
Flaws are the inverse of feats. Whereas a feat enables a character to be better than normal at performing a task (or even to do something that normal characters can't), a flaw restricts a character's capabilities or imposes a penalty of some sort.   A player may select up to two flaws when creating a character. Each flaw a player selects entitles their character to a bonus feat. selected flaws may be chosen from the list below, or created by the player (typically with the help of the DM), but only flaws that have an appreciable negative effect on the player's character can be taken. For example, a Wizard could not take a flaw that reduced his Melee Attack rolls, because wizards rarely, if ever, make melee attacks. A bonus feat is a significant boon to a character, and the point of the flaw is to balance that benefit out. All flaw selections are subject to DM approval.  

Aligned Devotion

Your healing powers are only effective for those whose Alignment closely matches yours.   Prerequisite:
Ability to spontaneously cast cure spells.   Effect:
Your spells of the healing subschool have reduced effect on those who do not share your Alignment. Those that have exactly the same Alignment as you gain full benefit from your healing. Those with an Alignment within one step of yours are cured half the normal amount of hit points from your healing spells. Characters with alignments more than one step from yours gain no benefit from your healing at all. Your cure spells still deal full damage to undead.   Suggested Class/Race:

Arcane Conundrum

You are unable to use your inborn magical abilities.   Prerequisite:
You must be one of the following races (and have the minimum ability score in parenthesis if present): Gnome (Cha 10+), Drow, Duergar.   Effect:
You may never use any spell-like abilities under any circumstances.   Suggested Class/Race:

Arcane Fatigue

Conjuring magical energies is especially draining for you.   Prerequisite:
Ability to cast arcane spells.   Effect:
Whenever you successfully cast an arcane spell you must immediately make a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + spell level). If you fail you become Fatigued. If you are Fatigued as a result of this flaw, it has no further effect until that condition is removed.   Suggested Class/Race:

Arcane Parasites

Thousands of unseen parasites within your flesh draw upon the arcane power held within every spell you cast.   Prerequisite:
Ability to cast arcane spells.   Effect:
Every arcane spell you cast has the DC to resist it lowered by 1. These parasites cannot he removed by any mortal means, even by a miracle or wish.   Suggested Class/Race:

Arcane Performer

You depend upon your performance ability to aid in the casting of spells.   Prerequisite:
Ability to cast arcane spells without preparation, Perform 1 rank.   Effect:
In order to cast any spell, you must succeed at a Perform check (DC 10 + spell level). If you fail, you lose the spell.   Suggested Class/Race:

Beady Eyes

You have narrow beady eyes that do not catch the light as well as they should.   Prerequisite:
Darkvision   Effect:
You do not have Darkvision: instead you possess Low-Light Vision. In addition, you suffer a -2 penalty on all Perception checks.   Suggested Class/Race:


You have more in common with beasts than you do with your own race.   Prerequisite:
Wild empathy.   Effect:
You are vulnerable to the following list of spells that affect animals, as well as those which affect your own creature type: animal trance, calm animals, charm animal, dominate animal, hide from animals, hold animal.   Additionally, you suffer a -2 penalty on all Charisma-based skill checks except Disguise, Handle Animal, and Use Magic Device. Anyone observing your mannerisms who possesses the wild empathy class ability can recognize this flaw immediately.   Suggested Class/Race:

Bestial Instinct

You prefer to meet your foes so close that you can smell their blood.   Prerequisite:
None   Effect:
You suffer a -2 penalty to hit while using anything other than unarmed strikes or natural weapons.   Suggested Class/Race:

Blind Rage

Your ability to distinguish between friend and foe is limited once you enter a rage.   Prerequisite:
Rage ability.   Effect:
You may not end your rage voluntarily. Once you enter a rage, you continue to rage for the entire duration. While in a rage, you must attack a creature every round if able. You can Charge or move in order to make the attack, and you may move to attack a foe rather than stay still to attack a friend. If there are no creatures within sight, you attack the nearest breakable Object. You may attempt a DC 15 Will Save once per round on your turn in order stop attacking an ally. If foes become visible, you may immediately switch targets and engage them.   Suggested Class/Race:


You move about without careful consideration of foes.   Prerequisite:
None   Effect:
You suffer a -6 penalty to your Armor Class against attacks of opportunity.   Suggested Class/Race:


You are rash in combat, refusing to show weakness by falling back from your enemies' blows.   Prerequisite:
None   Effect:
You may not gain the benefit of any kind of dodge bonuses to your Armor Class. Spells, items, and effects that provide a Dodge Bonus provide no benefit for you. You cannot use the Withdraw action during combat.   Suggested Class/Race:


You are uneasy engaging in behavior that carries a chance of failure.   Prerequisite:
None   Effect:
You must spend twice as long performing any skill that requires an action. For example, deciphering a page of text would take 2 minutes for you instead of 1, while the Concentration skill is not affected by this flaw as it does not require an action. You also suffer a -2 penalty on Initiative checks.   Suggested Class/Race:

Chivalrous Courtesy

You despise raising your hand against creatures of the opposite gender.   Prerequisite:
Good or lawful Alignment.   Effect:
You suffer a -4 penalty on attack rolls to hit a creature you can tell is of the opposite gender.   Suggested Class/Race:

City Slicker

Although interested in the natural world, you suffer from a lack of experience in the wilds.   Prerequisite:
Survival as a class skill.   Effect:
You suffer a -4 penalty on all Handle Animal, Knowledge (nature), and Survival checks.   Suggested Class/Race:


You are uncomfortable in enclosed spaces.   Prerequisite:
None   Effect:
You become Shaken while in any space where you are within 10 feet of a wall or other solid surface on 2 or more sides, or if the ceiling is less than 10 feet above your head. (Such as while walking down a 20-foot-wide corridor or while you are in any room with a 10-foot-high ceiling.) Spells and effects that remove Fear do not remove this condition.   Suggested Class/Race:

Code Of Arms

Trained to only kill other armed warriors, you hesitate when attacking unarmed opponents.   Prerequisite:
Good or lawful Alignment.   Effect:
You suffer a -4 penalty on attack rolls made against an enemy not armed with a melee weapon. If the enemy uses a natural attack against you, you may then attack it without penalty.   Suggested Class/Race:

Cold Blooded

You were raised in an arctic climate and cannot tolerate heat.   Prerequisite:
None   Effect:
You automatically fail all Fortitude saves made to overcome the effects of high temperatures. Fire-based effects deal an additional 2 points of fire damage to you.   Suggested Class/Race:


In dangerous circumstances, you are likely to run away.   Prerequisite:
None   Effect:
You automatically fail all saves against Fear effects. An ability that makes you immune to Fear (such as becoming a 3rd-level paladin) instead grants you a saving throw, but at a -4 penalty on the save.   Suggested Class/Race:


You are easily distracted by the sights and sounds around you.   Prerequisite:
None   Effect:
You suffer a -2 penalty on Perception checks. You also suffer a -2 penalty on Initiative rolls.   Suggested Class/Race:

Divine Gestures

Your religious rites require elaborate gestures that cause you difficulty when casting divine spells while wearing armor or using a shield.   Prerequisite:
Ability to cast divine spells.   Effect:
You suffer a spell failure chance (due to armor, shields, or anything else which causes arcane spell failure) when casting divine spells, just as if they were arcane spells.   Suggested Class/Race:

Domain Devotion

You are limited to accessing only one of your deity’s Domains.   Prerequisite:
Access to Domains.   Effect:
You choose and have access to only one of your deity’s Domains. You may gain prestige Domains from a prestige class as usual.   Suggested Class/Race:

Elven Pride Of Arms

You only consider those weapons designed specifically for use by the noblest of elves to be fit to wield. Using any other Object as a weapon is beneath your dignity.   Prerequisite:
Elven blood.   Effect:
You suffer a -4 penalty on attack rolls when using a weapon other than a longsword, rapier, or bow (long, short, or composite). Attacks made while fighting unarmed, touch attacks (including ranged touch attacks), or attacks made with natural weaponry also incur this penalty.   Suggested Class/Race:

Exhausting Rage

You rage so powerfully that you become Exhausted once you calm down.   Prerequisite:
Rage ability.   Effect:
When you end your rage, you become Exhausted (instead of Fatigued) for the duration of the encounter. If you gain the ability to rage tirelessly, as a 17th-level barbarian, you are instead Fatigued after a rage.   Suggested Class/Race:


You are unathletic and uncoordinated.   Prerequisite:
None   Effect:
You take a -2 penalty on Strength-, Dexterity-, and Constitution-based ability checks and skill checks.   Suggested Class/Race:

Foe Specialist

Your training is so specialized that you have difficulty tracking, predicting, or otherwise interacting with those foes you have not studied in great detail.   Prerequisite:
Favored enemy.   Effect:
You suffer a -1 penalty on attack rolls, Bluff, Sense Motive, Perception, and Survival checks made against creatures of any kind that isn't one of your favored enemies.   Suggested Class/Race:


Your excessively lighthearted nature grates on your companions.   Prerequisite:
Bardic music.   Effect:
You lose the inspire courage, inspire competence, inspire greatness, and inspire heroics bardic music abilities.   Suggested Class/Race:


You lack the ability to summon a creature to do your bidding   Prerequisite:
Ability to call a familiar.   Effect:
You lose the ability to call a familiar.   Suggested Class/Race:

Forlorn Of Men

You are uncomfortable in the presence of humanoids.   Prerequisite:
None   Effect:
You become Shaken if there is more than one humanoid within 30 feet of you, not including members of your adventuring party. Spells and effects that remove Fear do not remove this condition.   Suggested Class/Race:


You are thin and weak of frame.   Prerequisite:
Your Constitution must be 6 or higher to take this Flaw.   Effect:
Subtract 1 from the number of hit points you gain at each level. This flaw can reduce the number of hit points you gain to 0 (but not below).   Suggested Class/Race:

Frail Immune System

You become Fatigued when your body is assaulted by Poison or magic.   Prerequisite:
Constitution 11 or lower.   Effect:
Whenever you fail a Fortitude Save, you become Fatigued, in addition to any other effects you might suffer. This condition lasts until you get 8 hours of complete rest. This flaw applies only once to any given source that requires a Fortitude Save. Failing a Fortitude Save while Fatigued causes you to become Exhausted.   Suggested Class/Race:

Free Spirited

You seek to live your life freely, unburdened by excessive material possessions.   Prerequisite:
Chaotic Alignment.   Effect:
The weight of any gear you carry is considered double for the purposes of determining your load. For example, a Half-Elf with a Strength of 10 and 30 pounds of gear is treated as carrying 60 pounds, which is a medium load. In addition, any armor check penalties you have are also doubled (or tripled, in the case of making a Swim check).   Suggested Class/Race:

Frivolous Performer

Having focused your time on practicing and performing, you have gathered little useful information in your travels.   Prerequisite:
Bardic Knowledge.   Effect:
You suffer a -8 penalty on all bardic Knowledge checks. This penalty does not apply if the relevant Knowledge involves the Perform skill in which you have the most ranks. For example, if you have the most ranks in Perform (wind instrument), you may use bardic Knowledge without penalty to identify famous wind instruments, to remember facts about famous wind instrument players, or to identify places that make quality wind instruments.   Suggested Class/Race:


You are uncomfortable ingesting any-thing but a small range of preferred foods and drinks.   Prerequisite:
None   Effect:
You become Sickened (no saving throw allowed) upon ingestion of any sort of potion for the duration of its effect, Potions with an instantaneous duration cause you to be Sickened for a period of time equal to the potion's Caster Level in minutes. You also suffer a -4 penalty on Saving Throws made against ingested poisons.   Suggested Class/Race:

Glory Hound

You have an insatiable desire for glorious combat, fighting recklessly to prove yourself.   Prerequisite:
Base attack bonus +1   Effect:
You suffer a -2 penalty to AC during combat until you drop an opponent. This penalty does not apply if the combat is against a single opponent.   Suggested Class/Race:

Grudge Keeper

You have an overpowering need for vengeance and have difficulty letting go of grudges.   Prerequisite:
None   Effect:
if you are damaged in combat, you suffer a -2 penalty on attacks rolls, skill checks, Saving Throws, and ability checks until you damage the foe who caused you harm. This penalty does not apply if you cannot discern the source of the damage. This penalty disappears when the combat ends.   Suggested Class/Race:


You believe what you see, and you trust others more than you should.   Prerequisite:
None   Effect:
You suffer a -2 penalty on Saving Throws made to resist enchantment and illusion spells and effects. You also suffer a -4 penalty on Sense Motive checks.   Suggested Class/Race:

Half Blood Outcast

You despise your nonhuman side.   Prerequisite:
Half Human race (Half-Elf, Half-Orc, etc.)   Effect:
You suffer a -2 penalty on all attack rolls, Saving Throws, and skill checks when within line of sight of a member of your non-Human parentage.   Suggested Class/Race:


You are engulfed by a deep hatred of your chosen foes and you become insensibly enraged in their presence.   Prerequisite:
Favored enemy.   Effect:
You suffer a -4 penalty to your Armor Class and on attack rolls and skill checks whenever you are not engaged in melee combat with a favored enemy and a favored enemy is close enough that you could engage it.   Suggested Class/Race:


You are unable to prevent the occurrence of strange noises in your immediate vicinity.   Prerequisite:
Ability to cast spells.   Effect:
Spontaneous noises sometimes arise in your immediate vicinity. These noises are completely out of your control and cannot be used to communicate or distract other creatures. These sounds cease when you are Unconscious, Petrified, asleep, or Dead. You suffer a -4 penalty on all Perception checks related to sound and Stealth checks.   Suggested Class/Race:
Sorcerer or Warlock  

Honor Of The Duel

You strongly believe in one-on-one combat to decide a fight.   Prerequisite:
Good or lawful Alignment.   Effect:
You must make a Will Save (DC 10 + your level) to attack a creature in a square threatened by one of its other foes. A successful save allows you to attack such a creature, albeit with a -2 penalty on your attack rolls. A failed save prohibits you from attacking that creature.   Suggested Class/Race:

Honorable Challenge

You only cross arms with foes who willingly engage you.   Prerequisite:
Lawful Alignment.   Effect:
You suffer a -4 penalty on attack rolls against creatures that have not explicitly challenged you or made an attack against you. For the purposes of this feat, an attack against you includes any action that could be considered a hostile act.   Suggested Class/Race:

Hot Blooded

You were raised in the desert and cannot tolerate cold.   Prerequisite:
None   Effect:
You automatically fail all Fortitude saves made to overcome the effects of low temperatures. Cold-based effects deal an additional 2 points of cold damage to you.   Suggested Class/Race:


You refuse to retreat from even the most deadly of confrontations.   Prerequisite:
Base attack bonus +1.   Effect:
If you move out of melee combat for any reason, you suffer a -2 penalty on all attack rolls, skill checks, and Saving Throws for 1 hour.   Suggested Class/Race:


You are particularly unaware of your surroundings.   Prerequisite:
None   Effect:
You take a -4 penalty on Perception checks.   Suggested Class/Race:


You are committed to a path that requires complete independence from others.   Prerequisite:
None   Effect:
You suffer a -2 penalty on all attack rolls made using weapons that you have not personally crafted. In addition, the armor check penalty of any suit of armor you wear that you did not Craft increases by +1.   Suggested Class/Race:


You have great difficulty achieving a full and restful sleep.   Prerequisite:
None   Effect:
In order to get a full night of rest you must succeed at a DC 15 Fortitude Save. If you are sleeping and a disturbance wakes you during the night, you must make an additional save (at the same DC) to return to sleep. If you fail the Fortitude Save you are Fatigued when you rise in the morning. If you are Fatigued when you try to sleep, you gain a +2 bonus on your save. If you are Exhausted, you gain a +6 bonus. Comfortable conditions, such as those found in most inns, grant you a +4 bonus on this save. Poor conditions, such as sleeping on the ground or in armor, give you a -4 penalty on this save. Even if you sleep poorly, you may prepare arcane spells as normal after 8 hours of fitful rest.   Suggested Class/Race:

Light Sensitivity

Accustomed only to the darker places in the world, your eyes open much wider than normal, making it difficult for you to see in bright light.   Prerequisite:
Darkvision.   Effect:
You become Dazzled in bright sunlight or within the radius of a daylight spell. A Dazzled creature takes a -1 penalty on attack rolls and Perception checks.   Suggested Class/Race:


You are light for your size.   Prerequisite:
Constitution 13 or lower.   Effect:
You have half the base weight of a normal character of your race. Height and weight modifiers are added normally. You suffer a -4 penalty when making or resisting bull rushes, grapples, overruns, or Trip attacks. You gain no attack bonus when you Charge, but still suffer the -2 Armor Class penalty and take double damage from weapons set against charges you make.   Suggested Class/Race:

Living Faith

Your religious practices give you no special powers over the Dead.   Prerequisite:
Ability to turn or rebuke undead.   Effect:
You lose the ability to turn or rebuke undead. This does not extend to any other creatures a domain might grant you the ability to turn or rebuke, such as earth elementals for a Cleric with the Air domain, nor does it prevent you from spending your uses of turn/rebuke undead on other abilities.   Suggested Class/Race:


You do not have the ability to gain an animal companion.   Prerequisite:
Animal Companion ability   Effect:
You lose the ability to gain an animal companion. You never gain the ability to gain a special companion, whether through animal companion, or some other class ability or feat. Possessing multiple classes that would grant you an animal companion does not negate the effects of this flaw.   Suggested Class/Race:


You are a loud, obnoxious, boisterous, and compulsive talker.   Prerequisite:
None   Effect:
You suffer a -4 penalty on all Diplomacy and Move Silently checks.   Suggested Class/Race:
Bard or Barbarian  

Love Of Nature

You do not wish harm upon any natural creature.   Prerequisite:
None   Effect:
You must succeed at a DC 12 Will Save before you can attack any creature with the animal, plant, or vermin type, or you lose your action. Note that animals, plants, and vermin may attack you without penalty.   Suggested Class/Race:

Magical Fascination

You have a tendency to become fascinated by spells and elaborate magical effects.   Prerequisite:
You suffer a -2 penalty on attack rolls and skill checks when in sight of a visible magical effect with a duration greater than instantaneous (such as a dancing lights, spiritual weapon, or wall of fire spell).   Effect:
None   Suggested Class/Race:

Magical Overlord

You have difficulty controlling your most powerful magic, being more comfortable with more familiar, lower-level spells.   Prerequisite:
Ability to cast spells.   Effect:
You must use one spell slot of your highest Spell Level to cast or prepare a spell of a lower level. This spell slot may be used to cast or prepare any spell of any level lower than your highest level, effectively causing you to lose one of your highest-level spell slots to gain one of a lower level. For example, a 6th-level Sorcerer would lose the ability to cast one 3rd-level spell per day, but would gain the ability to cast one additional 0, 1st-, or 2nd-level spell instead. This flaw always affects your highest Spell Level and changes the Spell Level it affects as you gain levels.   Suggested Class/Race:

Material Devotion

You are restricted to using magical objects created with your deity’s Domains in mind.   Prerequisite:
Access to Domains.   Effect:
You many only use spell-trigger items (wands and staffs) that cast spells on your domain Spell Lists. Other spell-trigger items fail in your hands.   Suggested Class/Race:

Meager Fortitude

You are sickly and weak of stomach.   Prerequisite:
None   Effect:
You take a -3 penalty on Fortitude saves.   Suggested Class/Race:

Metal Intolerance

You are allergic to metals.   Prerequisite:
None   Effect:
You suffer an additional point of damage when struck by metal weapons. The natural attacks of inevitables, iron golems, and other creatures composed of metal also deal this additional damage.   Suggested Class/Race:

Methodical Magical Methods

Your spellcasting methods require a rigid posture that makes you vulnerable to your foes while casting.   Prerequisite:
None   Effect:
Ability to cast spells.   Suggested Class/Race:

Meticulous Performer

You get lost in your performances.   Prerequisite:
Bardic music.   Effect:
Initiating or maintaining any bardic music ability is a Full-Round Action.   Suggested Class/Race:

Mounted Warrior

You only feel comfortable fighting from the saddle.   Prerequisite:
Ride 1 rank.   Effect:
You suffer a -2 penalty on attack rolls made while not riding a mount.   Suggested Class/Race:
Paladin or Barbarian  


Your vision is obscured.   Prerequisite:
None   Effect:
In combat, every time you attack an opponent that has Concealment, roll your miss chance twice. If either or both results indicate that you miss, your attack fails.   Suggested Class/Race:

No Time For Book Learning

You put no faith in the written word.   Prerequisite:
None   Effect:
You are illiterate. You can never learn to read any language, and you suffer a -2 penalty on all Knowledge checks except Knowledge (nature) (this penalty does not apply to Knowledge checks to identify creatures).   Suggested Class/Race:


You are relatively inept at melee combat.   Prerequisite:
None   Effect:
You take a -2 penalty on all Melee Attack rolls.   Suggested Class/Race:


Your great bulk can sometimes impede your actions.   Prerequisite:
Small size, Dexterity 13 or lower.   Effect:
You have double the base weight of a character of your race. Height and weight modifiers are added normally. You lose your +1 bonus to Armor Class and on attack rolls, as well as your +4 bonus on Stealth checks. Armor fitted for you costs as much as for a medium sized creature. Such armor weighs the normal amount for medium creatures.   Suggested Class/Race:


You are weaker in an attribute than you should be.   Prerequisite:
You cannot take this flaw if the total of your ability modifiers is 12 or higher.   Effect:
Reduce one of your Ability Scores. If the score is 12 or higher, reduce it by 2. If it is lower than 12, reduce it by 4.   Suggested Class/Race:

Phantom Sparks

Your body occasionally emits bursts of bright colored light.   Prerequisite:
Ability to cast spells.   Effect:
You spontaneously emit bursts of colored light. These lights are completely out of your control and cannot be used as a light source. They only cease when you are Unconscious, Petrified, asleep, or Dead. You suffer a -4 penalty on all Stealth and Perception skill checks related to sight.   Suggested Class/Race:

Ponderous Spellcaster

Your spells take additional time to cast.   Prerequisite:
Ability to cast spells.   Effect:
The casting time of all your spells are increased by one increment. Spells that normally require a Standard Action to cast require a Full-Round Action to cast instead, those that normally require a Swift Action to cast now require a Standard Action, and spells that normally require a Free Action to cast now require a Swift Action to cast instead. Spells that require an Immediate Action are not affected by this Flaw, nor are spells with a casting time of 1 round or longer.   Suggested Class/Race:

Poor Reflexes

You often zig when you should have zagged.   Prerequisite:
None   Effect:
You take a -3 penalty on Reflex saves.   Suggested Class/Race:

Pride Of Arms

You take great pride in knowing how to use weapons specifically designed for war. You consider all other weapons beneath your station and have allowed your training in them to atrophy.   Prerequisite:
Proficiency in all martial weapons.   Effect:
You suffer a -4 penalty on all attack rolls made with exotic weapons, simple weapons, unarmed attacks, and touch attacks.   Suggested Class/Race:
Fighter or Paladin  

Quarter Elf

Elven blood is not particularly strong in your veins and its features are barely noticeable.   Prerequisite:
Half-Elf.   Effect:
You are not immune to sleep spells and do not gain a Racial bonus on Saving Throws against enchantment spells or effects. You are not considered to have elven blood.   Suggested Class/Race:

Quick Burning Rage

Your rages don't last very long.   Prerequisite:
Rage ability.   Effect:
Your rage only lasts for a number of rounds equal to your newly improved Constitution modifier.   Suggested Class/Race:

Restricted Sorcery

Your magical powers manifest within a limited realm of effects.   Prerequisite:
Ability to cast spells without preparation.   Effect:
Choose two schools of magic to be your restricted schools. When you select spells to learn, you may not choose spells from these two restricted schools. In addition, you may not use wands or scrolls that cast spells from these restricted schools. You may not choose divination as one of your restricted schools.   Suggested Class/Race:


You are relatively poor at ranged combat.   Prerequisite:
None   Effect:
You take a -2 penalty on all Ranged Attack rolls.   Suggested Class/Race:

Short Attention Span

You have little patience, causing you to have difficulty concentrating on repetitive tasks.   Prerequisite:
None   Effect:
You suffer a -2 penalty on all skill checks made to retry an action that you previously failed. This penalty is cumulative, increasing by -2 for every failed attempt. In addition, you may not take 20 on any skill check.   Suggested Class/Race:

Short Of Breath

You have limited stamina and you easily become Exhausted by physical tasks.   Prerequisite:
Con 13 or lower.   Effect:
Whenever you make a Strength check, a Constitution check to continue running, or use the skills Climb, Acrobatics, or Swim, you must make a Fortitude Save at the same DC as the skill or ability check. If you fail this save, you become Fatigued.   Suggested Class/Race:

Short Temper

You become angry and flustered under stressful circumstances.   Prerequisite:
None   Effect:
If you suffer any damage during combat, you must make a DC 15 Will Save or become enraged. While enraged you suffer a -2 penalty to your Armor Class and you cannot use any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skills (except for Balance, Escape Artist, Intimidate, and Ride), the Concentration skill, or any abilities that require patience or Concentration. You cannot cast spells or activate magic items that require a command word, a spell trigger (such as a wand), or spell completion (such as a scroll) to function. You can use any feat you possess except Combat Expertise, item creation feats, and metamagic feats. This enraged state lasts for a number of rounds equal to 3 + your Constitution modifier and cannot be ended prematurely. This penalty stacks with those from the use of the barbarian rage ability, resulting in a -4 AC penalty.   Suggested Class/Race:


You are not prepared to stand face to face with your foes.   Prerequisite:
None   Effect:
You must make a DC 15 Will Save or become Shaken whenever a foe engages you in melee. This penalty takes effect as soon as an enemy attacks you while you are within its threatened area. You recover from your Fear as soon as you are not within an area threatened by foes.   Suggested Class/Race:


You move exceptionally slowly.   Prerequisite:
You must have a base land speed of at least 20 feet to take this flaw.   Effect:
Your base land speed is halved (round down to the nearest 5-foot interval).   Suggested Class/Race:

Slow Healing

You do not heal quickly.   Prerequisite:
Constitution 13 or lower   Effect:
You do not normally recover hit points or temporary Ability Damage through natural healing. If you undergo complete bed rest for a full day. you may recover either 1 hit point or 1 point of temporary Ability Damage. In addition, any conjuration (healing) spell cast upon you works at only half its Caster Level. For example, a cure moderate wounds cast upon you by an 8th-level Cleric would only heal 2d8+4 points of damage, instead of 2d8+8 points of damage.   Suggested Class/Race:

Slow To Anger

It takes you longer to get worked up.   Prerequisite:
Rage ability.   Effect:
Entering a rage requires a Standard Action.   Suggested Class/Race:

Solitary Paragon

You prefer to fight alone.   Prerequisite:
None   Effect:
You gain no benefit from Flanking a foe and instead suffer a -4 penalty on attack rolls made against a foe you flank.   Suggested Class/Race:

Stubby Fingers

You have short stubby fingers, which are not well-suited for grasping.   Prerequisite:
None   Effect:
You suffer a -4 penalty on all attack rolls made when you use a light or one-handed weapon (natural weapons and unarmed attacks do not incur this penalty). In addition, you suffer a -4 penalty on all Disable Device and Sleight of Hand checks.   Suggested Class/Race:
Dwarf, Gnome, or Halfling.  


You fear magic, and avoid it when possible.   Prerequisite:
Inability to cast spells.   Effect:
Whenever you see an item, effect, or location obviously created by magic (whether by spell or some other means), you become Frightened. The Frightened condition lasts until you can no longer see the obviously magical item, effect, or location.   Suggested Class/Race:

Terrain Specialist

You were trained to use your abilities in only one type of environment and are uncomfortable and less competent in all others.   Prerequisite:
Track, wild empathy.   Effect:
Choose one terrain type (aquatic, desert, forest, hills, marsh, mountain, or plains). That is your home terrain, in which you are most comfortable. In all other terrains you suffer a -2 penalty on all wild empathy checks, as well as on Perception or Survival checks made to track. You may only use your camouflage and hide in plain sight abilities in your chosen terrain.   Suggested Class/Race:

Test Subject

You had an unscrupulous master who used you to hone his magical talents.   Prerequisite:
None   Effect:
Choose three of the following schools: conjuration, enchantment, evocation, illusion, necromancy, and transmutation. Your Saving Throws made against spells and spell-like abilities from these schools suffer a -2 penalty.   Suggested Class/Race:

Trivial Performer

Your performance is lighthearted and has limited effect on others.   Prerequisite:
Bardic music.   Effect:
The save DC against your fascinate, suggestion, and mass suggestion abilities is half normal (rounded down). If you use the inspire courage, inspire greatness, or inspire heroics bardic music abilities. their benefits end as soon as you stop performing (rather than lasting for an additional 5 rounds).   Suggested Class/Race:

Uncontrollable Rage

You have no ability to control your rage.   Prerequisite:
Rage ability.   Effect:
You cannot enter a rage voluntarily. If during the previous round something dealt you damage, Grappled or immobilized you, or you failed a saving throw against a spell, you may enter a rage; if you do not wish to enter a rage after such an event, you must succeed at a DC 15 Will Save or enter the rage involuntarily. You cannot enter a rage more times per day than you are normally entitled to.   Suggested Class/Race:


You are slow to react to danger.   Prerequisite:
None   Effect:
You take a -6 penalty on Initiative checks.   Suggested Class/Race:


You are not good at defending yourself.   Prerequisite:
None   Effect:
You take a -1 penalty to Armor Class.   Suggested Class/Race:

Warrior Of The Phalanx

Trained to fight in a group, you have difficulties when fighting alone.   Prerequisite:
None   Effect:
You suffer a -4 penalty on attack rolls you make when not adjacent to an ally.     Suggested Class/Race:

Weak Will

You are highly suggestible and easily duped.   Prerequisite:
None   Effect:
You take a -3 penalty on Will saves.   Suggested Class/Race:

Weapon Bound

You are attuned to your deity’s weapon and no other.   Prerequisite:
Devotion to a specific deity.   Effect:
You lose proficiency with all weapons except the favored weapon of your deity. This flaw does not grant you proficiency with that weapon.   Suggested Class/Race:
Cleric or Paladin  


Accustomed only to a free life in the wild, you panic when captured or restrained.   Prerequisite:
Survival 1 rank.   Effect:
Whenever you are Entangled, Pinned, or bound, you immediately become Panicked. Your Fear is alleviated 1 round after you are free of all bonds. Spells and effects that remove Fear do not prevent this effect.   Suggested Class/Race:


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