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Elemental Dismemberment

Written by orphidor

Elemental dismemberment is complete and total rending apart of not just the body, but the mind and soul as well. It occurs when, for one reason or another, a member of an intelligent race's facets of consciousness are separated.


This devastating condition seems to happen more often to those who've been exposed to highly-concentrated magical energy and/or people who've experienced more pain, grief, and suffering. Aside from this, there is no known reason for its occurrence.


When elemental dismemberment occurs, the three facets of a person's being (the physicalthe mental, and the emotional) are separated and scattered.   Cases of complete elemental dismemberment result in an unpredictable wandering body, a consciousness set adrift, and a deeply emotional spirit that obeys only its fleeting instincts.   Instances of incomplete dismemberment happen when two facets stay together, but the third is scattered. Various combinations (for instance, the physical and the mental remaining together while the emotional is separated, etc.) are possible. A person may still be functional in this state, but a key part of their very being is missing and they will never be complete again.


There is no known treatment for the condition. Eri Evirthi is currently researching a cure, but has not been successful thus far.


With complete dismemberment, the body will wander until it rots to pieces. The unrestrained mind will eventually go mad in the abscence of the other elements. The emotions roam at random, pursuing pleasure and fleeing from fear without any level of self-awareness.

Affected Groups

Every intelligent race is at risk. Mages who experiment with dangerous spells and people who've suffered in life are statistically more likely to experience the condition.


Apparently mostly random, with little predictability or consistency of occurrence. Though it's not an everyday event, almost everyone will see its effects at least or twice in their lives.

Cultural Reception

Most people are repulsed by the thought of elemental dismemberment. It's viewed as unnatural at best and a fate worse then death at worst.
Chronic, Acquired
Extremely Rare