Goblinoid Species in Avalor | World Anvil
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The civilized people of the world consider goblins to be nothing more than monsters-and in many ways, they're right. Goblins and their cousins, the hobgoblins and bugbears, were first created by Bane, the Strife Emperor, as foot soldiers for his unholy army. Eons ago, when the flames of the Calamity burned across Avalor, the Betrayer Gods found a people known as the dranassar. An ancestor race to the goblinoids, the dranassar were tall and beautiful, strong of body and mind, and fleet of foot. Their hair was thick and black, and their skin gleamed like gold. Most of the dranassar willingly served the divine beings that descended upon their land, but a few fought back against the Betrayer Gods' rule.   Bane, a cruel tyrant even among the Betrayer Gods, smote the rebellious dranassar and twisted them into the goblinkin. When the armies of the Betrayer Gods wanted for skirmishers, Bane twisted the dranassar into goblins. When he was in need of loyal soldiers, he made them into hobgoblins. And when brute force was required, he sculpted them into bugbears. As the war of gods and mortals raged on, Bane corrupted even those dranassar who remained loyal to him.   The Betrayer Gods are long since defeated, but the goblinkin survived-leaderless, lost, and fallen into chaos. It is said that the voice of Bane still whispers into the minds of the goblinkin, goading them to commit senseless acts of cruelty against all they see.   Few goblins can steel their will against Bane's foul whispers, but those who do live peaceful lives free of the god's influence. Likewise, people who are transfigured into goblins or reborn as goblins do not hear the voice of Bane, and are free from his curse of strife.
Genetic Descendants

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