The Way Back


5/3 14:00
5/3 18:00

Carrying a giant magical beacon of "come attack me" expedition members must defend themselves as they hurry back home in order to place the dragon's placing back into the twisted tower.

With precious cargo, members of the expedition scout quickly ahead to try and ward off the problems they may yet encounter. Among them apear a strange race of fantastical cat like creatures. Each one with a terrible chilling grin, and the ability to dimensionally shift themselves across reality and across the battlefield.   Ambushing the adventurers, they attempt to assault the members, only to be met with quick justice in the form of Fist and shield. Alexsander, Cassandra, and Gabriel acting as an impenetrable wall for the first sally, before the two men would return the adventurous strikes, with Cassandra staying behind to block on behalf of Pennie and Marrok.   With flechette-like strikes, some of these cats launched multiple missiles towards the party, upon which Pennie would act gracefully and speedily to repeatedly and rapidly recover their wounds, whilst when the repeated strikes became too much, Marrok's lances would rain and pierce upon his foes, like a rain from the skies. Offering opportune movements for his allies to get around, whilst piercing and pinning his foes.   Of course, as excellent an archer as Marrok was, Cassandra's shield would play a large part in banishing these ccreatures to other realms, as she swallowed them whole and blocked the attacks of the next one, leaping in and stunning them with great blows from her weapons.   Leaving them therefore open for the fist of gorum, Gabriel whose deadly blows would break spine and skull alike, crushing his foes before him with Cassandra's aide.   Alexsander's blade would repeatedly be hefted and fall upon the enemies twinned with the silver strikes enacted by Pennie, whom together with the the taller male would run and wreak devastation until the numerous foes were slain, - and they, the victors.   Yet this was not the only encounter of which this party would have, for they would move into a strange magical field - occupied with portals to other places, it appeared to be consumed by fire and ice, and as they first encountered it, they would find another strange species - this time of rock like creatures, whom they would later know as being the The Rockles, and though marrok had the time to enact an opportune strike, he chose not to. Instead letting them run free.   This choice, luckily ensured that they would avoid a battle on multiple fronts, as when Alexsander grew curious about the ice-like material on the ground, they would stay but a short time to harvest it, and consequently be attacked as they did. Strange vine-like creatures springing up from the ground, each with the ability to teleport the creature they touched.   Though, this threat was merely ephemeral, and barely worth note - the members of this group all far too experienced to fall prey to such a simple, and cheap tacitc.