Orc Species in Avalor | World Anvil
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In some of the most rural pockets of civilization, mention of the orcs arouse utter contempt. Village elders might warn people about hordes of savage brutes who will rape, pillage, and slaughter with no respect for civilization, while an old soldier might tell of a confrontation with a hulking foe who could cleave through a warrior in a single blow.   While this may be true of some orcs, a more cosmopolitan inhabitant of many of the cities of Avalor would be hard-pressed to say the same. In many nations, orcs live alongside humans and other races, filling roles of laborers, carpenters, soldiers, or even sailors. Most breeds of orc are known for their admirable natural brawn, high regard for strength of both body and character, and piety. The orcs of Avalor are far more than mindless minions; they are culturally complex, often tribal peoples who are haunted (and sometimes, controlled) by their dark heritage.  

The Curse of Ruin

  Orcs are one of Avalor's youngest races, and are said to have been born from elves seared by the blood of Gruumsh, the Ruiner, when Corellon pierced the orc god's eye on the field of battle. For long years, orcs were feared as mindless abominations, drawn to slaughter like moths to flame.   Stories tell of how the blood of the Ruiner flows in the veins of all orcs, driving them to commit acts of terrible violence and anger. Orcs call this fury hgar'Gruum, or the curse of ruin, and use it to refer to everything from battle rage to a bad temper. Half-orcs are said to have inherited the blood of the Ruiner, and to carry the same bloodlust and fury that orcs do.   Orcs do tend to have short tempers and feel a certain pull toward violence and anger. But the simple truth is that there is no curse of ruin. Unlike goblinoids, who are actively victims of Bane's temptations, no supernatural power drives orcs to kill. Rather, they are simply victims of the same selfish, violent impulses that corrupt all mortal beings.  

Survival of the Fittest

  Regardless of how civilized a group of orcs might be, the vast majority of them gather in tribal units, usually under some sort of chieftain or warlord. Traditional orcish culture is extremely warlike, with most orcs approaching life with the belief that in order to survive, a warrior must be strong and fearsome enough to take what is needed. Orc tribes that still follow the tenets of the Ruiner consider life to be a constant struggle, and war to be one's way of life.   Orc tribes are often patriarchal, focused on self-betterment, and heavily reliant on this "survival of the fittest" mindset. Young orcs are forced to mature quickly, and their early years can be fraught with tests of strength, fierce competition, and nothing in the way of maternal or paternal love. Children who can't endure the rigors of life are tossed aside and considered lesser. Theirs is a life with no place for weakness.   Orcs who have renounced Gruumsh and integrated into society lack these cutthroat principles, but a high regard for strength still remains an aspect of all orcs. Orcs are headstrong, determined, and fierce in all aspects of life. An orc will push through struggle with a relentlessness and confidence that exceeds that of many other races. They are rarely interested in treaties, trade negotiations, or diplomacy and are known to be rather blunt. Those who have interested themselves in politics and intrigue are known to have a no-bullshit, straight-to-the-point attitude, or at least are considered to speak softly while carrying a big stick.  

Omens, Superstitions, and Religion

  Given their cursed heritage, many orcs live in constant fear of the gods, and their behavior is rooted in that mentality. They believe they can see the influence of the gods everywhere in the world around them and the priests of a traditional tribe are entrusted with the responsibility of identifying these signs and omens—both good and bad—and deciding how the tribe should react to them.   Orcs believe that any seemingly unimportant discovery or event—a bear's claw marks on a tree, a flock of crows, or a sudden gust of wind—might be a communication from the gods. If the tribe has encountered a similar omen before, the priests understand how to interpret it, but if a sign from the gods has no clear explanation, an orc might find itself mulling over the event for hours or days to comprehend its meaning.   These long-held superstitions have led many orcs to piety. Orcs on the fringe of society still live in fear of Gruumsh, with many carrying out his bidding in an effort to appease him. Those strong enough to distance themselves from their hgar'Gruum will might find salvation elsewhere. Given their strong will, many orcs follow principled gods such as Bahamut or Moradin, seeking to smite the evil of their ancestors or continue to promote loyalty to their tribes. Others will turn to Kord, upholding their love of strength and disdain for cowardice.  

Orc Traits

  Your orc character has the following racial traits.   Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2.   Age. Orcs reach adulthood at age 16, and live up to 80 years.   Alignment. Orcs fear the curse of ruin that is said to plague their race, and tend toward either chaos (accepting their fate) or toward law (rejecting it).   Size. Orcs stand easily 8 feet tall and corded with powerful muscles, weighing up to 280 pounds.   Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.   Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.   Primal Intuition. You have proficiency in one skill of your choice from the following list: Animal Handling, Insight, Intimidation, Medicine, Perception, and Survival.   Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Orc.   Subrace. There are three major subraces of orcs—blue orcs, green orcs, and red orcs—with green orcs being the most common across Avalor. Pale orcs are a fourth variant found only in Illandria. Choose one of these for your character.

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