now got a bounty on me. Sweet! Unfortunately, Thumbtacks and Sarsy's were higher. I got a long way to go. The highwayponies were traveling with this mirror-fake-pony-guy-thing. It could cast mirror-esque spells and somehow got in my head and asked me to touch it down there. Thankfully Swift destroyed the creepy thing. Electra convinced the highway ponies to be a bit more talkative. They wanted to turn a new leaf after losing to us so badly, but The Jackals apparently don't like ponies leaving their dumb club once they join. So I told them about the High Rollers. I hope they join the family. Just like I did with Sarsy's help. Then we kept traveling and beat up some Gobbos robbing a train real quick.   End of thing.
The Bannermanes
Ophie Panacea
Tangent Field
Electra Pleiades
Triple Sevens
Madame Fortuna
Swift Sail
Report Date
10 May 2022