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Razi Abumagi (RAH-zee ah-boo-MAH-gi)

Character design, story, and personality by orphidor

Razi Abumagi

A beloved Suktu warrior, Razi has performed many heroic favors for the Stone Sanctuary, nearby Asylum, and other communities she has visited during her time spent adventuring.   Her Mental and Physical Facets are stronger than her Emotional Facet.  
Theme Song

Razi Abumagi Moodboard

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Razi isn't particularly fond of fried foods and sweets, so her diet is naturally healthy, even if it isn't by choice. She especially enjoys poultry, but never eats it in front of Tzeka. She rarely eats cheese or milk due to the fact that it upsets her digestive system.

Body Features

Her body is rectangular in shape and not particularly curvy. She is well-muscled and statuesque in build.

Facial Features

She has a bold nose, a pointed chin, wide eyes, and strong eyebrows.

Identifying Characteristics

Razi has several scars that are kept covered under long sleeves and trousers. Her only visible scar is one stretching from her right eyebrow to her hairline.

Physical quirks

Razi can't stand to taste anything bitter. Whenever a bitter food crosses her tongue, she has a tendency to uncontrollably spit it out (much to her chagrin.)

Apparel & Accessories

Razi's love for fashion means that she's never seen in drab or shabby clothing. Her favorite colors are rich purples and golds, while her preferred materials are anything sheer and smooth. She is extremely fond of donning elaborate gowns for ceremonies and parties, though she rarely participates in the festivities, preferring to watch the proceedings from a distance instead. Even her armor is pretty, having been designed with an eye for looks in mind and inlaid with gold.

Specialized Equipment

Double-bladed battleaxes are Razi's weapon of choice. Her favorite is a damascus steel ax with her mother's name engraved on the handle, made specifically for her height and build.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Razi was born to the only Suktu at the time to reside at the Stone Sanctuary with the Twolligs. Her mother was unusual for a Suktu in that she preferred the secluded, slow-paced lifestyle of the Sanctuary. Razi's father was unknown.  
Young Adulthood
As she grew older, Razi quickly discovered that though her love for the other dwellers at the Sanctuary (whom she considered to be her family) was strong, she did not share their and her mother's desire for a simple and peaceful life, so she set about to training herself in martial combat with the intent to simultaneously explore the world and help her family.
Current Day
During her adventuring career, Razi has performed numerous quests for the Stone Sanctuary and the nearby town of Asylum. Many of these quests have involved seeking out information or artifacts, though she is more than happy to dispatch the occasional monster that comes down from higher in the mountains or hunt down wanted criminals.

Gender Identity

She identifies as a woman and takes pleasure from expressing herself in a feminine way.


Razi has never been interested in romantic or sexual relationships with others, preferring the strong ties of friendship instead.


Razi trained herself in the art of combat using both swords and axes. Though she later received more formal training from others, her primary education in this area was self-driven. In terms of less tangible knowledge, Razi received some instruction in matters such as history and language, but this was not as extensive because she held such a strong preference for action.


The inhabitants at the Stone Sanctuary are Razi's main "employers," though they hardly count because Razi considers a place to sleep and good food to eat as adequate payment from the ones she feels closest to. She regularly takes jobs from inhabitants of Asylum and other cities, from whom she will accept payment in the form of money to fund her travels.

Intellectual Characteristics

Her intelligence types are logical, kinesthetic, and musical.

Morality & Philosophy

Razi is staunchly good and does not tolerate anything less from others. She is known to be extremely picky in who she chooses to accompany her in her travels, often turning away those she sees as "morally corrupted." Though some consider her too inflexible in her morals, Razi believes firmly that moral flexibility is a pathway to moral corruption and refuses to settle for anything less than her high standards.

Personality Characteristics


She is known (and sometimes placed under suspicion) for her truly altruistic motives. She can and will sacrifice herself for the physical protection of others. She sees the safeguarding of innocents as her duty and is quick to follow her perceived calling whenever possible, even when initially turned away by those she wants to assist.

Likes & Dislikes

Loves fashion and friendly sparring. Likes dogs and horses. Dislikes dairy products. Hates bitter foods and acts of perceived evil.

Virtues & Personality perks

She is very intelligent and has a knack for taking charge in difficult situations. She's also confident in her moral standards and doesn't waver when it comes to what she believes is right.

Vices & Personality flaws

Despite her altruistic nature, she stubbornly refuses to entertain anything coming from the mouth of someone she thinks is "morally flexible," regardless of the validity of what they have to say.


Razi has a tendency to get dirty very quickly when traveling and sparring, but she always cleans herself directly afterwards and maintains good hygienic standards.


Contacts & Relations

Family Ties

Razi has a mother and seven siblings. Her relationship with her mother is extremely good and the two are very close. She loves all her siblings despite the fact that a few tend to argue with her.

Social Aptitude

She isn't the most charming person who's ever lived, but her straightforward, polite nature allows her to speak competently in the presence of others and her confidence means that talking in front of crowds isn't much of a challenge for her.

Hobbies & Pets

She loves dogs and horses, though she doesn't have any of her own. While her singing voice isn't perfect, it's still beautiful, and she enjoys singing Suktu folk ballads around the campfire for her friends.


Razi bears a heavy accent from her home region. Though many would try to stifle it, she embraces it. She has a tendency to pause at random periods within a sentence to properly formulate the words she wants to speak next.


Razi Abumagi

Friend (Important)

Towards Tzeka Minzede



Tzeka Minzede

Friend (Important)

Towards Razi Abumagi



Siffi Karstunsi

Friend (Vital)

Towards Razi Abumagi



Razi Abumagi

Friend (Important)

Towards Siffi Karstunsi




The two met in the far south, while both were inexperienced as adventurers. They quickly bonded over their shared serious natures and penchant for ax-wielding.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Both enjoy horses, dogs, exploring the Middle Realm, informal sparring, and weapons (especially axes.)

Nexali Abumagi

Mother (Vital)

Towards Razi Abumagi



Razi Abumagi

Daughter (Vital)

Towards Nexali Abumagi



Wealth & Financial state

Fairly well-off due to the popularity of her services.
Current Status
Current Location
Date of Birth
3rd of Spring's Heart
Year of Birth
323 AB 27 Years old
Round, golden brown
Dark brown, worn long and unruly, tied back in a ponytail when in armor
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light brown
4 feet 5 inches
91 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Some things can't be tamed, and that's not a bad thing."
Aligned Organization

Character Portrait image: by MEATGRIND