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Delilah Hadrianus

Princess of the North

The only daughter and sole surviving heir of King Deleanor of the Djarin. When her father was captured at the second battle of Korribon, Delilah was sent to the garrison by the remaining War Chiefs as a political prisoner. In exchange for the only heir to Deleanor's throne, the Djarin were allowed to exile themselves to the North.   Delilah was only 15 when she was sent to be a guest of the Legatus, but was treated with the respect due one of royal lineage. Tiberius Hadrianus, who was waging wars of attrition against numerous barbarian tribes at the time, began to ask Delilah about the culture and tactics used by the various tribes. When it became increasingly clear that Delilah had a brilliant tactical mind, Tiberius had her join his war council.   Over the course of several years their mutual respect for one another blossomed, and that respect blossomed into romance. On her 18th birthday Tiberius asked for her hand in marriage, saying that he had never met any woman in the empire that could match her beauty or wit. She agreed, on the condition that her father be released from the dungeons and pardoned for his alleged crimes. Tiberius agreed, with the stipulation that her father becomes his personal servant.   With Delilah's future secure, she has been pressing Tiberius to end hostilities with the Djarin and put her on their throne. Not only would it expand the imperial dominion and his own power, but it would add a powerful ally to their auxiliary forces outside the reach of anyone else in the content. With civil war brewing in the empire, Tiberius agrees this is the best course of action.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Delilah was taught from an early age how to fight and how to rule. While her brothers, who were all killed in battles with the empire, trained for strength at arms, Delilah immersed herself in tactics and strategy. She was devastated by the loss of her brothers, but was elated to find that her father was still alive. She agreed to become a political prisoner to make sure her father stayed safe.   At first, she regretted this decision. Although she was treated well, she was effectively under house arrest and confined to the garrison. She used her time to study the legion's tactics, determined to escape with her father and use the legion's tactics against them. However, as she spent more time with Tiberius Hadrianus, she began to sympathize with the empire's point of view. Her tribe had constantly squabbled amongst themselves, and this lack of unity was what ultimately allowed the empire to crush them. The empire brought prosperity to those who joined their ranks, and Tiberus's policy of integrating barbarians into the legion and granting citizenship made her believe that he really was trying to bring the benefits of civilization to the North.   Delilah learned through her network of spies that Atilla had left her father to die on the battlefield. In order to legitimize his power, he started implementing long-abandoned traditions, requiring warriors to only show their faces to other warriors, and reviving the tradition of the Great Dragon Hunt. His reckless actions have gotten hundreds of Djarins killed.   Delilah has determined that Atilla must be stopped, by any means necessary.

Failures & Embarrassments

She is embarrassed that her father, a once proud warrior, is now a slave.  But she dare not say anything to Tiberius.

Mental Trauma

Delilah is still traumatized by the death of her brothers.

Personality Characteristics


Delilah wants to merge the Djarin people into the empire.  She wants to remove Atilla from the throne and secure her birthright.


Delilah Hadrianus


Towards Tiberius Hadrianus


Tiberius Hadrianus


Towards Delilah Hadrianus


Current Status
At the garrison in Korribon
Current Location
Tiberius Hadrianus (Husband)
Light brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
110 lbs
Aligned Organization

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