The Obidiah Mines Geographic Location in Avendora | World Anvil

The Obidiah Mines (Oh-bih-die-uh)

The Obidiah Mines are twin black hole systems oriented in such a way that vast amounts of minerals and other materials are pulled towards them and, instead of just being sucked into one of the singularities, are caught between the gravitational pull of the two momentous forces. This has interesting and varying effects on elements, often compressing and changing their molecular structure to make them hyper dense and thus extremely rare and valuable alloys. These materials, accumulated over thousands if not millions of years, can be harvest with great risk and great reward. With proper magnetic and energy shielding, ships can pass safely into the rift between the two black holes to harvest the materials there. Many lives have been lost in the process due to even the slightest miscalculation or mechanical failure or anomaly. Several stations have been set up in a safe distant orbit of the black holes as permanent mining stations with a constant rotating staff of miners due to many either quoting due to stress or making their fortune due to the extremely high wages or death.

Localized Phenomena

Likely the most dangerous phenomenon that occurs here is when particles captured in the gravity of the two black holes are slung at hyper speed around each respective singularity to collide directly in between the two vessel tail giants, splitting their atoms and creating massively powerful explosions. While this is quite rare, it is impossible to predict or prevent and thus any miner caught near such an event meet their unfortunate, rapid, and untimely demise.


The Obidiah Mine was organically discovered and named by the Voyd Enclave not too long after they had begun colonizing more systems throughout stars. It took quite a while for them to developer sensors powerful enough to detect the valuable resources generated at the location, and far longer than that to be able to somewhat safely mine and extract them. The mine has really begun to shine in more recent times however, after the Saurians claimed the location abonded by the Voyds during The Great Voyd Exodus due to their far more advanced technology allowing them to more safely extract the resources.
Black Hole
Location under
Owning Organization
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