Awldor History of the Principality of Avistar Timeline
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History of the Principality of Avistar

The major events of the Principality of Avistar, from the founding of the dual realms, its unification by Princess Dalia Skyfire, and its demise at the hands of the Kingdom of Helia.

The Forged Crown

458 AGC 629 AGC

  • 458 AGC

    The Forging of Avistar's Crown

    Alcide Avistar forges his crown himself. The crown was made to exacting standards and has since been a central element of Avistarian politics since.

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Twin Realms

630 AGC 897 AGC

The Avistar siblings establishd two cities that lie on opposite sides of the Silver Mountains. These cities are Orilla to the south and Guateque to the north.

  • 630 AGC

    11 Festum

    Founding of the Twin Cities of Avistar

    The Avistar family siblings, Princess Zurine and Prince Zeru, established cities on either side of the Silver Mountains. Zurine Avistar established the southern city of Orilla, and Zeru Avistar established the northern city of Guateque. Both cities will create their own Principalities in the coming years.

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  • 689 AGC

    15 Aeris
    690 AGC

    4 Festum

    First War Between the Twin Realms
    Military action

    First war between North Avistar and South Avistar, precipitated by a dispute over who could reclaim Avistar's Crown. The crown being an important relic of the Avistar Bloodline, which was ended several years before. However, the Silver Mountains proved too difficult an obstacle for the armies of both Principalities, the only bloodshed occurring in minor skirmishes between advanced scouts. The war was ended when both sides agreed to split Avistar's Crown (physically and symbolically), and it was agreed that neither side would attempt to crown a King or Queen.

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  • 703 AGC

    23 Aqua
    705 AGC

    13 Ignis

    Second War Between the Twin Realms
    Military action

    Renewed tensions concerning Avistar's Crown passed another boiling point. Unlike the previous war years earlier, the armies of both kingdoms saw two major conflicts with one another as both sides developed methods to cross the Silver Mountains. Conflicted ended when the crown mysteriously vanished. A long period of peace followed as both sides attempted to heal the rift between them, and to endure pain of losing their most prized relic together.

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  • 847 AGC

    21 Ignis

    Establishment of the Otima Winery

    Temi Otima establishes the Otima Winery, a place where she could perfect what would become the best wine to be found in Quassus: Temi's Original.

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  • 855 AGC

    29 Luna
    875 AGC

    25 Sol

    Third War Between the Twin Realms
    Military action

    Also known as the "Twenty Year War" or the "War of Mysteries", it is unclear how it started or who was the aggressor. Regardless of who made the first move, a twenty year period of conflict existed between the Northern and Southern Realms of Avistar. The conflict suddenly ended when the Kingdom of Helia unexpectedly annexed the Kingdom of Vista to the east in 875AGC.   Princess Dalia cited this war as a motivating factor that drove her to unite the realms years later.

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United Avistar

898 AGC 1255 AGC

Princess Dalia united the twin realms into a unified state upon the discovery of the Dehur Kjol.

The Shadow of Helia

1256 AGC and beyond

After the conquest of 1255AGC, Avistar is now a subjugated state of the ever growing Kingdom of Helia. In effect, the Principality of Avistar is no more. Many Avistarian inhabitants and much of their land's resources are directed towards the Radiant City of Sol. The current date of the world is 1277AGC, and so is the current end date for this era in Avistar's history.

  • 1258 AGC


    Severo's Prophecy

    The first known rumor of Severo's Prophecy, which states that the Principality will be reborn when Cintia Fucivus reveals herself. It is unclear if this rumor has substance or if it is simply wishful thinking on the part of Avistar Loyalists.