2019-12-19 The Killing of Acerak Report in Aventyr | World Anvil
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2019-12-19 The Killing of Acerak

General Summary

"You broke the gem--"
"--NO! I bend reality to my will to save my precious gem."
"Oh... ok. The ground rumbles and a new bulge in reality has formed. Like a great sky zit."
*still distracted by shiny gems* "oooooooooo."

Rewards Granted

Three huge gems — a 10,000 gp peridot, a 50,000 gp emerald, and a 100,000 gp black opal   Four magic weapons — a defender, a sword of vengeance, a berserker axe, and a spear of backbiting   Ninety-seven small gems worth 10 gp each   2x Emeralds each worth 20,000gp from Acerak's Demilich eyes.

Missions/Quests Completed

Completed the clearing out of the Babadukian Temple and removal of the foul evil of Acerack.

Character(s) interacted with


During the final confrontation with Acerak, when things were looking their most bleak, our heroes discovered a mage trapped within am amber-like glass chamber. Feye Lyne broke the glass, freeing the man. With the stranger's help they were able to dispatch the lich, though until the phylactery is disposed of the threat will return in a few day's time.   Gembo harvested several powerful gems stuck inside the wall of a treasure room, including the 100,000gp black opal. The opal cracked during extraction and Gembo used his Reality Change power and repaired the gem. This caused the ground to rumble and some large, round object to begin to press against reality close to the Far-Realm Tear. It was described as   Duer Graystone summoned a Magnificent Mansion and gave some luxurious respite to the group. During that night, the party discovered that Erithien Darkmoon's paranoia was a madness caused from her immortality. The madness cannot be magically removed and is expected to get worse over time, even more so if she continues to die and resurrect. Aldo, Danithal Titanothos and Duer Graystone teamed up to remove Babaduke "Gembo" Gemkind's evil-alignment curse.   The Knights of the Golden Order caught Duer Graystone up on current events after Duer Graystone revealed that he's been frozen in time since the end of the Age of Darkness  . He is dismayed to be revived only to find that the world is on the brink once again, no doubt due to the hubris of men.   It was also discovered that Duer Graystone had some knowledge of the Medusa Counsel when it was mentioned that Dresdin Proudmoore had unfinished business with them before his untimely death fighting a beholder during the excursion to the far-realm through the Far-Realm Tear.   Pate returned to the players and confirmed that Duer Graystone did not have a red dot above his head.   The Knights of the Golden Order plan to head to the Undercropolis to visit Babaduke "Gembo" Gemkind's mother. Duer Graystone expressed an interest in obtaining a deityhood bestowing Token from Old Jass the current God of Magic, Time, and Tradition.
Report Date
12 Dec 2019

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