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Eri Evirthi (EHR-ee ehv-IRTH-ee)

Character design by shrimp-senpai, personality and story by orphidor

Eri Evirthi

Eri is a quiet person who's often seen as frightening to others because something about her just seems... strange. She doesn't care in the slightest. She has more important matters to tend to.   Eri's Mental and Physical Facets are stronger than her Emotional Facet.  


Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Eri is physically tough along with being intelligent. Though she isn't the strongest or fastest person in all the Realms, she's athletic enough to protect herself and hold her own in a fight.

Body Features

Eri is slender and lightly-muscled, with a flat chest and shoulders slightly wider than her hips.

Facial Features

Eri's face isn't particularly rounded or pointy, it's something in between the two ends of the spectrum. Her eyes are narrow and slightly slanted.

Identifying Characteristics

Her stark white hair and red eyes cause her to stand out in any crowd.

Special abilities

Eri's Boon is the ability to survive any natural venom or poison. She still becomes sick upon exposure to the dangerous substances (sometimes extremely so,) but the ability proves extremely useful in her study of fungi.

Apparel & Accessories

Eri usually wears simple tunics and trousers in shades of red and brown. She always sports a cloak made of rough brown bear's fur, along with a set of metal vambraces and a necklace of large wasp's galls.

Specialized Equipment

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Having grown up in the the Foul Grove, her early life was steeped in bizarre experiences that would likely be considered horrific to those not from the region. She and her parents lovingly cared for the flesh trees, leaning their ears close to their whispering mouths, carefully noting down what they said in the hopes of discovering new knowledge of forbidden spells among the nonsense. Eri grew fond of attempting these spells in order to see what they did, despite the unpredictable nature of her experiments.

Gender Identity

She was declared to be a boy when she was born and her parents tried to raise her as such, but she insisted from an early age that she was meant to be a girl like her mother. Her parents ultimately relented and accepted her as their only daughter amid a horde of boys. Though she hasn't been able to physically transition and feels restricted when padding her chest for a more traditionally feminine silhouette, she is still confident in her identity as a woman.


She is equally attracted to men and women.

Failures & Embarrassments

Many of her prior interactions with "normal people" who aren't from the Foul Grove have ended with Eri feeling distressed and uncomfortable. Part of this is due to cultural disconnect, but part is also because of her eccentric personality and way of communicating.

Mental Trauma

Witnessing the elemental dismemberment of her mother impacted Eri profoundly, ultimately driving her to set out from the Foul Grove in search of a way to reverse the process.

Intellectual Characteristics

Her intelligence types are logical, intrapersonal, naturalistic.

Morality & Philosophy

Eri is a "live and let live" type of person. She believes that, if someone isn't actively doing harm to others, they should be allowed privacy and shouldn't face persecution.

Personality Characteristics


In the short term, her goals are to find trinkets and mushrooms to document. In the long term, her determination is finding a cure for elemental dismemberment.

Likes & Dislikes

Loves her mother and mushrooms. Likes snails, magical experiments, and trinkets. Dislikes the sun. Hates being perceived by strangers.

Vices & Personality flaws

She can be overly blunt (or, as some might say, "tactless.")


Bathes when she's dirty, but otherwise isn't overly concerned with cleanliness.


Family Ties

Has a mother (elementally dismembered,) a father, and five brothers. Her mother was her closest confidant and her strongest supporter, so living without her is a constant source of sadness for Eri.

Social Aptitude

While not exactly shy, she's still very introverted and prefers her own company or that of her family. She isn't charismatic at all.


She has a tendency to tilt her head to the side when paying attention to something. When she speaks, she jumps back and forth between topics that seem unrelated to others but are connected in her own mind.

Hobbies & Pets

Owns a one-eyed tan working dog named Ugly Dog who follows her everywhere and barks at strangers. Her hobbies include hunting for trinkets and mushrooms, then drawing and documenting the fungi along with info about where and during which season she found them in her sketchbook.

Wealth & Financial state

She is wealthy in trinkets, but not in money.
Current Status
Current Location
Date of Birth
26th of Winter's Start
Year of Birth
324 AB 26 Years old
Assigned male at birth
Narrow, red, usually decorated with black eyeliner
Pure white (from a magical mishap)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
4 feet 5 inches
88 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Leave me alone."

Character Portrait image: by SacredNanners
  • 324 AB

    26 Winter's Start

    Eri Evirthi is Born
    Life, Birth
    Foul Grove
  • 337 AB

    Eri Comes Out
    Life, Identity

    At the age of 13, Eri comes to a firm decision about the feelings she's been experiencing and asks her family to refer to her as a girl.

  • 346 AB

    Eri Leaves the Foul Grove
    Life, Relocation

    Eri sets off from her home in search of a cure for elemental dismemberment.

    Foul Grove
  • 346 AB

    Eri's Mother Is Elementally Dismembered
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    Eri's mother is elementally dismembered after a magical mishap.

    Foul Grove