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Kalzua (cal-ZOO-ah)

Written by orphidor

The Kalzua are slightly more animalistic in appearance than most races, bearing a striking resemblance to bipedal pigs, but that has no effect on their intelligence and ingenuity. As a whole, they tend to be incredibly talented miners and farmers. Oddly enough, they tend to fall into two distinctive appearance categories depending on the location and circumstances under which they were raised.

Basic Information


The Kalzua are bipedal. They have two arms, two legs, and small curly tails. Their faces are dominated by large, flat-ended snouts. Many have small or medium tusks protruding from their lower jaws.

Growth Rate & Stages

After birth, they are feeble and require lots of care. They begin the process of maturing at around the age of 15 and reach full physical maturity at around the age of 20. During that time, the Metropolitan and Rural varieties become distinct from each other, depending on where the majority of their life thus far has taken place.

Ecology and Habitats

The Rural Kalzua thrive in areas with lots of open space and few other inhabitants. The Metropolitan Kalzua share closer quarters with more neighbors.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They're omnivorous and consume a wide variety of foods.


The Kalzua tend to be fascinated by anything involving digging. Many Rural Kalzua focus on farming, while the Metropolitan variety tend to enjoy mining.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

As one of the Realms' intelligent races, the Kalzua are capable of demanding intellectual pursuits like advanced mathematics, architecture, and sciences. They love anything to do with digging in the soil and are extremely knowledgeable about both farming and mining.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Their senses of smell are fantastic. Their sight and hearing are good. They aren't hindered by low-light vision.
Genetic Descendants
100 to 120 years
Average Height
4 feet 8 inches to 5 feet 8 inches (depending on variety)
Average Physique
More often than not, they're stocky and sturdily-built. Their bodies tend to be very dense and well-muscled.
Geographic Distribution
Related Technologies

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