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War Chief

Atilla is the last remaining war chief and de facto leader of the Djarin. He convinced the other war chiefs to abandon King Deleanor Djarin after a disastrous defeat at the first battle of Korribon, which ended with the Djarin abandoning their city and hiding in the mountains. King Deleanor, in an attempt to rally his troops and maintain his legitimacy, personally lead the counter-attack to retake Korribon from the empire. The war chiefs and their armies abandoned him on the field, leading to the slaughter of the king's guard and Deleanor's capture by the imperials.   Atilla agreed to exchange the king's daughter, Delilah, in return for safe passage to the Exiled Wastes. Tiberius Hadrianus accepted this offer, and true to his word, allowed Atilla to lead what was left of the Djarin north.   Once the Djarin set up a permanent camp in the exiled wastes, Atilla claims to have received a prophecy from the elder gods. They commanded him to bring back the old ways - ensure that warriors only showed their face to other warriors, and revive the Great Dragon Hunt. Only the destruction of Trogdor will return the Djarin to their rightful home.   Atilla also claimed to have a second vision - the elder gods told him that a powerful sorcerer would help them destroy the empire and take down the dragons. With The Child delivered to him by Mork and his party, this prophecy seems to be fulfilled.   Atilla is fanatical in his devotion to the old ways. He is convinced that the emperor himself must die by his hand - once he has destroyed Trogodr. He takes pleasure in the destruction of imperial armies, and the destruction of any dragon foolish enough to cross a Djarin's path.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Little is known about Atilla's past.  He was selected for War Chief after besting the previous war chief in single combat.  He is known to be absolutely ferocious in battle, wielding the ancestral mithral plate of his clan and wielding a dragonslayer greataxe.

Personality Characteristics


Atilla wants to see the empire burn and the dragons defeated.  He seems single minded, some would say fanatical, in his goals.
Current Status
Leading the Djarin
Dark Blue
Shoulder length blond hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
225 lbs
The Old Gods
Aligned Organization

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