The Skiffer's Hold

Discovery, Exploration


Held in the extradimensional of a Eläin craft, a massive complex of it's compiled findings awaits Exploration, though it's depths will surely take a while to plunder.

For the expediency of this record, things are itemized as to a proper recording.   A Mechanical bird

Though mechanical in nature, this bird is supplied power courtesy of a soul-gem located in it's heart. When left alone, this bird will seek out and destroy whatever it can, although it remains limited by the durability and force exercisized by it's small frame.   Decrypted information about this creature reveal that the soul inside the gem appears to be an inverse of the typical result of having been devoured by the khatikoi - and the reason for this result, being a strange mutation that allowed it to maintain self-recognition after being absorbed into a mirror dimesnion.   Realizing it's false reality, and then rejecting it, it then commited complete genocide of all life in it's reality, eventually locating and killing the host directly, the backlash of which condensed it into it's current shape.   For the crimes it committed in it's own reality, the soul is irrevocably tainted even if it were to find it's missing 'pieces' meaning that it is best kept trapped and preventing from becoming threatening.   Though the creature's wickedness knows no bounds, Suzy has - to a degree, exerted a certain amount of control and possesses it as a companion, swaying it's loyalty and showing it a lifestyle it had forgotten could exist.   Dryad Ryiah
A daughter of an Eladrin elf, and a Dryad - Ryiah's fey connections are astoundingly powerful, initially an amnesiac Pennie helped her recover her memories, which has resulted in her leaving the skiffer in which she had been trapped after transforming her tree-heart into a more manageable form.   Her loss of memories was originally a method of protection against a creature who hunts through the plane of dreams and invades a creature's memories. The creature has since been caught and is currently trapped in between the page's of Pennie's book.   Currently, she has set up roots somewhere close to the expedition site, though exactly where has yet to be found by expedition members. Though given the verdant growth that would naturally start occuring where she settled down, it is likely that any of moderate determination could find her.   Jadetech Prime Encountered as it blocked passage over top of a bridge, This massive jadetech construct was disabled by Marrok and then examined by Suzy. Who learned that this creature had a more advanced learning capability that was atypical for most jadetech machinery and granted it a form of sentience.   What she found especially strange was that the Dragon's jade within the system appeared to have undergone a mutation which caused the processing functions of the robot to experience genocidal urges towards humanoids. Corrupting it and making it a poor defender for the creatures it was designed to protect, likely the cause of death for some poor Eläin.   Recovering it, the construct currently sits deactivated in a storage nearby to where Suzy's laboratory is. Though the original design allows for some degree of piloting, without explicit study into the matter it would prove a poor usage of the device, and she instead occasionally takes breaks from her work to use her nanobots to "heal" the mutated dragon's jade.   Demonix, the Fierce but tiny
a diminuitive Demon trapped within the Skiffer's hold, the records simply read as follows   "NOTE: Just because it can be acquired doesn't mean it should. This thing should have been left imprisoned back where we found it, but can no longer be returned as it would result in it's freedom."   "ADDENDUM: Add more soundproofing around it's room. This creature is quite possibly more annoying than it is dangerous... somehow."   The Iron King's Ritual Heavy is the head who wears the crown, Heavy are the burdens of the soldier. At the forefront of Conquest; is the true ruler's forge.   A psicrown had sat upon the head of a man who was the focus of a ritual of leadership - the man having attempted to assert his dominance, was deemed unworthy by his people and the crown itself, which had lobotimized them to leave them as a husk when found by the explorers.   Unknowing the ritual's meaning, Marrok would bear the crown - finding it to clamp down onto his skull directly with iron spikes and take a seat upon the throne, with Pennie acting as one of the servants. Scanning over ruler and servant both, the crown would quickly realize that in Marrok, it had found a respectable ruler, and destroy the stored personality it once had to make way for a fragment of Marrok's own, where it would offer him it's permenant support...   alongside Pennie, who remains dominated to Marrok's will though her willingness for this task means that none have truly realized this matter.   Although in more recent times, Marrok's removal of his helmet has resulted in a certain woman identifying her family's penultimate claim of dominance, and realizing that it rested atop an excellent pair of shoulders, and thus making a hidden promise that her loyalty to him would remain true, no matter the path he would take.   Leaches
A goblinoid collector of cursed trinkets, his posessions have limited value and are all extremely cursed. Somehow he continues to acquire more despite having initially been captured by accident. Within the logs they theorize that he has the ability to randomly chance and draw out new items from seemingly nowhere. They also tried to get rid of him 62 times, and were unable to do so.   The Furnace Creature a living furnace, this walking smithy had been trapped within the skiffer for millenia; though it had always kept to true it's purpose of waiting for the inheritory of the iron king. Awakening once he had taken his crown, and preparing for it's function of passing on - if not the techniques, the unique enhancements that had been encoded into it.   The Origin Jade in one of the most hidden rooms of this massive hold, there was a mass of dragon's jade; though upon discovery, rampant magical attacks started running through the area, as the dragon's eyes glowed and they could all collectively feel a rage, filling their mind, a pure livid wrath, as the dragon's decayed bones carried within them, a desire to eradicate humanoid life. Hungering for revenge, and having it encoded in such a way that it could never be forgotten.   Like the Prime Jadetecth construct, Suzy has stored away the most of this mass, and keeps it safe - not to be purposed in jadetech construction due to it's "rampant" nature that would make it destructive towards anyone who tried to use it.