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The Drakyth were a tribe of Ildsif that resided in the mountainous spires of the Skyrealm, closely guarding and serving Drakthyr as his divine handmaidens.

Physical Qualities

The Drakyth were an all-female species that possessed both a bipedal and a quadruped form, though they spent the majority of their time in the former. Transformation was not a conscious effort for them, instead resulting from them experiencing an extreme emotion, typically rage.   In both forms, they possessed a grand pair of horns and one to three pairs of wings. Some individuals were scaled, others furred and feathered, some a mixture of both. In their quadruped forms, they sprawled large as mountains.   Their proximity to the Apostle Avantuen granted them extreme affinity for their innate magic, which often reflected itself visibly in their forms and in some cases their auras. In addition, they were strong of frame with hides no weapon of mortal make could pierce.   Drakyth were immortal, but did not reproduce.


Due to there being only ever nine recorded members of their tribe, the Drakyth were enigmatic, a mystery to all due to their reclusive nature.   Rather than eating food, they subsisted off of the dew formed from the flowers sprouting from the site of Ammayn's death, and violently guarded their territory to prevent any outsiders from even laying eyes upon it.   As such, the shy Drakthyr rather liked the seclusion offered by their protection, and raised and pampered them during his forays to Aypavoc.   Though eight of the Drakyth abstained from any worldly desire, this was largely due to a lack of knowledge of the outside world, as evidenced by the behaviors of the ninth and only sister to travel amongst the other races.


The Drakyth are largely regarded as figures of legend by the other races, with most people expressing doubt as to the validity of their existence, given that the majority of those who seek them out are slain without a second thought.   Those Ildsif that knew of their existence thanks to being granted audience with Drakthyr regarded them as legendary guardians.   Amongst the Nvaonese, they were even more of a myth, but that did not stop the occasional glory-seeker from seeking them out. The ninth sister, Llypse, was captured and enslaved by Magnolia due to her curiosity about the outside world. In the original timeline of SYBE, she was subject to horrific abuse at the hand of the Lethes and grew to become a monster determined to destroy all of Deeprealm for making her suffer. However, thanks to Dust's kindness in the second timeline, she instead revealed herself to be a clumsy joy-seeking girl.  

Notable Drakyth

Average Height
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities

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