Adventurer Profession in Athanya | World Anvil
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Written by orphidor

Children of all races dream about partaking in the excitement and honor that comes with adventuring. Most outgrow their wild ambitions as they grow older, but there are those few who still decide to seek the dangerous lifestyle of an adventurer as adults.



In order to become an adventurer, diplomacy and charisma are helpful traits to have, but they typically aren't enough by themselves. A person must also possess a skill that would make them useful to their traveling companions. This usually ends up being expertise in wielding a weapon, but it can also include healing abilities, survival skills, proficiency with magic, or strategic prowess.   Adventurers must be mentally flexible able to cope with constant change. A level of bravery that sometimes borders on recklessness is usually required as well.

Career Progression

Possessing a decent amount of charm or having a charismatic party member makes an adventurer more likely to gain status in their profession because

Payment & Reimbursement

Adventurers are usually employed by a wide variety of people, including city councils, town leaders, merchants, and others with assets to spare and a problem that needs solved. The greater someone's renown, skill, and record of past successes, the higher their pay can be. Their reimbursement has the potential to be substantial, but it's often inconsistent unless they can find someone in need of long-term services instead of one-off requests.

Other Benefits

Because adventuring is such a glamorous profession, adventurers can receive significant social recognition (depending on their abilities, charm, and success in past endeavors.) The most famous adventurers, including Razi Abumagi, are respected and cherished, particularly by the communities from which they originated.



Adventurers fill many roles: protectors, explorers, spreaders of information, advocates of progress, and anything else that comes with extensively traveling the Middle Realm.


Those who are both willing and able to find success in this profession are rare, so adventurers make up a small portion of the population. They're usually Suktu because of the fact that they're among the most common intelligent races, though the Tsaamit are also well-suited for the job because of their drive to wander.


Adventurers have been around since the Age of Balance began. They started off as individuals or groups who set off on simple scouting missions, but the profession has since gained prestige and popularity after more settlements were firmly established and the various cultures of the Middle Realm began to blossom.


Provided Services

Adventurers are often the ones to deal with the dangerous creatures that call the Middle Realm home if they threaten intelligent settlements. They may also pursue wanted criminals, provide protection services, retrieve information, or explore treacherous locations.

Dangers & Hazards

Despite its admiration, this is a risky career. The dangers of the wilds they explore and the monsters they battle have claimed the lives of many who called themselves adventurers.
Demand for adventurers is always high because of the amount of danger present in the daily lives of those residing within the Middle Realm. Parties with better reputations are more highly sought-after.
Being an adventurer is perfectly legal. In fact, some adventurers have the privilege of bypassing certain laws surrounding fighting in public, possessing weapons in restricted areas, or even murder in extreme cases.
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