Dwarvish Language in Avalor | World Anvil
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Dwarvish, or Dwarven, is the name for a family of languages used by dwarves. The dwarves call their own language Dethek, but most other races use that term to refer to the runic alphabet in which the language is written. The language follows dwarves all over Avalor, making it a fairly widespread language.   Once a strong and exclusive language, actual Dwarvish words only make up a fraction of the words used by dwarves, particularly hill dwarves, in modern Avalor. Many dwarves tend to speak Common mixed with Dwarvish words. Dwarven record-keepers and historians are among the few left that can speak whole verses in pure Dwarvish. Although the language in its pure form and exclusive vocabulary has fallen somewhat in disuse, Dwarvish is still found all over Avalor inscribed into weapons, buildings and mystical items.

Writing System

All Dwarvish languages use a runic script known as Dethek.


Dwarvish is full of hard consonants and guttural sounds, and those characteristics spill over into whatever other language a native speaker might speak.


Dwarvish has similar grammatical constructs to Common. This is no doubt due to the fact that both languages evolved alongside one another. These shared rules mean that speakers of Common often find it relatively easy to learn and translate Dwarvish.
Successor Languages


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