Arkham Caine Museum of the Occult

The Arkham Caine Museum of the Occult is one of the few sites of legitimate occult magic in the city of Atramentum. Inherited from her father, the museum is now owned by Muriel Caine, who delights in dangerous questions and delves into even more dangerous answers.  


Aside from Muriel Caine, there are four other staff members at the museum, an archivist and a security guard for the day shifts and the same for the night shifts. The day and nightshift archivists are the tengu collector Whippoorwill Jaykrake and the half-drow occultist Axel Webb, respectively, while the day and nightshift security guards are the retired dwarven sailor Saltbeard, and the orcish dockworker Jimmy the Nose.   Arcanum inspector Melvin Brown from City Hall does not work for the museum, but is often seen at the museum checking up on the magical activity to ensure it remains within the bounds of permitted research.  


While some patrons to the museum are genuinely interested in the occult, there is another class of patron that visit the museum to sneer at the exhibits and try to intimidate Muriel Caine and the archivists. There is a reason there is a security guard on duty at all times, night and day, to ensure that patrons remember their manners.   More recently, the museum has also been frequented by the joint chief executives of Brightpetal and Gneiss Industrial Technologies, who have a vested interest in the failure of the museum. These profiteer in arcanotechnology are working to monopolise all magic in the city, so consider the occult museum a threat to this capitalist venture.
Collect and research evidence of the occult and avoid being shut down.
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There are all kinds of eldritch and occult exhibits at the museum. Known exhibits include a taxidermied archfiend, some kind of artifact that is particularly harmful to those whose mind is still developing and a kraken, still encased in ice, who diviners have predicted is destined to end the world.   A full list of the museum's exhibits can be found in the Curator's Logs. One is kept in the museum and each of the archivists and Muriel Caine herself also have their own copy.