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Siffi Karstunsi (SEE-fee karst-OON-see)

Character design by ohnobees, story and personality by orphidor

Siffi Karstunsi (a.k.a. "Wrath's Daughter")

Siffi is a quiet Suktu woman whose introversion nearly borders on stoniness. As part of Abumagi’s Alliance, she harnesses her intrinsically forceful emotions to protect individuals who can't protect themselves. One of the few individuals she is openly friendly with is her close friend and adventuring companion Razi Abumagi.   Siffi's Physical and Emotional Facets are stronger than her Mental Facet.  




Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Siffi is very fit and active, and she has a strong build. She is more than capable of physical activities like running, climbing, and lifting heavy objects.

Body Features

Her waist is thinner than her hips and bust, but she's not particularly curvy. Her limbs are packed with working muscle (not the overly-defined, showy type.)

Facial Features

Her face is round and she has a pointed chin. Her features are usually set in a determined, slightly-grim expression.

Identifying Characteristics

She daubs red markings around her eyes in the custom style of warriors from the far south. This is meant to grant her insight into which situations require fighting and which do not.

Mental characteristics

Personal history


Siffi remembers little from her earliest years. One of her first memories is standing with the inhabitants of her small village, holding hands in a circle in the midnight darkness while something she couldn't quite understand writhed in a pool of blood and organs before her. The image still comes to mind randomly, leaving Siffi confused and frustrated.  


As Siffi grew older and her memories become more firmly-settled in her mind, she recalls a poor relationship with her parents and two siblings. Her mother, father, and brothers were extremely subdued at all times, never taking much of a stand on anything or opposing Siffi in any way. No matter what she said, they agreed with her, even if she contradicted herself immediately afterward. Something similar could be said for everyone else in her village, no matter their age or rank. They didn't even protest when Siffi's instincts told her something was wrong and she began to train herself to wield various weapons, especially simple woodaxes, often using things like fence posts or nearby trees as practice dummies. This angered Siffi immensely. She felt as though she was the only one to feel anything in any level of severity. She wanted to experience something beyond muted pleasantries and gentle agreement, even if it meant arguing with somebody.  


A few years ago, Siffi reached a breaking point. She gathered supplies from others in the village and left. Nobody stopped her. Even when she walked back, stood in the center of town, and shouted that she was running away, all she got were vacant stares and a few gentle "goodbyes." It was only after she made her way to the next town over and witnessed the vibrancy of ordinary folk that she realized that her suspicions over the years had been right: something really was deeply wrong with her home village.  


After wandering aimlessly for a while, Siffi found Razi Abumagi. She quickly grew fond of the vibrant-yet-inexperienced Razi, and the two decided to travel and explore the world together. The two ultimately discovered more companions and founded Abumagi’s Alliance.

Gender Identity

Siffi proudly identifies as a woman, though she still respects others who don't.


She is attracted to women, a fact which she only realized fairly recently.


Minimally educated beyond the Divine Conveyance, primarily self-educated in fighting techniques using a variety of weapons (including swords and axes.)


As an integral part of Abumagi’s Alliance, she finds employment wherever Razi does.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Many of Razi's achievements are shared by Siffi. The two met early on in their adventuring careers and have stuck together since.

Intellectual Characteristics

Her intelligence types are spacial, kinesthetic, and intrapersonal.

Morality & Philosophy

Siffi believes that everyone deserves to feel what they want and live a vibrant life, as long as they don't hurt anyone else in the process. If someone hurts another person and feels no remorse, their own rights are forfeited.

Personality Characteristics


Siffi's main motivation is to use short bursts of conflict to resolve greater and more dangerous situations. These might include a short outburst to end a long-running feud or a battle to destroy a dangerous monster. She has no desire to cause harm when doing so would be unnecessary.

Likes & Dislikes

Loves cold weather and friendly sparring. Likes swimming and horses. Dislikes extremely warm weather. Hates when people refuse to leave her alone.

Virtues & Personality perks

She has a strong sense of right and wrong, as well as the ability to harness her naturally strong emotions for the greater good. A common way in which she does this is by availing herself of her strong sense of righteous anger to fuel herself during battle.

Vices & Personality flaws

When confronted with overly-friendly people who she thinks are too bothersome, Siffi has a tendency to tell them as much, which others consider very rude. Her lack of interpersonal skills as a whole tend to cause her issues. (Thankfully, Razi is usually around to handle social situations for her.)

Personality Quirks

She blinks less than the average person. Some consider this to be unnerving.


She's not particularly obsessed with cleanliness, though she isn't slovenly, either.

Representation & Legacy

She bears a highly-stylized symbol on her chest which is meant to represent the head of a mammoth. (In the far south, mammoths are considered to be symbols of strength.)


Contacts & Relations

Friends/Adventuring Companions
Razi Abumagi, Tzeka Minzede, Kaoli Binali

Family Ties

She has parents and two brothers, but hasn't spoken to them in years and does not know if they're still alive.

Social Aptitude

Siffi isn't particularly charismatic. Though she doesn't mean any harm, her etiquette isn't polished and her mannerisms are unintentionally brusque.


She tends to answer questions with gestures or monosyllabic responses, which gives others the impression that she's cold and distant.


She doesn't speak much. When she does, it's understood by her friends to be a gesture of trust and fondness.


Siffi Karstunsi

Friend (Vital)

Towards Razi Abumagi



Razi Abumagi

Friend (Important)

Towards Siffi Karstunsi




The two met in the far south, while both were inexperienced as adventurers. They quickly bonded over their shared serious natures and penchant for ax-wielding.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Both enjoy horses, dogs, exploring the Middle Realm, informal sparring, and weapons (especially axes.)

Current Status
Current Location
Year of Birth
324 AB 26 Years old
Blue, large, heavily-lashed
Waist-length, pale blonde, Waist-length, pale blonde, always braided close to scalp on one side
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
4 feet 7 inches
96 lbs
Aligned Organization

Character Portrait image: by Xediaa