Shedu, Greater

This creature has the body of a chestnut-colored horse, large brown-feathered wings, and the head and face of a bearded human. Its long beard and hair is straight-braided.

Shedu, Greater (CR 10)

Large Magical Beast
Alignment: Lawful Good
Initiative: +5
Senses: Darkvision 60 feet, Low-Light Vision; Perception +21
Aura: magic circle against evil
  Speed: 40 feet, Fly 80 feet (average)
Space: 10 feet


Armor Class: 18, touch 10, flat-footed 17 (+1 Dex, +8 natural, -1 size)
Hit Points: 147 (14d10+70)
Saving Throws: Fort +14, Ref +10, Will +10
Damage Reduction: 10/evil
Spell Resistance: 18


Melee: 2 hooves +20 (1d6+7)
Reach: 5 feet
  Spell-Like Abilities (CL 14th):
  Typical Spells Prepared (CL 10th):


24 (+7) 12 (+1) 20 (+5) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) 20 (+5)
Base Attack Bonus: +14
CMB +22
CMD 33 (37 vs. Trip)
  Feats: Blind-Fight, Combat Casting, Fly-by Attack, Hover, Improved Initiative, Iron Will
  Skills: Diplomacy +23, Knowledge (arcana) +22, Knowledge (planes) +22, Fly +16, Perception +21, Sense Motive +22 Languages: Celestial, Common, Draconic; telepathy 100 ft.
  Special Qualities: Ethereal jaunt


Special Abilities

Magic Circle against Evil (Su)

A greater shedu radiates a continuous magic circle against evil at caster level 14th. This effect can be dispelled, but the greater shedu can resume the magic circle as a free action at will.


Environment: Any Warm Land
Organization: solitary or troupe (greater shedu plus 2-5 shedu)
Treasure: standard

  Greater shedu are the leaders and champions of their race. If encountered with other shedus, they are always in a leadership role, directing their lesser cousins in battle. A greater shedu's natural weapons, as well as any weapons it wields, are considered good-aligned for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. Greater shedu are about 10 feet long and weigh about 700 pounds.
  Credit The Shedu originally appeared in the pre-First Edition book Eldritch Wizardry (© TSR/Wizards of the Coast, 1976) and later in the First Edition Monster Manual (© TSR/Wizards of the Coast, 1977) and is used by permission. The Greater Shedu originally appeared in the First Edition Monster Manual II (© TSR/Wizards of the Coast, 1983) and is used by permission.
  Copyright Notice Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.


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